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Creating Fake HDMA [Legacy]


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- Creating Fake HDMA Gradients -
What is a fake HDMA gradient? Well, a gradient specifies a range of position- or value-dependent colors, usually used to fill a region. Basically, one color blending into another.

How to Make It:
Step 1: Setting Up The Palette

Okay, we've opened up Lunar Magic. Now what?

Well, first of all, if we want the palette to appear ONLY IN THIS LEVEL, we first must check "Enable Custom Palette". If "Enable Custom Palette" is NOT checked, then the palette will be shared globally(throughout the game).

Now, click on the Rainbow Star- the "Palette Editor" Dialogue.

Now the "Palette Editor" Dialogue has popped up. These colors are this level's palette. You must decide which Palette Row you want to use for your gradient. I suggest palette 1, because it is rarely used for anything, but you might also want to use palette 7, which means your gradient would share its palette with water. If you do that, you'll have to play around to get the water to look right, but sometimes its worth the extra palette row. Anyways, for this tutorial I chose palette 1.

Now, copy your Back Area Color and paste it on whichever palette row you're using, but COLOR 8. I've circled where color 8 is located in red. Every color in that VERTICAL row is color 8. This color will be the color on one end of the gradient(the bottom).

Now, what color do you want the other end of the gradient(top) to be? You decide, and remember that you can change this anytime later. Paste it on COLOR 1(which I've circled in red) of the palette row you're using.

Now, hold ALT and right-click on COLOR 1 in the palette row you're using. Then, still holding ALT, right-click on COLOR 8 of the palette row you're using. This should produce a gradient in the Palette Editor Dialogue. This is what will appear in the background of your level. However, first we must set the background up.

Step 2: Setting Up The Background

Open up the 16x16 Tile Map Editor Window by clicking on the full ?-block.

This is the 16x16 Tile Map Editor Window. Scroll through it with the down and up arrow keys until you come to the page your vanilla background uses(either 10 or 11 depending on the background).

This is what the hill BG's page looks like. Now, unless you wanna screw around and possibly mess something up with your ROM, BE SURE TO DO THIS STEP: Press F2, a popup like this should appear asking if you want to save the Map16 page data to Map16Page and Map16Pageg. Say yes.

Now, scroll to an empty page(you can tell it's empty if it's filled with the little blue squares like this) with a VALUE HIGHER THAN 11. I chose 12.

Press F3. It should ask if you want to LOAD the date from the Map16Page and Map16Pageg onto the current Map16 page. Say yes.

A page of Map16 data that looks EXACTLY like the one you saved should appear. Hooray.

Now, click on "Edit 16x16 attributes after selecting ANY tile.
First of all, edit it so the tile uses the palette row # you're using for your gradient.
Well, you now have to set up which 8x8 tiles each 16x16 tile will use. Make sure to set up each tile so there are 2 8x8 tiles horizontally next to eachother, and the next 2 below.
Now, a nice 8x8 solid color tile guide:
Color 1: tile F9
Color 2: tile FA
Color 3: tile FB
Color 4: tile FC
Color 5: tile FD
Color 6: tile FE
Color 7: tile FF</span>
If you have a question about that part, feel free to ask, as I was quite vague(as it's hard to explain).

After creating each 16x16 tile, paste it in preferably the garbled section of the bottom right.

Once you're finished pasting all your 16x16 tiles, REMEMBER TO PRESS F9 TO SAVE YOUR MAP16 PAGE!!

WE'RE NOT DONE QUITE YET! Open up the Background Editor with the button that looks like a leaf(it's inbetween the ?-block and Castle buttons).

Now, and this part's important, scroll with the PageUp and PageDown buttons through the BG Editor until it says the BG uses the Map16 which contains your gradient tiles. Paste your gradient tiles on the background.

Now we're done, a Fake HDMA Gradient in our background! Now you can play around and get different results(by the way, this method works for other vanilla backgrounds such as forests, mountains, clouds, ANYTHING) such as these:

I just skimmed over it, and it looks like a good tutorial. To my knowledge, I couldn't see any major steps missed. I would definitely recommend this to someone who wants to make a good vanilla hack.

Also, those palettes are epic. #w{=)}
Hey, that's a pretty easy-to-follow, quick and nicely made tutorial! Cool!

Also, you put the original BG color at the end of the fake HDMA color line? I always do it the other way... :P Might just be a personal habit of mine though...

Keep on rockin' making awesome palettes!
aran - Graces of Heaven
Ah, thank you, man! IDK how to use HDMA, so this really helped! =]
come check out my stream, i play cool stuff sometimes --

tl;dr you're a cool person :)
@KingGoomba304: thanks. I was a bit lazy on the map16 assembly part IMO, but people seem to be finding it all out okay.

@GN: Why thankyou! So you put it in the transparent space? Hopefully not in the white space, cuz that wastes a whole color. I always put it on the first color outside of the palette(to the left of) simply because SMW always had it's color gradients go from left to right and dark to light, and it lets me work w/ things better(i.e. sometimes my sky gradient shares its palette w/ water(although I have to rearrange the colors a bit so that the space that's usually white on the palette is the lightest color in the gradient and then make whole new, slightly different Map16 tiles. Dunno if you get what I'm saying...), or w/ goal tapes, pipes, etc., in order to save palette space(which I desperately need a lot of the time). I could theoretically use it for other things as well(most FG/BG pieces))

@StripeyDope: thanks :D and no problem.
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I really love how you explained this. I read over it in less than a minute, and I must say, it's very easy to understand, especially with all the pictures showing exactly what to do. Especially since I never understood normal HDMA that well, I'll be sure to put this to good use. Keep writting tutorials #w{:>}
Originally posted by Tom Servo
I really love how you explained this. I read over it in less than a minute, and I must say, it's very easy to understand, especially with all the pictures showing exactly what to do. Especially since I never understood normal HDMA that well, I'll be sure to put this to good use. Keep writting tutorials #w{:>}

Ha, thanks. Yeah, not to mention it's easier/faster to edit to use than HDMA. There are some downsides, but eh.

Anyways, yeah, I'll keep making tutorials ^^. Of course, once I think of some... I actually have some ideas for tutorials of other neat-o tricks I know...
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This might be worth a credit considering I'm using Fake HDMA in my hack and I couldn't have done it without this tutorial. Thanks. <:
Originally posted by Fossul
This might be worth a credit considering I'm using Fake HDMA in my hack and I couldn't have done it without this tutorial. Thanks. <:

Credit would be nice, but I'm not going to hire an assassin to put you to justice if you don't give me it.

tl;dr no problem ;D
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The problem is that you can't make long HDMA gradients.
Well you could make another gradient in another palette row, then make the Map16Page tiles. Example of what I mean here. Also, don't comment on the bad gradients palette, it was rushed.
Originally posted by everest700
The problem is that you can't make long HDMA gradients.

KingGoomba304 is absolutely right. In fact, I've done what he did countless times for fun.

Additionally, I forgot to add that FG1 HAS to be its default value unless you want to go through the next step, which is just:

making an 8x8 solid colored tile for each color via YY-CHR and using them instead of the ones on the bright-blue titled list in the first post.
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Originally posted by Dinomar
I have the feeling this way to make gradients has been tanken from my lastest hack... i actually don't know <_<

Mario in Miscland 2? Nope. It has been done countless times. The earliest time I saw it done was in Super Mario Ocean. Broozer did it months ago(before you returned). Me and Zildjian have been doing it since before you returned, too.
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But i did for my own, i didn't copy anyone so it's my idea *shot*

Well, talking seriously, for palettes, i would not use any color of the 2nd half of palette 0-1, since they don't fade with FadeFix.
A good Gradient can be made with one less color too, imo.
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Originally posted by Dinomar
But i did for my own, i didn't copy anyone so it's my idea *shot*

Well, talking seriously, for palettes, i would not use any color of the 2nd half of palette 0-1, since they don't fade with FadeFix.
A good Gradient can be made with one less color too, imo.

The gradient doesn't use the 2nd half of either palette. The color you post on the very right is actually the "back color" or sky color. This is so you can have the gradient go from the sky to the darkest color.
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I find this tutorial to be nice and easy to follow and understand. I find that the screenshots make a HUGE difference because if I was reading this without the screenshots I would probably get confuzled, leave and never think about it again. I think all tutorials need screenshot to make it easier for n00bs.
Why don't I say that one number? I don't have time for him!

My gradient looks great in the great in Lunar Magic, but it looks like crap in the emulator. Like the spaces between colors are bigger, it looks like there is less colors, but it looks just like you wanted it to in Lunar Magic.
Hey, I'm Riot. I used to use this website a lot but it has been quite a while since I've been a part of it. Help me out with any of the changes; it'd be much appreciated.
@Orange Yoshi4: thanks :3
Originally posted by Riotman898
My gradient looks great in the great in Lunar Magic, but it looks like crap in the emulator. Like the spaces between colors are bigger, it looks like there is less colors, but it looks just like you wanted it to in Lunar Magic.

Hmm, I dunno if I can help you with that. It sounds like a problem with the emulator/computer, not LM, which is what the tutorial teaches. Maybe it's a problem with your contrast or brightness on either your computer or emulator.
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Originally posted by Spud Alpha
Hmm, I dunno if I can help you with that. It sounds like a problem with the emulator/computer, not LM, which is what the tutorial teaches. Maybe it's a problem with your contrast or brightness on either your computer or emulator.

Well It's probaly the emulator, my computer seems like it is pretty well contrasted and brightness. I'm using the newest ZSNES.
Hey, I'm Riot. I used to use this website a lot but it has been quite a while since I've been a part of it. Help me out with any of the changes; it'd be much appreciated.
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