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Title Screen Level Design Contest!

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Hello. I am making a contest, with approval from S.N.N, to design a new title screen level. More details on this will be explained below:

How do I join?
-A title screen level is to be designed in Lunar Magic (Level C7).
It does not need to be too long in length - only around the size of the original level which is around 8 screens.
-A title screen movie should also be implemented into this hack. I understand the movies can only be recorded in ZSNES, so this is optional, however, you will get more points if you do implement a title screen movie.

There are some rules for this contest, which I would like to point out:

1. Feel free to use ANY resources! However, you will not lose points if your level is 'vanilla'.

2. The level should fit with the normal Hack Submission Guidelines. You will get scored higher if your level has a
higher quality

Once you have completed your level, you should post your IPS file here on this thread.
The deadline for this hack will be the 21st January 2011
I will judge all entries after that date and the top 3 winners will each get a fake trophy.

I will score each level based of the following criteria:

[/10] Level Design: Was the level design high quality?
[/5] Movie: Was the movie used well in the level?
[/10] 'Finish': Did the level feel 'finished'? Was there cut-off or other errors?

The total rating will be a percentage out of 100.

Good luck designing your level.:)

Entries so far:

1.Green Raven

Ooh, I think I'll join this. This makes the level C7 contest obsolete, doesn't it?

Edit: lol, I got done with this quick. I don't expect to be at the top, but Here.
Maybe I should join. It seems a good contest so far. I'll definatly try.
Thank you for joining.

That was a quick entry, Green_raven.
I know, I pretty much started as soon as I saw this contest.
If this doesn't win, I will be very sad.

By the way, the stuff on the title screen is made up of inside jokes.
Thank you for entering.
Hmm... I might enter this.
Edit: After more than 4 hours of struggling with title screen recording, my entry is done: Here it is .IPS works. Hope it's good.

Sounds interesting. I think I'll give it a shot.
I will give this contest an extension, as I have only received 3 entries so far.

The deadline will be 12th February. I want to see your talents in making these. :)
Cool, I'll get started on my entry. It will be Space Air-Pop themed.
I'll certainly try making one but I forgot how to do those recordings again. Now only to go search for Lm170, because I've always used that one on my other pc. Now I use 1.63 again. I'll see if I can find it. anyway, I'm in!

EDIT: I'm done with it! Read the readme before patching and/or using it for your own SMW hack. Link: Clicky!
@Gravity - Can you please fix your patch, as it is bad.
Make sure you patch to a CLEAN SMW ROM that has been verified in the Clean ROM Verifier tool.
I tested my patch and it worked... I guess I won't join than since I lost my last clean ROM with a great wipe on my pc #w{=(}... So now I need to find a new ROM ( I had my hacks backed up, but not a clean ROM, stupid of me, actually... #w{=P})

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