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LM Creativity Contest 2009: Submissions

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Phew. It's October 10th. As promised, the next Halloween (although it doesn't really involve Halloween) contest, so to speak, begins.

This is a completely different contest from anything we've had on this site before, but it's something I have wanted to try for a long time. It should appeal to those interested in drawing/art, even though it isn't exactly what I would call a "graphics" contest.

Basically, the point of this contest is to make a picture using blocks and sprites in Lunar Magic. I am sure that many of you have seen this done before (i.e. people making Mario out of turn blocks, notes blocks, etc.) It is definitely tricky, but it looks fantastic if it is done correctly.

Here are the rules for this contest.

1. You may NOT use custom graphics. You MAY, however, alter the palettes to whatever you like (i.e. you can have green ON/OFF blocks, black note blocks, etc.) Get as creative as you can.
2. The maximum size I would allow for the picture/scene would be five screens in Lunar Magic, but to be honest, I cannot see people needing more than a couple.
3. The BG can be whatever you want it to be (solid black, hills, water, etc). It will not be judged.
4. You may combine any tileset you wish. In fact, you may use ANY graphic you wish from the original SMW as long as they are not custom, which I already stated.
4. Please use level 105 to make your image.
5. When you are finished, please submit an unlocked IPS file. The judges will then open your ROM in Lunar Magic and judge the image like that.
6. The deadline is OCTOBER 25TH

The following criteria will be judged:

CREATIVITY: Did you attempt to make something extremely unique, witty, or just plain different?
NEATNESS: Are we even able to tell what you drew, or is it just a sloppy mess?
USE OF BLOCKS: Did you use a wide variety of blocks, or did you stick with one, boring type to make an image?
OVERALL: How is it overall?
**BONUS POINTS if your image or scene is Halloween themed.

10 points for each, for a total of 40 points. 5 bonus points are available.

Supertails made a little example, but he will have to post it later since I cannot find the link. However, I have a very poor one I made years ago:

(obviously, you should actually make a picture/scene, and not words)

ST edit: here's my (pretty basic) example:

Okay. Drop your IPS files here when you are done, and keep all discussion to the OTHER thread. Thanks!


Mario vs. Spooky Specters

This is my entry, dunno what to call it, so I'll just call it "Mario vs. Spooky Specters". Mario has kicked a shell at some Boos in the hopes of hitting the Explosive Pumpkin Plant behind them, which will trigger a chain reaction that will destroy the Spooky Specters once and for all. Of course, one of the Boos has a surprise for Mario! Will he succeed?
<Adam> I feel like smwc is a prostitute now, because we put up a porn ad for money
Not sure how well this'll turn out, but eh, I decided to make one anyway:

Autumn Time!

Super Mario World celebrates the magic of fall. A spooky Boo plans to rake some leaves while Luigi runs away in fright, the trees turn, Yoshi and a Goomba race to pick a mushroom, and Mario stands surrounded by the gently drifting leaves... sometimes it's nice to not have to rescue a princess, you know?
I decided i'd enter the contest.

Here's my submission!
Download to see wut it is. *it's obvious hint hint* lol
Hm, an interesting idea.

Here's my entry.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT SPOIL THE PICTURE FOR OTHERS. I would like to keep the surprise factor as high as possible, thanks.

NOT AS IMPORTANT NOTICE: People have been saying they can't tell what it is. You can't see what it is if you play the ROM. You have to open it in LM. Also, it might help if you squint/unfocus your eyes or something.

IMPORTANT EDIT: Updated version since 5 out of 5 people who have comment on this didn't know what it was. Seriously guys, I am disappoint.
fuck yeah meowingtons
The Eggs of Saear | #extreme | Spade's Gallery of Visual Arts | PM me | My YouTube channel | xkcd | Dinosaur Comics
"Pumpkin on Fire"

ExAnimation is allowed, right?

Mario and The Valley Fortress
i just lurk sometimes
Outside The Haunted Mansion

Last minute update, for the win!
Here is my entry.

I hope all of the anime fans out there get this one. (And the Loli-fetishists too I guess.) :/

Notte Luminosa Progress:

Click here to download It! :D
Halloween Octavarium - Dream Theater

I included the original picture for comparison in case you haven't seen this picture before. If there is anything that is against the rules in this, just tell me or w.e and ill go fix it right away :>

Edit: Fixed it so that it doesnt use layer 2, just incase using layer2 doesnt count :3

You need to activate animated frames for full effect!
Updated submission, good that mine wasn't added to the list yet: Luigi on Fire. Getting the 1-Up turned out harder than you thought, eh? :3
Man... I have not even looked at the others and already I can tell mine will look awful. [url=]

I hope I'm linking to the right place.
Here is my entry.

Megaman has one HP left when fighting against Airman, then Boo comes along and scares Airman.
Background image by Tzadkiel & Anomalin
Well, here's my entry:

Boo Luigi

Edit: Nevermind, after I found out the purpose of the contest is to use as much different blocks as possible, I'm planning to remake my entry...

Edit2: Meh, I'm too lazy to change it :/
Here is my little bland entry:

Your Primary SMW hacking resource
Luigi and the boo
i did my best for use more than one single tile

Edit: fixed some cutoff
I do pixels sometimes
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