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Rock Bottom - Released!

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As you may have noticed, I've been away for C3. Why? Because I don't have a C3 project. So here it is, The C3 Project I Didn't Have 2 Days Ago, which is called:

In a one-level hack set in an underwater cavern, Mario decides to go spelunking in it for the sake of adventure!

Features custom graphics, music, and a few sprites, so be sure to look out for more updates, and hopefully the final product!

So many hurdles and obstacles have been crossed, this must be completed!

World Community Grid: Thread | Team
Looks pretty cool. Might check it out later.

Spongebob reference? #w{=3}

Anyhow, very nice hack.


I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.
Looks good! I love the GFX. I do think that the Mario OW GFX clashes a little with the GBA GFX.
Which restroom is for the guys? I can't tell the difference...
Your layout has been removed.
Even the soil looks different

Screenies and graphics, including the modified Mario graphics, look awesome Ulti. I also like the HDMA that is put in the title screen, it looks amazing, a perfect sunset gradient. Look's great Ulti, I really look forward to playing this when it is completed.
AnimeList | MangaList
this is 90 degrees of awsome *shot*

its looking good :)
Thanks, I appreciate it.

Now, are the Redrawn OW Mario GFX any better?

Oh, and cave area has been vastly improved/lengthened, so it's no longer just two screens.

World Community Grid: Thread | Team
This is why I was so glad when you got a laptop. You are an excellent hacker.

Much better Ulti, the redrawn Mario sprite is a lot more distinctive and it doesn't clash in any way whatsoever on the overworld. Also its nice to see some more screenies for the cave. Keep it up Ulti.
AnimeList | MangaList
The Overworld is awesome.

Pretty great hack in my opinion!
Now I need to change my old avatar. Or not.
oh my god your actually hacking.

Biggest Surprise award get.

I like it.
Looks good. I'm liking the player GFX!
Looks very good. The only compliant I have is the overworld does not look especially brilliant. However, there is nothing wrong with it.
It looks pretty good, I hope I get as much challenge as I want from this 1 level hack
Hello There
Originally posted by E-Man
Even the soil looks different

I pppp can't pppp understand pppp your ppp accent ppp.

I thought this was going to be another joke thread or something, but lo and behold, Ultimaximus is actually making a hack!

Screen by screen comments
Screen 1
I love the simplicity of the title screen. That's a very nice sunset you have going on there.
The plot seems fair enough for a one level hack too.

Screen 2
Those are pokemon graphics, right? They fit perfectly for this hack, imo.

Screen 3+4
The contrast between the foreground's brown and background's blue actually looks really nice. The screens seem a tiny bit empty though, unless you already killed the sprite(s) in them.

Screen 5+6
This area is a pleasure to look at. The rock ceiling and the sandy floor make sense, and the whole place is super well decorated. It looks busy without looking like there are sprites just slapped randomly in the level.

Screen 7
I like the sort of mossy, dark, rocky feel this area has to it. Nice.

Overall, I'm loving what I'm seeing. Great stuff.
IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)

/MKICK 4: Flantastic Puns
The idea of making a hack just during C3 is creative.
Nice work, the stuff looks nice.
Your layout has been removed.
At long last, just in the nick of time, Rock Bottom has been completed! A high-quality one-level hack considering it was only made in 3 days, if I do say so myself.

Hm, what friends have Mario found in this hidden cavern at the bottom of the ocean?

*le gasp* Could it be?

And finally, the long-awaited download link‼

Rock Bottom download

(Videos and commentary are welcome, report problems if found, testing was rather questionable)

Well, it's been a swell time! I've worked so hard all C3 long on this, so I hope you enjoy it! *phew*
(Remind me not to try to make another high-quality hack in 3 days again for C3...)

World Community Grid: Thread | Team
Holy hell, yeah.
Going to go ahead and download/play this.
IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)

/MKICK 4: Flantastic Puns
Aww yeah! Now, please excuse me while I download and play this awesome thing...
Layout by Mirann <3

I'm probably retired tbh
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