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Oh why didn't I think of this before.

Originally posted by Captain Pissweak
How does Sonikku even masturbate without hands.

This is suggesting he even has a dick.
How does Sonikku ejaculate without a penis.
How does Sonikku breathe if he is a stone.

I win.
He ejaculates through his nose when his face is erected after breaking a certain amount of mountains with it.

Yes I'm suggesting that Sonikku's method of masturbation is breaking mountains with his face.

Also he isn't a stone he's some kind of fucked up thing.
moltensnow seriously, if you have no idea how Sonikku actually looks, please be quiet.

He is a ghost with green eyes (depending on power up) under a brown coat that has a huge zipper. And he has feet.
Your layout has been removed.
Sonikku quietly, if you have no idea how moltensnow actually looks, please be serious.

He is a brown ghost with eyes (depending on green power) up a zipper that has a huge coat. And he has feet under.

Rearranging says a lot about a person.
Without mountains-being-broken-with-face action this thread doesn't deserve to live.
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