layer 2 is alway active except during most boss battle>_<. there is no way to use layer 2 as a BG when it's used as part of the level
Official Hex/ASM/Etc. Help Thread
Isn't there a way with ASM?
Damned. The reason why I asked is following: You all know in Yoshis Island that "Foreground FG" tiles? I don't know how I should say it, these tiles that are in front of the FG. (For example Intro level where it says, "a baby fell from the sky...") I wanted to make use of this tiles while having a background.
forget the term FG and BG, the thing you need to care to understand how effect are done in some SNES game are layer 1, 2, 3 and layer priority. you can see what layer is used for what by disabling them in ZSNES
I know that they use many, different layers. Can you tell, when it is possible, how I would make that?
the game already use all three layers
So I should need Layer 3 for displaying it?
yes. but renember that the status bar use it, you need to make sure both your layer 3 image don't overwrote it(or get overwrote by it)
Hmm... that makes me think. Is there a way to implement new Layer 3 effects? Or could I move the castle windows to the bottom and replace them with ExGFX?
you can't use ExGFX for layer 3, you have to use some way of transfering new graphic/tilemap for it in VRAM(I used custom sprites to do so)
Hmm... I think I let it until I can do some ASM, it looks very complicated to understand. Can you explain me what VRAM is?
Vram = Video RAM. I think the graphics are processed there?
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My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)
My blog. I could post stuff now and then
My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)
graphics and tilemaps are in there. the VRAM is the main memmory of the SNES's GPU(wich generate the image shown on the TV screen). you can find the exact location of graphics in it by using YY-CHR and lunar adress
OK, thanks for the explanation.
Originally posted by pieguy1372
lda $7fa000
cmp #$01
beq return
My CMP always branches no matter what the value is. What's the problem? Note that a different block that I used has set $7fa000 to either 0 or 1. (This has happened to me every time I use CMP.)
lda $7fa000
cmp #$01
beq return
My CMP always branches no matter what the value is. What's the problem? Note that a different block that I used has set $7fa000 to either 0 or 1. (This has happened to me every time I use CMP.)
Your layout has been removed.
How do I create a MSC file with that you can change in Lunar Magic the names of the songs. (Including for custom songs, slot 11-3F)
Originally posted by Buu-Huu
How do I create a MSC file with that you can change in Lunar Magic the names of the songs. (Including for custom songs, slot 11-3F)
;notes go here
;Level songs on on 00
20 00 Song name here
21 00 Song name here
22 00 Song name here
23 00 Song name here
24 00 Song name here
25 00 Song name here
26 00 Song name here
27 00 Song name here
28 00 Song name here
29 00 Song name here
2A 00 Song name here
2B 00 Song name here
2C 00 Song name here
2D 00 Song name here
2E 00 Song name here
2F 00 Song name here
30 00 Song name here
31 00 Song name here
32 00 Song name here
33 00 Song name here
34 00 Song name here
35 00 Song name here
36 00 Song name here
37 00 Song name here
38 00 Song name here
39 00 Song name here
11 01 OW Song name here
12 01 OW Song name here
13 01 OW Song name here
14 01 OW Song name here
15 01 OW Song name here
16 01 OW Song name here
17 01 OW Song name here
18 01 OW Song name here
19 01 OW Song name here
1A 01 OW Song name here
1B 01 OW Song name here
1C 01 OW Song name here
1D 01 OW Song name here
1E 01 OW Song name here
1F 01 OW Song name here
copy and paste everything above the line into a text editor. Fill it out, then save it as a .msc file. Make sure it has the same name as your rom and is in the same folder.
Cool, thanks. Can I add 3A-3F too?
Yeah, just make the list longer like that. Also there is a help file in LM how to make those stuff <_<
My blog. I could post stuff now and then
My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)
My blog. I could post stuff now and then
My Assembly for the SNES tutorial (it's actually finished now!)