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This is gonna be deleted after C3

Hey! I was really thinking if I should've did this or not and I decided to do this. I'm doing this because I am not gonna be showing any updates of my hack for a LONG time and I am gonna be very busy with school and other nonsense. Anyways, here's the link:


Read the readme, it has some things you should know. And just like the read me says, PLEASE do not report any errors or bugs to me, I know there are errors, this is a beta so it doesn't matter.

Here's the story:
Wario and Waluigi are planning for the destruction of the Mushroom Kingdom, their minions are protecting the 7 orbs which will gain entrance to Wario and Waluigi's castle. Can Luigi stop their reign of terror?

I'm gonna change the story though, well other than the Wario and Waluigi part.

So, here are some screens of the hack.

I'll update this later, I'm tired atm.
This is awesome, thanks reg! I'll be sure to paly it!
Very,very good.

Layout by algorithmshark. Additional help by mockingod.

Linkable Links: Youtube Channel - If any of you want me to do hack videos, I will. I cannot guarantee sound, however.

Shadow of A Hero Progress:

Not doing much.
What an awesome hack this is turning out to be! All the screenshots you showed made me blow away, which is just wonderful!

*clicks the download link*Free counters!

The Graphics look awesome and very well put together. I like the status bar too.
Layout by LDA during C3.

Very pretty. /me downloads.

/me realizes this isn't IRC.

/me facepalms

Warning: Opinions expressed by Lexie or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Lexie himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.

Yoshi's Island Disassembly C3 Thread
SPASM - LevelASM for Yoshi's Island!
Yoshi's Island Disassembly Data Dump Wiki
This looks awesome. I love the graphics style, I'm downloading this right now. #w{=3}
Can't wait to try this hack out! Everything from the screenshots looks really nice.
8 Trials Await (2010) lol|
Sweet it great to see a beta that we can sink our teeth in. After following the hack for quite some time this is going to be awesome to play. :>
AnimeList | MangaList
I know I've been rather silent about it, but I've actually been anticipating this hack for an extremely long time. To finally get to play it (however incomplete it may still be) seems almost unreal.
As tempting as it is to play this, I don't know if I will or not... I kind of would rather wait for a full version as to not spoil anything.

It looks freaking amazing, though, not gonna lie.
IRC Quotes (March 20th update!)

/MKICK 4: Flantastic Puns
Great! I've been looking for a SMAS styled hack to play for a while now.
Just played it, it was awesome. :D And I agree those former grassland levels aren't too good. Kind of... "eh".
Thanks for the nice comments guys!

Originally posted by Kristian
As tempting as it is to play this, I don't know if I will or not... I kind of would rather wait for a full version as to not spoil anything.

It looks freaking amazing, though, not gonna lie.

@Ascaska: Thanks! Yea those old grassland levels were made when my level design wasn't as great.

Yea, I would wait for the full version too especially how this is beta and has a lot of errors. Though who knows when it'll be released since I've only gotten 1 and a half worlds done ever since I started this hack. xP

Well, here's the last update you'll get: (This is mostly for the people who haven't seen this thread yet)
Some screens are from my new levels, some from my old.

Here's a pic of my overworld

Well that's all for pics and whatnot, don't expect updates from my hack thread (or anywhere else) for a long time. : (
Looking fantastic as usual, Karkhisi! Also that overworld is <3Free counters!
Love the screenshots, but I don't have time to play it right now ^_^l|l
User: Hinalyte / ID: 1553 ~ loading kotori.css
Like the screenshots. Those graphics combination are very awesome.