So, you all know how Ghettos logo expander uses the ExGFX file? It loads the ExGFX file FF from your ExGraphics folder. Now, is there a way for example, to use that in conjunction with sprites? I mean, let's say, the classic goomba sprite uses ExGFX file 80. Can you make it that the sprite loads the GFX without changing the Super GFX Bypass?
Official Hex/ASM/Etc. Help Thread
yes, but there is absolutely no point in doing this
But then you can use sprites that uses SP3, SP4 and the "external GFX using" sprites.
I think you misunderstood the point, graphic are stored in an area called VRAM, if you sprite transfer the GFX file to VRAM, it will overwrote whatever is already there. sprites can only use $3FFF byte of different graphic for them in VRAM(since the tilemap they use is only 9-bit).
Alright, I thought this would work. Thanks for the answer. 

Something I've always wondered: Why DOES the random generator generate whatever's already on the screen?
Your layout has been removed.
Your layout has been removed.
LDA $15 ;add start
AND #$08 ;checks if pressing up
BNE takeaway ;if not go to check take away
INC $C100
LDA $15 ;take away start
AND #$04 ;checks if pressing down
BEQ Settoempty ;if not go to reset(sets counter down to 0)
DEC $C100
LDA $15 ;Reset start
AND #$00 ;checks to see if you are pressing L or R
BNE Return ;if no end
STZ $C100
that block is supposed to INC an unused address by 1 when you press up, DEC by 1 if you press down, and reset(set) back to 0 if you press L or R. But it doesnt work... It INCs unlimitedly when you touch the block, why? and when i try pressing any of the buttons, they dont work, unless i press up. that sets it back to 0. But then it starts INC again.
AND #$08 ;checks if pressing up
BNE takeaway ;if not go to check take away
INC $C100
LDA $15 ;take away start
AND #$04 ;checks if pressing down
BEQ Settoempty ;if not go to reset(sets counter down to 0)
DEC $C100
LDA $15 ;Reset start
AND #$00 ;checks to see if you are pressing L or R
BNE Return ;if no end
STZ $C100
that block is supposed to INC an unused address by 1 when you press up, DEC by 1 if you press down, and reset(set) back to 0 if you press L or R. But it doesnt work... It INCs unlimitedly when you touch the block, why? and when i try pressing any of the buttons, they dont work, unless i press up. that sets it back to 0. But then it starts INC again.
0000 - 1FFF is the only area where you can write to RAM and still have access to the ROM in the same bank. By writing to C100, you are tring to write to ROM. Use 24bit addressing (which neither INC, DEC nor STZ has), or change the bank to 7E.
To change the bank, put this at the start of the code...
...and before any RTS...
To change the bank, put this at the start of the code...
...and before any RTS...
LDA $15 AND #$04 BEQ Return: LDA #$25 STA $1693 LDY #$00 Return: RTS
like I said before, this is supposed allow Mario to pass through the block, but only if the player is pressing down. It kind of works, but only if you jump up into it from below, and then it acts strangely...I also tried making a block that allows Mario to pass through without pressing anything, and the same thing happens. Can anybody help out?
It seems weird that you would LDA STA then LDY... also you put BEQ Return: , that mean that its going to branch to Return:

if I were you i would do it this way:
LDA $15
AND #$04
BEQ Return ;if pressing down end
LDY #$01 ;act like block 130
LDA #$30
STA $1693
Then make it act like 25 in game.
Offsets for block tool are:
everything else: -1
But that would let other sprites pass through, plus I've done that before and the same thing happened
This question goes about color 4 in palette 6, that flashy color used in the Yoshi coins and normal coins, OW level tiles. How can you disable that and use a color that you like? I looked through the ROM Map but I didn't found anything and ExAnimation won't work too.
Originally posted by BMF on Acmlm's Board (Archive 2)
If you just want to disable #64's cycling altogether, change the following ROM addresses:
$262C: EA EA EA
$2632: EA EA EA
$262C: EA EA EA
$2632: EA EA EA

Alright, thanks. 

Basically, I am making a block that is passsable if you have 5 lives or more:
I have no problem making Mario pass the block, but it always pushes Mario to the left, and when you stand on the block, it wont let you go down. It is like the block is acting like a cement block AND tile 25...
It is supposed to act like tile 25 if Mario has 5 lives or more. The offsets I put in:
Above/down/sides offsets: 0
Sprite UD offset: 0
Sprite LR offset: 0
Fireball offset: 0
Cape offset: -1
Reloc: -1
Whole page unchecked
Anyone knows the cause of the "pushing" and acting it like cement?
EDIT: Nevermind, I learned how to change it.
LDA $0DB4 LDA $0DB5 LDA $0DBE CMP #$04 BCC Return LDA #$00 STA $1693 LDY #$25 Return: RTS
I have no problem making Mario pass the block, but it always pushes Mario to the left, and when you stand on the block, it wont let you go down. It is like the block is acting like a cement block AND tile 25...
It is supposed to act like tile 25 if Mario has 5 lives or more. The offsets I put in:
Above/down/sides offsets: 0
Sprite UD offset: 0
Sprite LR offset: 0
Fireball offset: 0
Cape offset: -1
Reloc: -1
Whole page unchecked
Anyone knows the cause of the "pushing" and acting it like cement?
EDIT: Nevermind, I learned how to change it.
I'm trying to learn ASM, I followed the tutorial in SMWiki for
installing the "powerdown" patch into SMW, but when I use it the game
crashes if mario touches a enemy while I have fire/cape, how can I fix
it?, I have also applied to my own hack but still crashes the ROM.
installing the "powerdown" patch into SMW, but when I use it the game
crashes if mario touches a enemy while I have fire/cape, how can I fix
it?, I have also applied to my own hack but still crashes the ROM.
just use $0DBE. $0DB4 & $0DB5 do not need to be used. then try using it the other way around so you have to set to act like 25 in game.
CMP #$04
BCC Return:
LDY #$01
LDA #$30
STA $1693
above: 0
below: 0
sides: 0
the rest -1
act like 25
CMP #$04
BCC Return:
LDY #$01
LDA #$30
STA $1693
above: 0
below: 0
sides: 0
the rest -1
act like 25
I already fixed it. In fact, I submitted the block here <_<
Also you forgot to add the label RTS.
My blog. I could post stuff now and then
My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)
Also you forgot to add the label RTS.
My blog. I could post stuff now and then
My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)
lda $7fa000
cmp #$01
beq return
My CMP always branches no matter what the value is. What's the problem? Note that a different block that I used has set $7fa000 to either 0 or 1. (This has happened to me every time I use CMP.)
Your layout has been removed.
lda $7fa000
cmp #$01
beq return
My CMP always branches no matter what the value is. What's the problem? Note that a different block that I used has set $7fa000 to either 0 or 1. (This has happened to me every time I use CMP.)
Your layout has been removed.
I really need some help. Is there a way to display a custom background (except that castle window thing) while Layer 2 is active? Or can you display a background with HDMA?