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iSuperMarioCentral-Even Death Doesn't Stop Mario C3 Release




enjoy #w{=D}

(My first C3 entry yay?)


EDIT2: Updated patch
(those with the old patch can choose not to update, as this only fixes the goomba pallete's and adds a save function)
I've been waiting for this!

/me downloads and plays.
Currently doing ExGFX Requests, please send me a PM, and i'll TRY to do what you want.
Wow! Very nice job with it! I love how you managed to make it look so unique. I would not have guessed this was a modified SMW game, had I not seen the title screen picture. Well done! :D
Originally posted by Selin
I've been waiting for this!

/me downloads and plays.

Thanks #w{=D}

I hope everything is fixed, I tried my best.. xD


Originally posted by Senjan
Wow! Very nice job with it! I love how you managed to make it look so unique. I would not have guessed this was a modified SMW game, had I not seen the title screen picture. Well done! :D

Hehe, Thanks #w{:>} I try to be unique
I wanted to play this SOOO BAD!
I realized there are a few glitches in the game D:
I'll have to fix them now.. one sex I'll upload v2 in a minute..

(its only a goomba fix, nothing that will destroy your game, but will make the goombas look SLIGHTLY better)
It's really frustrating, even with savestates. I couldn't get past the first boss.
Originally posted by Koops
It's really frustrating, even with savestates. I couldn't get past the first boss.

Huh, I was a beta tester and it wasn't frustrating.
Umm, what are you supposed to do in the room wwith the Blarrg and a bunch of Mny Moles? You can't seem to get anywhere, and the enemies respawn when you kill them...
Good fucking bye.
Originally posted by GoldenSonic15
Umm, what are you supposed to do in the room wwith the Blarrg and a bunch of Mny Moles? You can't seem to get anywhere, and the enemies respawn when you kill them...

Spin jump on the blargg. Its a boss.

Thanks phenolatukas, you are like answering all the questions on the hack, good on you :)
From the screenshots, I really like your graphical choices. Broozer's desert is always a good pick, and the way you combined it with those bridge graphics, it looks fantastic.
The new Mario graphics look nice, also.

IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)

/MKICK 4: Flantastic Puns
YES! A download! =D I've been waiting for a demo of this! I'll be sure to play this after I'm done checking out what else C3 has to offer so far. #w{=)}
cool, i going to play this for sure, it seems very good and intersting.

Like /Everlude
Follow @Ludus.Art

REALLY nice. I can see this getting featured sometime. The graphics were amazing, the level design was fun, and the secrets well-hidden. My only complaint is the screwy Overworld events. To everybody reading this, I recommend you try it, it's worth the time.

Who knows when I'll have
something to put here.

Credits go to Counterfeit for the bitchin' post layout.

Ah, while lurking, I've been following this. Looks top-notch, if you ask me. ASM, graphics, it's all gewd.
Your layout has been removed.
Well, I played a few levels, and it's awesome so far! I really like the walljump and the effect when you jump on an enemy.
Wow Thanks for the comments #w{:>}#w{:>}#w{:>}
I wasn't too happy with some of it, but I'm so glad you enjoyed.
I finally submitted it to the Hacks Section for moderation. Fingers crossed that is gets submitted And featured

Thanks again and i hope you continue to enjoy ^^

(BTW i forgot my user name and password for my blog.. So I'm stuck there >>)