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ATTENTION Part 2: The Cleanup (Questions Answered)

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How it turned out...

First of all, I'd like to say that I'm disappointed that you couldn't even manage to keep it up for a day. It all ended up in loldrama from what I've heard. Anyway...

What happened?

I got a little bored one evening and together with Smallhacker and Pac, it was decided that we should try out a little experiment: giving all non-banned users full moderator priviledges.

What now?

The site has been wiped for members and forum entries to make up for the damage done. This will be the last attempt to restore order from our side, before the new site gets online.

But the old forums!

Don't worry. The old forums can be accessed here.
Goog idea having an archive Boom, I could really use that. :D
I can't view them because of an IP ban set by Stag.
Your layout has been removed.
So wait are we supposed to reregister? if not then this might be bad.
Check out my profile for awesomeness!
Originally posted by internoob
So wait are we supposed to reregister? if not then this might be bad.

I'd assume so beacuse there are about 20 users on right now that also reregistered...
Is the IP ban record from the old site still here? I'm just wondering because if it isn't then the staff will have to re-IP ban some people.
All I see when I try to go to the wiki or the archive is this: hfhfgfhffffgdffsdsdfsdf with a white screen.
Your layout has been removed.
Ha, lucky you. :P Oh, I just noticed, Boom fixed the bug so we can delete our posts now. :D
Originally posted by DarthRiko
Is the IP ban record from the old site still here?

Only for the Wiki.

I wonder why I even came back. >_>
Originally known as A Yoshi (2006-2009), Aquifer (2010-2011), and Azurik (2012-2014).
Because this is the Hotel California!
I'm serious. I lost a lot of stuff from the wipe. >_>
Originally known as A Yoshi (2006-2009), Aquifer (2010-2011), and Azurik (2012-2014).
Originally posted by A Yoshi
I'm serious. I lost a lot of stuff from the wipe. >_>

Everybody lost stuff, but the wipe was still needed.
omg not your precious post count. who cares as long as you have a fun place to post stuff. your not gonna get a reward for all the posts you made.
Check out my profile for awesomeness!
Lost what again?
Originally posted by Lotica
Agreed. I hope this place can recover.

I just hope that the site will return to ist former glory, no mater how faded it was.

Off-topic, Remnic looks good in yellow.
Originally posted by A Yoshi
I'm serious. I lost a lot of stuff from the wipe. >_>

You lost nothing, just your posts. >_>
Originally posted by darklink898
Originally posted by A Yoshi
I'm serious. I lost a lot of stuff from the wipe. >_>

You lost nothing, just your posts. >_>

Apparently the post count is important to some people.

Check out my profile for awesomeness!
Well, I was about to reach 3000 and I don't care. >_>
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