I've seen hacks where people place fireballs and such to iggy's battle.
I know you can edit lemmy and wnedy but how do you edit the other ones?
Edit the routine of the bosses is impossible in LM.
About the fireballs in the Iggy Battle, I don't know, sorry.
the probly use a tool that isnt on smw central(a tool they made)Your layout has been removed.
Scientific genius!
You can do this by changing the bosses level to a veritcal level. Be sure to change it back when your done.I am the Eggman! My current Egglayout is to support Sonic Robo Blast 2. I'll change it sometime in the future.
Mind tleling me how to change it to a vertical level though? XD
Sorry >_>
Scientific genius!
Originally posted by Badalight
Mind tleling me how to change it to a vertical level though?
I wish I knew...
Check the lunar magic contents, listed under "help" I am the Eggman! My current Egglayout is to support Sonic Robo Blast 2. I'll change it sometime in the future.
I tried going to the contents but nothing happend when I clicked on it...
After trying that I got this new file in my lunar magic folder and I am unable to delete it since it says it' sbeing used by another program, even though I've exited out of Lunar magic...
Scientific genius!
Originally posted by Badalight
I tried going to the contents but nothing happend when I clicked on it...
After trying that I got this new file in my lunar magic folder and I am unable to delete it since it says it' sbeing used by another program, even though I've exited out of Lunar magic...
Hmmm... Never happened to me when I go to the contents...I am the Eggman! My current Egglayout is to support Sonic Robo Blast 2. I'll change it sometime in the future.
When I clicked the "help" I accidently clicked outside of the pop up box.
Then I couldn't find it anywhere, even after minimizing Lunar Magic. So I exited out of it, and it gave me this file that I now can't delete, so I won't be able to see the "help" again until I can delete it, but it won't let me.
So while I'm figuring out how to fix this would someone mind telling me how to make a vertical level?
Click the Mario head and set the top drop down box to 02.
Scientific genius!
Originally posted by Boingboingsplat
Click the Mario head and set the top drop down box to 02.
Doesn't that only enable layer 2?I am the Eggman! My current Egglayout is to support Sonic Robo Blast 2. I'll change it sometime in the future.
Set it to 00. You have made a standart horizontal level out of the boss room. You will see garbled graphics and the Iggy Sprite. If you want to place some fireballs there, place them on the highest part of the screen. (You can look at Lemmy's battle how it was done by Nintendo) Make sure that sprite buoyancy is enabled and it should work. (And don't forget to change the level mode back to the exact setting it had before - there are several settings for several bosses, so choose the right one)
That helps, a LOT!
But how do I enable sprite buoyancy?
Click on Lakitu's Head.
Thanks... but when I tested it the fireballs didn't appear.
Maby I didn't enable to buoyancy right.
There are two options it gives me, which one should I check, or should I check both?
The first one is enough. If it still don't work, I would suggest to set Lemmy's Boss room to 00 and take a look on how Nintendo placed the fireballs. I did it this way, and it worked fine for me, so I can't see, why it shouldn't work.
Nevermind, I got it.
You were right, I placed the fire balls incorrectly.
Thanks for all the help though! Now I have a tough boss battle!
I've tried a lot of things for those. Placing almost any sprite anywhere causes the room to glitch (Mario moves through the wall and gets stuck) or problems in the background. Eerie generators and bullet bill generators are about as close to right as you can get, although I think if you spinjump off of either of those, it glitches the background. You can try for yourself though.