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RESULTS IN! [GFX Competition]

Yay! We get to judge something new!
Here is my entry:
GFX replacement.
Pac-man enemies, my style

Thank you for posting your entry. Are you posting an IPS or just the screenies?
I will become alive again sometime soon.
I'm sorry to say this magmar but... i can't judge, iv'e been too busy with life lately. i can be a participent though, if that's alright with you.
Originally posted by Magmar
Thank you for posting your entry. Are you posting an IPS or just the screenies?

Yeah, an IPS file would be much better to judge
I will try to but Im busy so it probably be judged on the screens.
Originally posted by DragonIce6780
I'm sorry to say this Magmar but... I can't judge, Iv'e been too busy with life lately. I can be a participant though, if that's alright with you.

Awww... We're still down 1 judge then. But yeah if you will be a participant that would be great!

Although I am glad that you submitted, if you can post an .ips then that would be great as well. But if you honestly can't then I guess we'l have to stick with it...
I will become alive again sometime soon.
Ok then might as well do this:

Name - DragonFire6780
Judge or Contestent - Contestent
GFX File type - FG
Any others? - no
Originally posted by 1UPdudes
Here is my entry:
GFX replacement.
Pac-man enemies, my style

I'm guessing the enemies are animated, but I can't be sure unless I can watch/play it.
Just a qucik question - can we just make a completly new gfx file? just a question of mine.
Yeah I guess... Sorry for the delay, been out all week.
I will become alive again sometime soon.
Name - FrozenPerson
Judge or Contestant? - Judge
GFX File Type? - None
Any others? - No

Hacks I Support:

Alright thanks. I'll get to work right away!
Thank you DragonIce and you FrozenPerson.
I will become alive again sometime soon.
Warning to all contestants!
Your final entries have to be in soon.
I will become alive again sometime soon.
18 days left! Gotta get those submissions in!
I will become alive again sometime soon.
Remember to get your submissions in.
15 days left!
{EDIT: Level up!
I will become alive again sometime soon.
phew, here's my submission. The level is really short, but it shows the graphics i made in the level.

before you start crying, Here's my submission
too bad i never completed the BG
i just lurk sometimes
Thank you both, that's half the submissions in. Who will be the one to submit last?
I will become alive again sometime soon.