... This looks really nice, I don't see any problems. Can't wait for more updates!
Mmm... Cake...
Yes Glados Stole It!
First, i have no idea who Glados is o.O
ok now for the real stuff
Originally posted by GoldenSonic15
Aye! but the graphics are 1/4 the hack. then the ow is 1/8 the asm is 1/4 and the levels and the level design is 2/4. on that note i am almost done making an OW that would work for a demo and fixing up some clashing graphics and small bugs. i will probably have all that done by.. idk.. maybe tomorrow when I shall have this beta tested and then submit to smwc if good enough.
Honestly bouncey I doubt he cares about who stole an imagenary cake. ¬¬
Anyways the GFX is impressive and the overworld pallette is nice.
CAKE... an odd concept. When I saw this title, first thing I thought of was the band. Next I thought this had something to do with the cake in SM64... OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!
Good works on the special world effects!
Hey, I'm Riot. I used to use this website a lot but it has been quite a while since I've been a part of it. Help me out with any of the changes; it'd be much appreciated.
Originally posted by Maxwell
but the graphics are 1/4 the hack. then the ow is 1/8 the asm is 1/4 and the levels and the level design is 2/4.
So all in all your hack is made up of 112.5 %?
That's epic.Your layout has been removed.
Originally posted by Spud Alpha
Originally posted by Maxwell
but the graphics are 1/4 the hack. then the ow is 1/8 the asm is 1/4 and the levels and the level design is 2/4.
So all in all your hack is made up of 112.5 %?
That's epic.
yes.. yes it is Your layout has been removed.
I'm so close to finishing up the demo. It will have 6 levels and 8 exits.. It WILL be beta tested and submitted to the site as soon as i get home from school sooo yea.Your layout has been removed.
Nearly got the first demmo already!?! God that was fast. Who are the beta testers anyway? As im a little curious.
/\/\3 \/\/4|\|72 2 |33 4 |3374 737273r pl0x
English: I would like to be a beta tester please.Your layout has been removed.
Originally posted by maddened hacker
Nearly got the first demmo already!?! God that was fast. Who are the beta testers anyway? As im a little curious.
mockingod (when he has time, and if he wants), probably flareblade26, and idk
also almost doneYour layout has been removed.
was it mah 1337 skillz?
(translation) OMOGMOGMOGMOGM WEWT! YAYAYA! I r beta tester! (90% chance)Your layout has been removed.
ok i know that i said a demo would be ready but appearently it had quite a few glitches and i needed to port of to a clean rom sooo.. it almost there.Your layout has been removed.
sorry for kinda leaving you guy astray :/ ive been working hard on this and thought a demo was near but not as near as i thought appearently. well i do have a very small demo but keep in mind that it may or may not be exactly the same as latter on versions/demos. i need to change a few things before i post it and its very late so i will most likely get it done tomoro. in the meantime if someone could suggest a good name for the hack that includes nothing about mario or his games that would be awesome.Your layout has been removed.
Chuck and Koopa extermination
I didn't think there was any point to submitting something this small to the site as a demo even. Well here it is (as well as in the first post now). It's 8 levels long and please please if you would like to say how good or bad something is, or how it should be changed, or anything else please don't hesitate. I live off criticism.
Wow. What's the music in Whispery Woods? It's catchy!
The demo end level really should have side exits. :/Good fucking bye.
Originally posted by 10204307
Wow. What's the music in Whispery Woods? It's catchy!
Jimmy52905's White Woods from Bowser Strikes Back. All of his music are amazing btw.
Originally posted by GoldenSonic15
The demo end level really should have side exits. :/
That's a good idea. I'll add that to the next demo.Your layout has been removed.
I wonder what will ahooen with this hack seeing as Maxwell is like gone. :/
I probably play the demo sometime.
Such a shame that this hack is now dead. It was off to a good start.
It is a shame. This hack is cool.
I encourage Maxwell to keep working on it, though. Just because someone does something stupid doesn't mean they don't learn from their mistakes. I've seen people do much worse, get banned, and get unbanned after a time only to come back and start working on a hack again. What I'm saying is "Grow up! Be nice to people! And follow the rules!" 'cause you have a good hack going here, dude.