can you post the hex code? since I think Xkas label are case sensitve so I may not assemble "BNE Return" correctly, try replacing it by "BNE return"
You were right - there was "return" and "Return" so that's why it wasn't working. Thanks again for all the help.
On a side note, I didn't know the X and Y buttons shared the same value. Kind of sucks, but meh.
Originally posted by S.N.N.
On a side note, I didn't know the X and Y buttons shared the same value. Kind of sucks, but meh.
according to my documentation Y have $15/$16 set to $40 and $17/$18 set to $00 while X have both set to $40, If you want it to only check X try changing the first 2 line to:
lda $16
and $18
AND #$40
More custom block problems, this one's supposed to act like tile 25 if 7E0660 is 00, but 20 if there is at least one in 7E0660, then decrement it by one. It's supposed to be a new version of locked door and keys. This is the locked door:
Hey all, this is my block. It lets mario pass if he collected at least 1 yoshi coin. What I want to do is make it think the blue pow is on after you collect one dragon coin. So it would look like a gray cement block if you didn't collect one dragon and if you did i would turn into say dotted lines.( i have the exanimation for it already)
My code:
ad 20 14 c9 00 d0 07 a9 30 8d 93 16 a0 05 60
Ok, after D0 change it to 08, and after the A0, shouldn't it be 01 (cement block)? Anyways, after the last 60, A9 XX 8D AD 14 60 (where XX is how long it activates the Blue POW Timer.)
Is that OK?
This is going to sound like an odd question, but oh well.
Does ASM work with ROM addresses, or only RAM addresses? I know ROM is the read-only, so I'm assuming no, but there are so many neat things you could do if it worked (make a message display after a certain amount of hits was done on a boss, for example)
I remember asking ghettoyouth that question before. The answer is no, that's why it's called read only, because you can't write to it, with HEX or ASM =/
Originally posted by S.N.N.
(make a message display after a certain amount of hits was done on a boss, for example)
Why is writing to ROM required to do this?
Originally posted by Bio
Why is writing to ROM required to do this?
I never knew there was a manual way to do it *shrug*
Originally posted by Sparx
Ok, after D0 change it to 08, and after the A0, shouldn't it be 01 (cement block)? Anyways, after the last 60, A9 XX 8D AD 14 60 (where XX is how long it activates the Blue POW Timer.)
Is that OK?
In a way, um about the A0 being 01 it works so i wouldn't change it. But is there a way to make it blue POW Timer permanent?
Sorry for the double post but i have a big problem, Sparx helped me but its not how i want it to work. When I pass the block it turns all the coins, or anything else into their 'pow' stage, but the act like themselves. An example is the coin. When i pass the block the turn into the brown 'used' block but still act like coins. So i just want the pow to act for that block only.
Um, Mikeyk already made those if you really want them. If you are practicing coding you could probably look at his blog for the code to see what you did wrong.
No you are misunderstanding me, MY block is supposed to be solid if you haven't collected a dragon coin, then when you have it, its passable and is supposed to act like the pow is on. What is happening is when i pass the block it activates the blue and makes everything that uses it LOOK like it, BUT they ACT like THEMSELVES...
Hmmm... Try tweaking the 5 Yoshi Coin in block tool so it needs just 1 coin, then make a generator/levelASM to make the On/Off flag OFF when you collect one Yoshi coin. Then give the 1 Yoshi Coin block an On/Off animation. I'd have no idea how to do this myself, but this may help...
Edit: I really need to learn ASM. Does anyone have a good tutorial, because the one dealing with hex from the FAQ isn't doing it for me, I think I'd do better with the LDA $01 stuff...
then why even using POW if you only want the graphic to be changed? make the block set the on/off flag and make copy of all the block you want to be changed and give them an on/off animation
I'm I the only one that wonder where are you going with this? that a really cheap trick to have stuff act differently then what the player will expect them to act like
From previous posts it seems Aiyo wants to make it so you can't pass a level until you have collected one Dragon Coin, and wants the block to prevent you from passing's graphic to change depending whether or not the coin is collected.
Also, Bio, was I anywhere on track with my post?
yes, I was actually going to edit my post to say i was beaten since I was making my post while you posted<_<. Kinda hard to figure wich one of our interpretation is right since Aiyo lack detail about what exactly it want<_<.
I'm pretty sure I understand.
Aiyo just wants a block that is solid until one (or more) Yoshi coins are obtained, at which time the block will become passable. ExAnimation would be used to change its graphics.
Is that easier to understand?
Originally posted by Dispari Scuro
I'm pretty sure I understand.
Aiyo just wants a block that is solid until one (or more) Yoshi coins are obtained, at which time the block will become passable. ExAnimation would be used to change its graphics.
Is that easier to understand?
that not the point, the thing is whenever or not he want the animation to be triggered when the block is touched and you have 1 yoshi coin or just when you have 1 yoshi coin. the latter require more then just a custom block. there is also this weird POW thing he keep bragging about...