Does anybody know how to get the "Yoshi Expansion Kit" up and working with lunar Magic 3.3.1?
asar will not do anything for me.

asar will not do anything for me.

+ LDA #$08 ;\ set new sprite status (normal) STA !14C8,y ;/ LDA #!MechakoopaNumber ;\ set new sprite number (Mechakoopa) if !SpriteExtraBit < 2 STA !9E,x else STA !7FAB9E,x JSL $0187A7|!bank endif JSL $07F7D2|!bank LDA #!SpriteExtraBit<<2 STA !7FAB10,x LDA #$01 STA !14C8,x if !SpriteExtraBit >= 2 LDA #!SpriteExtraByte1 STA !extra_byte_1,x LDA #!SpriteExtraByte2 STA !extra_byte_2,x LDA #!SpriteExtraByte3 STA !extra_byte_3,x LDA #!SpriteExtraByte4 STA !extra_byte_4,x endif
LDA $19 BEQ + JML $00F5F3|!bank + LDA #!SFX STA !SFXPort LDA #$7F STA $1497|!addr JML $00F622|!bank
LDA #!SFX STA !SFXPort LDA #$7F STA $1497|!addr JML $00F622|!bank
; YXPCCTT (first two digits) and tile number (second two digits) of the two tiles to use. !tile1 = $3D2E ; left tile !tile2 = $3D2E ; right tile org $009EB4 db ($02*2)-1 ; number of tiles to write org $009E74 ;-- adjust the X position of the cursor in each menu dw $51CB-1 ; (unused) dw $51E8-1 ; File select dw $5208-1 ; Player select dw $51C4-1 ; (unused) dw $51E5-1 ; File erase org $009EB9 autoclean JML WriteTiles org $009EC5 Return: INX #2 freecode WriteTiles: LSR $00 BCC .blank LDA #!tile1 : STA $7F8381,x LDA #!tile2 : STA $7F8383,x BRA .done .blank: LDA #$38FC ; blank tile STA $7F8381,x STA $7F8383,x .done: JML Return
;pseudocode !Address = $someaddress !FLAG1 = 0x00000001 !FLAG2 = 0x00000010 if !FLAG1 do something if !FLAG2 do something also
LDA $00 ; load some value AND #%00010000 ; apply a mask to isolate bit 4 (the % symbol dictates a binary value) BEQ .notSet ; the result will either be #$00 (bit clear) or #$10 (bit set). BEQ/BNE can be used to branch based on this ; code to run when bit is set .notSet: ; code to run with bit is clear
LDA $00 AND #%00000001 ; always clear bit 0 STA $00 ORA #%00000001 ; always set bit 0 STA $00 EOR #%00000001 ; always flip the state of bit 0 STA $00
LDA #%00000001 ; indicate bit 0 TRB $00 ; clear bit 0 in $00 TSB $00 ; set bit 0 in $00