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The Star World [Beta Boss testers needed]


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I know that part, I don't know what the different settings do though. :/

Take a spare rom, and insert the commands in world 105 and test them. Thats all I can suggest as I know next to nothing about Layer 2/3.
I will become alive again sometime soon.
In order to get Layer 2 on a HORIZONTAL level, you must set the level settings to "1" or "2".
I've used those settings before, and it's gotten rid of the background before. What other layer 2 tom foolery is there to experiment with?

Maybe make the background in one layer, then build a level around it?
I will become alive again sometime soon.
Yeah, I just tested all of the settings for layer 2. I'd better not mess around with it until I get a better grasp of how to use it. I'll keep testing with it, but for now, I'm not going to touch it.

For those of you who hadn't seen it yet, I've started on making a boss for world one. Here's what I have so far. Just wanted to keep the topic alive.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I liked this boss yesterday, and I still like it.
I will become alive again sometime soon.
I'm still going to have to finish the star tower's gaphics so that I can make the level so that I can make the level to put the boss in. Right now, I'm experimenting with layer two, and I have a pretty interesting idea with it, but I'm not sure if it would be that much fun. Is there a way to make a layer two boss battle? So that when you move in the level, the boss moves with you?

Probably. Like a Layer 2 Elavator right?
I will become alive again sometime soon.
No, Like layer two grassland miniboss firing things at you while you're stuck with some layer two boundaries that stay with you till the end of the level.

Oh. Still sounds cool!
I will become alive again sometime soon.
Why not make a layer 1 boss and put the level on layer 2? This is quite restricting (e.g. the horizontal length of the level is limited to one screen) but unless you were intending to have the boss as an obstacle to get through the level this might actually suffice
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.

Oooh look at my userbar!

Sadistic Designer - testing Pit without tools.
I'll beta boss test if you want to. :)
Originally posted by Sadistic Designer
Why not make a layer 1 boss and put the level on layer 2? This is quite restricting (e.g. the horizontal length of the level is limited to one screen) but unless you were intending to have the boss as an obstacle to get through the level this might actually suffice

Yeah, I want an obstacle level with a boss following after mario the entire level until he gets to a pipe.

boss? i'm in!

(man i'm beta testing in a lot atm lol)

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.
Ok, coolio. I'm almost done with the full luigi boss, and I need to find out a way to create a layer two type boss. :D Anyways, thanks guys. :)

Ok, so two quick updates.
1-I'm going to be working on ideas of a Storyline. So far the storyline is as follows :
[Warning : Spoilers Ahead]
Mario's been having nightmares about the end of the world. Everyone He knows is going to die, and He's the only one who can stop the antagonist. He travels to the Star Tower to get the Star Sage [names pending] to fully explain what Mario's dream means. He starts His journey there, but halfway through the travel, it turns out that a bridge worker never finished the bridge leading to the Tower. Mario comes up with an idea to get some blocks to finish the Bridge, so He takes a detour to get the blocks. Right before He gets to the block station, a Monster [Pending] threatens Mario to leave, or to be destroyed. Mario bests the beast, gets the blocks, finishes the bridge, then makes His way to the star tower. Once there, He makes it to the final floor, only to find the sage injured, with Luigi looming over him.
There's some dialouge that you'll get to see when you play for yourself, but in the end, Mario destroys Luigi.
[End of Spoilers]
2-I'm almost done with the star tower's graphics, and I'm coming up with some ideas for the later overworlds. Hope to get some feedback. :)

Originally posted by Magmar
You have to set something and then you place objects... Or is that Layer 3...

You have no clue what your talking about.
No. You can't have a background when using layer 2. However, you can make a layer 3 one, which is what the castle that have layer 3 use. (you have to use terra stripe i think)
Originally posted by 10204307
Originally posted by Magmar
You have to set something and then you place objects... Or is that Layer 3...

Damn straight.
Anyway, thats a very intersting story. It's deep. And funny.
I will become alive again sometime soon.
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