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The Gray Yoshi - The colorstealing-space adventure

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The Gray Yoshi is here and he wants to steal all the colors of the galaxy.

Crazy ideas, crazy story, crazy gameplay!


So, what do you think? The hack will be released soon!

The hack also includes a practice World where the player can test the new skills!

EDIT: Trailer
I am getting a mixed reaction from this hack, so far.

I like the story, it is more original than the usual "X is kidnapped by the evil Y. HElp!"

However, the screenshots are very bland...I would like to see more scenery or coins.

This hack is really quite unique!
The story is different, different physics and I like the concept!
Two Nitpicks:
1.Those flopping cheep-cheep are pointless
2.Some of your screenshots are pretty bland, try adding enemies and coins to make it more exciting.

Credit To Luig-San For The Layout!
Bowser's Attack On Yoshi's Island Is Canceled...
I'll be away from the 24th of July for a about a week.

Some levels are not finished yet!

I added 2 Screenshots and the floating cheep cheeps were fallen out of the water ;)

(ohh man, my english is so bad D: )

That red palette could be of risk of hurting the player's eyes.
Nice retro level!

Credit To Luig-San For The Layout!
Bowser's Attack On Yoshi's Island Is Canceled...
I'll be away from the 24th of July for a about a week.

Pallets are not finished yet.

Screenshots descriptions:
1) Pratice Area Level 1
2) Begin Level 1
3) Screenshot of: ON/OFF Madness
4) unfinished level
5) Layer 2 Scrolling Castle
6) Jumping Test (Very hard but there's a pratice Level for this)
7) Retro Galaxy

I want to include a very strange Tetris level.

What do you think? Should I remove it?


TheRealNinjaBoy made a Let's Play of the OLD(!) demo.

That tetris level was very weird mostly because of layer 2 and it seems a bit difficult.

Credit To Luig-San For The Layout!
Bowser's Attack On Yoshi's Island Is Canceled...
I'll be away from the 24th of July for a about a week.

Wow, this is a really nice hack! I've got a couple nitpicks, though:

1. The gravity thing is WAY over-exaggerated. Yoshi could basically be Pseudo-Kirby if that really happens.

2. No enemies!
come check out my stream, i play cool stuff sometimes --

tl;dr you're a cool person :)
There are no eneemies in the first picture because that's the beginning of the first Galaxy.

Before the player have to defeat enemies he should have time to understand the new gravity. But at screen 4 are the first enemies.
Some moahr screenies:

You're palettes are quite nice except the last one because the enemies have a completely gray palette.

Credit To Luig-San For The Layout!
Bowser's Attack On Yoshi's Island Is Canceled...
I'll be away from the 24th of July for a about a week.

That's beause it would be unfair if you can not track the enemies in the level. But I think you'r right I should change that.
Yea change it and use Alt + right click in the pallete editor to create smoother gradients.
Okay. Is that fine?

Looks much better!

Credit To Luig-San For The Layout!
Bowser's Attack On Yoshi's Island Is Canceled...
I'll be away from the 24th of July for a about a week.

Yea, that's fine, FG might need tweaking but that's also fine.
Intro + Gameplay Demo (As you can see there are some problems with the scrolling... know how to fix that?)

<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>

EDIT: You are may not able to see in the video that the black FG is not black... It's a really dark gray, but you can still see the FG!

The intro movie isn't bad but in the cave area, you can't see too well.

Credit To Luig-San For The Layout!
Bowser's Attack On Yoshi's Island Is Canceled...
I'll be away from the 24th of July for a about a week.

Watch it again now. It's now in better quality and now you can see it: The ground is not black, it's darkgray!

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