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Hack Removal: Super Har-De-Hard World

Name: Super Har-De-Hard World
Author: XXSMWMastahackerXX
Description: It's a hard hack

Something is very, very wrong with this picture. If you're really a XXMastahackerXX you'll be able to guess instantly, slap your forehead and go "WHOOPS! Silly me!"

But let's be honest here, you're not, so lemme give ya a tip: Throwing whacky level-changing things like goals, death, pipes and keyholes in your titlescreen level tend to result in very bad things happening, like being stuck in the titlescreen level forever. It's best not to use them that way!

Removal Log
Hack Submission Guidelines
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Something awry? PM me!
Don't know what the eff "awry" means? Never PM me.

My Hacks:

Hack Name: Super Har-De-Hard World Demo - 23.1 KB - 14 downloads.
Length: 20 levels
Author: XXSMWMastahackerXX - Submitted by: XXSMWMastahackerXX
Description: Fixed title screen glitch. It's still really hard though.


This isn't really a fix for the title screen glitch.

3-Up Moon Spam for now reason.

Intentionally difficult Kaizo-style hacks are not acceptable for submission to the hack database.

This hack does not meet the following Hack Submission Guidelines:

Originally posted by Hack Submission Guidelines

3. No graphical glitches!
Errors such as garbled sprites/FGs/BGs, message box text screwing up layer 3 items, cutoff tiles, and general graphical ugliness are frowned upon. Also, don't forget about glitches such as sprite memory issues - the graphics of the sprite will 'disappear', but the sprite will still be there, and can unfairly hurt Mario.

7a) Keep it fair, and keep the hack at a legitimate difficulty!
i.e. Avoid things like death after the goal, blind jumps, forced damage, excessive enemies, places where you can get permanently stuck, excessive 3-UP moons, etc.

7b) The player should be able to identify everything's behavior before touching it.
The player should not have to do something illogical, like jump in lava, to complete a puzzle. If something acts "unusual", inform the player ahead of time.

9. Quality level design
Your hack has a much higher chance of being accepted if the level design is fun. Conversely, if the level design is found to be lacking then a little cutoffness may be enough to push the hack into deletion.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.