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Bowser jr.'s final quest, beta hack demo.

It's out! finally guys!
As I promised, here is a demo of my hack for the C3!
It's the beta demo version, that means it's a demo but still a bit buggy. Don't search the hack section, becouse it isn't there!
It's not ready for that, but it's ready to be played! So here it is then!

Download it here:
Or here:

Post your feedback here:
Or in this thread.

So Cya guys!

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This is a really good hack, the GFX look nice, the storyline is solid, the levels are fun and the music fits the levels pretty good.
There are some issues though, a major one being that the sprites for baby bowser running up a wall is broken, his head is still in a horizontal position.

Also, in the yellow switch, I think you forgot to add an exit to the horizontal, 2-sided pipe in the second sublevel, since that'd be the only way to advance.

But overall, the hack so far really is a great piece of work, I'm looking forward to the full version :D

Work in progress:
Mario's Search For The Golden Feather:
My entry for C3
Originally posted by Aposke
This is a really good hack, the GFX look nice, the storyline is solid, the levels are fun and the music fits the levels pretty good.
There are some issues though, a major one being that the sprites for baby bowser running up a wall is broken, his head is still in a horizontal position.

Also, in the yellow switch, I think you forgot to add an exit to the horizontal, 2-sided pipe in the second sublevel, since that'd be the only way to advance.

But overall, the hack so far really is a great piece of work, I'm looking forward to the full version :D

About the pipes, i ported over my hack to LM1.71 and Screen-scrolling pipes didn't work for me #w{:<}
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