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2nd Annual Kaizo Level Design Contest - Completed

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Here is my entry for the "creative" portion: K-Kaizo

To Judges: I'd say that there is a 50% chance of you being able to finish this one, within that 50%, about a 25% chance of beating it easily, and another 25% chance of doing what I intend. The other 50% you fail and have to contact me about how to beat it. Feel free to do this, if you can't figure it out. The odds really depend on your personality however....

To everyone else: You're on your own. I won't tell you how to beat it if you can't figure out. However, if you do beat it, I ask that you don't make a TAS or tell anyone else how to beat it, as I plan to TAS it myself after the judging is finished.

That is all, thank you.

Originally posted by OGS93
aha, i was gunna say creativity but UAP was like... ear molestation hard D: (which i still need to send BOTH of those beta tested messages that died wen i got some error everytime i sent em :P)

hard? i didn't really think it was hard... :P
its AUP btw xD

@huflungdu: well, the judges will have lotsa fun with yours and mine :P i made a lot of traps, but amusing ones #w{:>}

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.
Originally posted by JeRRy86
Originally posted by OGS93
aha, i was gunna say creativity but UAP was like... ear molestation hard D: (which i still need to send BOTH of those beta tested messages that died wen i got some error everytime i sent em :P)

hard? i didn't really think it was hard... :P
its AUP btw xD

@huflungdu: well, the judges will have lotsa fun with yours and mine :P i made a lot of traps, but amusing ones #w{:>}

it wasnt difficult in a extreme way... just the chucks :'(

they have scarred me for life

on another note if anyone wants to test or see my 4th sublevel just ask and ill post a deom of just the 4th sublevel because i feel it maybe too hard for the rest of the hack :P

EDIT (screw it):anyhoo the second from last sublevel of my entry:contently Hypocritical demo
I'm almost done with my creativity level! All I need is appropriate music for the Chimney Goomba boss...

Originally posted by OGS93
just the chucks :'(

they have scarred me for life


i am almost done, just some added appeal and working on the difficulty, and i am done :D

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.
Originally posted by JeRRy86
Originally posted by OGS93
just the chucks :'(

they have scarred me for life


i am almost done, just some added appeal and working on the difficulty, and i am done :D

for the contest :P?

I changed the music now. I'm using Heat Man from Mega Man 2.
The spike ball spin-jumping is harder than it looks. There are some invisible blocks there.

The plot I'm going for is that Yoshi has been imprisoned by Bowser in the "Castle of WTF?!" and Mario has to rescue him from an Underground Prison in the castle. Mario has to find a Switch in order to access that area. So there will be a Switch Exit and a Secret Exit (either Keyhole or Goal Post).

Originally posted by OGS93
Originally posted by JeRRy86
Originally posted by OGS93
just the chucks :'(

they have scarred me for life


i am almost done, just some added appeal and working on the difficulty, and i am done :D

for the contest :P?

yeah for the contest. AUP is on hold now, i have there everything but the last level done.

i have one complaint; i find the palettes a bit unappealing. thats all, actually :P

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.


EDIT: I'm a (floating) Muncher!
well i liked em.. just the bg did suit it but yes now its much better :)

EDIT also has anyone tried my demo yet?
Originally posted by MarioFan22
Originally posted by SoulJester726

Woah, that looks like it's gonna be VERY HARD. Can't wait to see that get TAS'd.

BTW, are those dotted boxes invisible Coin Blocks?

no, they are invisible note blocks! also, there is a demo i have up that you can download and test for your self! so far nobody made it past the first room... out of like 6 or something.... the boss isn't in that demo... but everything else is... hopefully later today i can get the final demo up! xD

also, your hack looks nice!
This -->Click!!<-- This


EDIT:If you found the gimmick from "Secret", don't spoil it.
Originally posted by Cillion



i will try it like i will everyones... i just gotta go write my will for my family :(
Originally posted by OGS93
Originally posted by Cillion



i will try it like i will everyones... i just gotta go write my will for my family :(

lol! i will try it too! xD
This -->Click!!<-- This
how on earth you made this seem fun to me i have no clue XD but i realley enjoy playing this hack,Cillion.
Originally posted by OGS93
how on earth you made this seem fun to me i have no clue XD but i realley enjoy playing this hack,Cillion.

I have no idea how.

If you went to the right then you would found a room skip area.

Somehow, I made it to the midway with an extra mushroom (not counting the one from the midway). Huh.

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
Originally posted by Kaizoman666
Somehow, I made it to the midway with an extra mushroom (not counting the one from the midway). Huh.

I tested this a lot and I never had a mushroom at the midway.

What the heck did you do?

*Uses Lunar Magic to find the exact area*

Here. It is possible to keep a mushroom through this, and you can keep it through the rest of the level. Though its not very easy to do, unless you use slowdown and turbo keys.

...Yeah, I was bored enough to try it. (Would be quite a bit easier with more time)

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
so, so far, amongst the ones i have played, the difficulty has been relatively the same as mine, mine being a bit harder in some points because of glitches, and the boss battle, but not way harder, so im thinking there is not really much i will change to make it easier...
This -->Click!!<-- This


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