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Mario's Redrawn Adventure tread V2 :Final Demo released.

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Georgevssonic: Sadly, I wanted something different to NSMB, so the chosen was the 2, sorry for the disapointment.

Also,Since the 3rd level of my hack sucked, I remade it, so behold the
mushie skies:

I really should start to remade the quicksand plains.

I loved the BG palette... I have no words to describe it. 10/10
The mushroom platforms are also very good, but I think the platform colors can be optimized a bit. 9/10. But the new platforms are a lot better than the old ones.

Screenshots overall: 9.5/10

Very good!
Thanks for the comment, blind devil.That makes the hack know what I mean.

MRA Supporters, there are some things that you must know:

1.The Demo 1.2 has been released, it includes some changes this time around, like some graphics, edited level design,etc.

2.I'm going to port the whole thing to a new Rom by a reason that I don't fell like explaining.So don't espect news in some time.

That's it! I'm tired of everyone making a better hack than me! #w{>=(}
It has been a while.
Learn the basic of lunar magic,yy-chr. custom palletes,etc.To make a good hack.For me it was hard to learn these in a first place.
It's really hard for me.
+, my mom said not to download anything anymore. #w{=(}
It has been a while.
GvS ~ u:11380
Originally posted by MarioPikachu11
It's really hard for me.
+, my mom said not to download anything anymore. #w{=(}

If you can't download anything anymore, your doomed. No way you can hack without any downloads (unless you want your hack to get REALY, REALY REALY vanilla.)

EDIT: useless edit.
Originally posted by MarioPikachu11
That's it! I'm tired of everyone making a better hack than me! #w{>=(}

You actully dont need fancy tools for hacking. Seeing as your starting off go for a vannilla hack, learn customs pallettes and Map16 stuff. I seen you say you hated someone in there hack thread which aint very nice... Just because their hack is "better" dont mean you can say bad things. Everyone has to start off somewhere.
Which thread?
It has been a while.
Trust me, I started out with skills much like yours, and then I got better overtime. It took me about 3 months of using LM and asking questions to get to this point, so just practice more and you'll do better.
To make this post relevent to the thread - The new mushroom top level looks real nice, I'm looking forward to seeing where this hack goes.
Mario's Greatest Adventure! <- My hack thread, where I make magic.
TheChristmasBringer:Thanks, nobody can say that the older level was better.

Also, not a big complain, but I founded a glitch in the demo 1.2
( a floating tile),because that, the small people that downloaded the hack I give them an excuse for that.Maybe I release a christmas special demo that fix that issue...and much more...

Also, the porting was cancelled by a reason that I don't fell like explaining(again)So don't ask me why I wanted to port in a first place.
Probe tu Demo y esta muy bueno, te felicito Dakress por tu gran trabajo, sigue asi que con mis hijos (de 8 y 4 años) estamos esperando la version final para jugar en familia en mi Xbox (con Zsnes) y por supuesto que vamos a jugar tu version de navidad!
Gracias skalibur,pero te recomiendo que en esta seccion escribas en ingles,si no puedes, usa un TRADUCTOR DECENTE.

In English:Thanks Skalibur, but you should write in english in this section, if you cannot, try to use a good translator.

I haven't worked too much, sicne I've remapping the sprites.But I think that its time to show this:

A level that is somewhere in world 1,2 or 3.
(yes the shelless koopa is actually turing)

EDIT:2 more screens:

A name suggestion for this level is welcomed.
You can even get Goombas, Spinies, Bob-ombs, and Buzzy Beetles to turn!

Kinda in hibernation for a while. I hope to be back in full swing soon.
I could do that, but I lack of space to include them.(and with these edits that I did...)I'll see if I can do it.

edit:I can do that with the spiny(with some tilemapping from other srite),for the goomba, bob-omb and buzzy bettle I'm not sure.But I hope to do that.Also,I was only going to give the shelless koopa a turning animation,but with your comment...

EDIT:Added turning animation to almost every possible sprite(excluding bob-omb),now I must see where can I put the blooper graphics...
Also, the 2nd image the hammer bro was remplaced by a sheel bro.
Announcement: I'm here to say that Dakress requested my water GFX from my cancelled hack "Super Mario's Legend - Vacations at the Tropics", and I've authorized him its usage. This is just to make it clear for everybody about that.
Also announcing 2 things:

1.The Christmas special demo will be released between 25 or 26 of Decemberd due to the lack of time to finish some stuff.

2.To avoid multiple bugfixes versions,I decided to recluit beta testers again,when I announce that the demo is finished,I'll send the copies with the instructions.

And like Polar Devil said,I'm able to use his water form his cancelled hack.(Anyone is interested in beta test?)
I will beta test again.
I have 2 beta testers, and I hope to have a 3rd one.

Also,working on mole plains again:

Well,I want to change the name,and I have 3 options, which is better?:

1.Mole plains.
2.Sunset Valley
3."Insert your name's idea here"
Hm, what do you think about names "Sundown Valley", " Mole Mount Pass" or something like that?
Nothing to see here. Move along.
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