Hack Name: Challenge World Demo - 185.2 KB - 38 downloads.
Length: 8 levels
Author: Death From Above - Submitted by: Death From Above
Description: Its not the hardest hack,but it may come as a bit of a challenge.I hope you like it.
Here's Why
There is something about this hack that really irked me. It seems like your ROM somehow got corrupted...because many graphics, (both FG and BG) were blocky, odd, and out of place. If your ROM ISN'T corrupted, and the graphics were intentional...then we have a problem. Let's move on.
You might want to fix the palette.
First example of a blocky background.
Intersecting pipe creates cutoff.
Here we have the first level. It's incredibly bad to look at honestly. The entire level is made up of switch blocks. Why? I have no clue...the background is also incredibly bad.
I was mistaken in my last comment. There are a few instances of grass here and there...but then again...look at what you used for water.
Sigh. Floating water isn't a good thing either.
Red switch blocks hurt. They didn't in the original.
When you use custom blocks, it's wise to put an explanation on what they do. Especially when the graphics give no hint to their behavior. To the bottom left of Mario is a block that enables infinite jumping. The barrel like block below is one of those fast blocks.
Blocky background #2
Easy moon.
I thought I was stuck, until I realized that this opening was a door.
These blocks hurt. The player has no idea of this beforehand.
You're supposed to insert your own graphics for the boss. If not, you get a glitchy boss with odd graphics, as shown here. Also, blocky background #3. ALSO, when the boss gets low on HP, the outline blocks turn into coins, and the boss slowly falls. It's a bit quirky if you ask me.
Fix the BG setting.
Might want to fix the palette here.
Another odd level. Your FG and BG choice here is very strange...especially for what originally seemed to be a cave level.
These tiles should warn players about tiles that act differently. The player shouldn't have to second guess the behavior of a new tile.
Also, that white block to the top right is another powerup that enables a jump dash, which is incredibly tough to maneuver. For can no longer jump straight up. Every jump launches Mario...and this causes a bug which I will show later.
The hand on the bombs are discolored.
Your lava behaves oddly, usually slamming Mario down a few tiles and killing him.
Blocky background #3
This is the bug I was talking about. All I tried to do was jump to the next platform, but instead Mario dashed into the wall and died. You should really consider removing the powerup when it's not needed to avoid this.
The Fuzzy looks very strange...almost as if it was a cutout.
Why do these logs act like quicksand?...
You may want to try and touch up the mountain. The perspective is a bit off, and it wouldn't hurt to throw in some clifflines.
Blocky background #4
Beating the last level caused the background to change to this eye searing white.
You see those puffs of smoke? That's the boss. Yep. Same issue with the other're supposed to insert your own graphics. If not, you get this jumbled mess. And you may want to put a bit more thought into your just ran back and forth in that little hallway. All I had to do was kick blocks left, and it hit the boss everytime. No strategy involved.
Honestly, I don't know what went wrong here. I sure hope that the graphical problems weren't they are incredibly bad. If they were intentional, I suggest you fix them immediately. It seems that you know how to insert ExGFX, so put in some nice graphics, and please explain the behavior of any odd acting blocks. Half the time, I had to make a savestate before touching a new block, as it's behavior was a mystery.