Originally posted by Aiyo
I knew that
LDA #$30 ; <- what do these operations do?
STA $1693 ; <- are they supposed to make it act solid?
LDY #$01 ; <- if so, seems like an ugly way to do it
Originally posted by MrCheeze
Aiyo: One of them is the # of coins shown in the status bar, the other is whether or not you have 4 coins or more.
I knew that
Originally posted by MrCheeze
For low byte and high byte, I believe they are two separate addresses both used for the same thing because there needs to be more than 256 possibilities.
For low byte and high byte, I believe they are two separate addresses both used for the same thing because there needs to be more than 256 possibilities.
LDA #$30 ; <- what do these operations do?
STA $1693 ; <- are they supposed to make it act solid?
LDY #$01 ; <- if so, seems like an ugly way to do it
A Map16 block can have 4 digits. Like it could be 0130(Cement), or 0750...
The first 2 digits are the high byte, and the second 2 are the low byte.
Low: (2 digits) High: (2 more digits)
You load the high byte into the Y Register, and store the low byte into the RAM address 1693.
@BuuHuu and Ersanio
In 7E0001, the high byte is 00 and the low is 01. Drop the 7E, you dont need it.