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Explore! and More!


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Most Recent News
Explore! is ready for play! Check it out at: Explore!

Version update 1.1: Version includes fixes for the bugs listed below, things in the hack removal log, and Beautified graphics for the map room. No new secrets (yet!). But now there's asm that makes you lose lives when you die. This will encourage save stating, but prevents the problem where you could just farm for 99 lives in the guantlet. Still got a few things to mess around with before I resubmit to the site.


You wake up in a strange and seemingly peaceful world. Fitting, as you are a strange and seemingly peaceful girl... but you can't remember exactly who you are. As you explore this world you will discover challenging foes, intricate puzzles, your memories, and a dark truth that will shake you to your core. When you reach your destination, what you find there will depend on how much Love, Laughter, and Sin you collected on your Journey. An Ominous thought lingers in your mind, reminding you that someone's life is slowly dwindling away and you should make haste. Can you save this poor forgotten soul?

Explore is an experiment in non-linearity. There is only one level in the main game, but about 50 rooms, and most of the rooms have 2 exits creating a convoluted maze. I have implemented some nifty ASM that makes it so when you die you are sent to the beginning of the current room.

As another experiment, Explore has a second game mode called the Gauntlet. In this game mode you progress through about 25 of my favorite rooms in linear order in case you are not interested in exploring the maze. However, you wont get any story in this mode, and you must acquire the 5 coins in each room to proceed.

Hall of Fame
Explore! has a psuedo-achievements system. Upon unlocking an achievement in game you will be prompted to send me a PM with a secret message. You will be shortly added to the Hall of Fame.

Vespucci - Be the first to beat Explore!'s main game.
*Atomik Bo0*
Honorable mention: Whoamme at 30 minutes later!

Spartacus - Be the first to beat Explore!'s gauntlet mode.

Phileas Fogg - Beat Explore's main game in the fastest time.
Current Record - 902 life remaining.
Current Record Holder: Whoamme.

Maximus - Get the most Love in Explore's Gauntlet mode.
Current Record - 66 love.
Current Record Holder: Whoamme

Cleopatra - Find the secret exit to Explore!'s Main Game.
*Atomik Bo0*

Transcendence - Find all 4 dragon coins and beat the secret boss.
*Atomik Bo0*

Pack Rat - Find the secret exit to Explore!'s Gauntlet Mode.

ExploDe! - Find a glitch in the game (Get sent to 0, glitch sprite or background graphics, something thats not in the original SMW.)

(Special achievements for Explore Exploders, you cant get these)
- Angels Vs Demons: You can't hurt the boss when you have a halo.
- Swung Over the top: In the fast scroll room get sent to 0 by jumping over everything untill you are squished.
- Never Lets Go: Got Yoshi into the desert, caused glitched tounge.
- Sliders2: Dieing in a certain spot in the Mini-Boss room cause you to be teleported into an unexpected room.
- Exploverload: going through 256 pipes cause wierd stuff to happen sometimes.
- Doublesin Gum: Found a way to fight the regular boss, and the secret boss in the same play through.

- Beta Blockers: Found the beta level accidentally left in the game.
- Putrid Pansy: Got a fireflower, the palette is disgusting.
- Divine Furry: Ducking with a halo and an item causes you to gain racoon ears.

- Home Wrecker: Broke through a wall in the rabitt hole.
- Sliders: Died in the guantlet mode puzzle castle room, got sent to the Explore mode puzzle castle room!
- Divine Fury: Punching on a net causes you to gain a halo!
- Deaf not blind: Garbled noteblock graphics in guantlet castle puzzle.
- Never Lets Go 2: Got multiple baby yoshi's together in the guantlets frozen forest.

- Frozen Forever: Dieing in a certain spot in Lizzy's Ice Cave causes you to go to the Endless Bonus Game of Doom.

Grrrr I suck! So many glitches! <Accent=#Italian> Thank a you for breakin my game </accent>

The Endings
There are 11 different endings to Explore! Your ending will depend on the Life, Love, Laughter, and Sin you have at the end of the game. The Epilogues will become unlocked for all players to read whenever any player meets the condition for unlocking it.

Huge Spoilers
Explore Explained
This document contains the story of explore. The way the story is told is very convoluted, as you only get the story in bits in pieces, you dont get it in order, and you can miss a few small pieces. This can make it very hard to understand what is going on. Thus the story in itself is another puzzle that you get to have the joy of putting together. However, if that becomes too much of a chore this document explains the story of explore.

The Dark
Beat the game with less than 30 love, 50 laughter, and 100,000 sin.

The Circle
Beat the game with less than 30 love, 50 laughter, and more than 100,000 sin.

The Crab
Beat the game with less than 30 love, more than 50 laughter, and less than 100,000 sin.
*Atomik Bo0*

The Clown
Beat the game with less than 30 love, more than 50 laughter, and more than 100,000 sin.

The Doll
- LOCKED - (will unlock soon)
Beat the game with more than 30 love, less than 50 laughter, and less than 100,000 sin.

The Night Life
Beat the game with more than 30 love, less than 50 laughter, and more than 100,000 sin.

The Good One
- LOCKED - (will unlock soon)
Beat the game with more than 30 love, more than 50 laughter, and less than 100,000 sin.

The Best One?
Beat the game with more than 30 love, 50 laughter, and 100,000 sin.
*vysethelegend47* 1,250,000 sin!

The Savior
Beat the game with more than 1 life left.

The Dream
Find the secret exit to the main game

Beat the secret boss of the main game
*Atomik Bo0*

Explorers - Beat the main game

Atomik Bo0

Gladiators - Beat the Gauntlet


Can't wait to play! Oh boy!

Edit: I'm going to set up a clickable link for the lazy.

Direct link
This hack looks mildly interesting. I think I'll actually play it.

That bullet bill keeps preventing me from getting the mushroom! DAMN IT!
I just found a secret area!

Currently doing ExGFX Requests, please send me a PM, and i'll TRY to do what you want.
Originally posted by Selin
I just found a secret area!


Showing everyone the secret message is by far the most sensible thing to do...
Finished the Gauntlet Mode - Normal Exit:


If you have not finished yet then DON'T click on this link.

Lol Selin at showing everyone the secret message. But Congratulations you must be seriously amazing. I am a bit surprised that the secret exit was found before anyone beat the main game. And congrats to you too MarioFan22. You are now imortalized as the first person to beat the guantlet.

Mariofan1000, for your bullet bill problems I suggest either just killing the bullet bill, or perhaps you should be like lizzy and get distracted by something else, and find a way out of that room without getting the mushroom.

Wow... I'm speechless on how confusing this game is. It's like Kirby and the Amazing Mirror all over again!
(Do not quote with "there's a map here")
Originally posted by The Hidden Missingno
Wow... I'm speechless on how confusing this game is. It's like Kirby and the Amazing Mirror all over again!
(Do not quote with "there's a map here")

There are actually 2 maps, but they in themself are probably a pretty confusing to look at. When I release a new version of this I'll probably update the map rooms to actually have decent map graphics. However, the point of the game being confusing is so you feel cathartic when all the pieces come together. If you're ever feeling frustrated send me a PM and I'll give you a hint, and this will help me redesign certain parts of the game if everyones getting stuck on it.

I got lost. It's as simple as that. I'm lost. I got sent back to the first room of the level, went the other way, got lost again, decide to take a break. Now I'm going to repeat this process tomorrow. I love this hack. Just one question though. What's the life meter do? At first I thought it was the time, but then it ran out, but I didn't die.
Wow... i am downloading it as i type, but from what it looks like its a fable styled smw...


EDIT 2: dw im being an idiot its also in your files :)
By the way, if you can't upload it I can do it for you.
@DarkMark: I'm glad your enjoying it! The life counter is an ominious reminder that someone's life hangs in the balance, though you've figured out its not yours! If you beat the game with more than 0 life left than you will get one of the ~best~ endings. Accomplishing this goal on the first run through is probably impossible, as it requires that you take no wrong turns in the maze. This is extra incentive to solve the meta puzzle of Explore, and figure out the fastest way through. There are good endings without meeting this time requirement, and even some of the bad endings are funny.

@OGS93: Sorry ;_; Did you try MarioFan's Link?

@Mariofan: Yeah I dont understand whats going on, when I go to submit the hack I press submit and the hack field always just becomes blank. So if it works for you that'd be helpful to me.


this is REALLY clever

i'll have to check it out.

a bit of criticism: I kind of don't like the mix of vanilla and chocolate graphics, I'd suggest changing the blarggs for starters, but this is very unique
Congratulations to the trepid explorers Atomik Bo0 and Whoamme for being the first few to beat the main game! The epilogues they got have been unlocked in the original post, for anyone who wants a spoiler, or just to see the endings they didn't get.

Once again both managed to find the secret exit first!? It must be easier than the main game! And I thought I was pretty clever in hiding it. From a storyline point of view it actually makes sense that its easier than the main game.

For anyone still craving a F1R$T! There's still being the first to beat the main games secret boss, (you should take a screenshot of the boss and send it to me), the first to get the secret exit of the guantlet, and the first to beat the main game with any time left. Keep digging explorers!

Someone needs to unlock the worst ending. That'd be awesome.

I wish I knew where I was going arrrggghhh


So the main character is Jesus?!? *shot*
Nice hack.
Originally posted by DarkMark
I got lost. It's as simple as that. I'm lost. I got sent back to the first room of the level, went the other way, got lost again, decide to take a break. Now I'm going to repeat this process tomorrow. I love this hack. Just one question though. What's the life meter do? At first I thought it was the time, but then it ran out, but I didn't die.

It's for one of the endings, as in: Managing to beat it with Life left. About getting lost: loads of rooms, with multipe exits. It would be easy to get lost.

Nice hack, but I'm stuck in this room with these weird eyes in the background, and this weird message about Charles begging you or something and you just stand there. I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET THROUGH THE ROOM.

I like the mysterious storyline, though.
Good fucking bye.
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