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Outrageous Mario World [Demo 1]--AnybodyAgrees

Hack Name: Outrageous Mario World [Demo 1]
Author: AnybodyAgrees
Reasons for Removal:

Unedited title screen or introduction. While this isn't exactly mandatory, changing these would add a personalized front-end to your hack that will entice more people to play. At least change the introduction message.

Why not just use solid edges? It wouldn't look so odd.

The bottom of the pipe is cutoff by the not-so-square Cement Blocks. Just use a patch of ground instead, or have the pipe be upside-down and have a ledge underneath it.

This picture also shows one of many blind jumps in this level. A trail of coins would be nice, and if you placed the coins through the Map16 editor so that they reappear each time you enter the pipe, that would be even better.

Koopa-jumping in the first level? No. Save that for later levels and worlds.

1. The water path cutting into the moving water looks kind of bad. See if you can fix it.
2. Make the island with the Red Switch a little bigger, as the switch doesn't look that good teetering on the island's edge.

Oh, God. Floating/Stacked Munchers, Chuck spam causing terrible slowdown, forced hits, and no reset pipe if I don't collect the coins in time after hitting the blue P-Switch. You have broken literally every submission rule in this one room, so you really need to redo this.

Koopas, all-angle Bullet Bills, and a Flying Fish Generator. . .and you expect me to fly through here?

No. You'll need to redo most of this hack and read the Hack Submission Guidelines while you do.


Hack Name: Outrageous Mario World [Demo 2] Demo - 148.6 KB - 2 downloads.
Length: 9 exits
Author: AnybodyAgrees - Submitted by: AnybodyAgrees
Description: Hello, and Thank You for downloading Outrageous Mario World, Demo 2! All cutoff issues and stacked munchers are fixed, and 2 more levels are added! This demo goes from World 1-1 (Beginner Island) to World 2-2 (Parabeetle Path). Have fun!

Reason for Removal:
Sorry, I can't really sugar coat this, but the levels have an overall bad design to them. Most of its just plain flat and/or doesn't flow very well.

bit of cut off ground tile by the pipe now, remove the ground from behind those tiles

I dont think the bottom is suppose to look like that, move it down 1 tile

Bad color/brick choice for those blocks

Don't put question blocks in a bonus room, they don't end up the way you want them too. Along with this, having something like a bridge hurt you is just don't look right, even if you do explain in the message box, and to top it off being able to collect them as coins after hitting a P switch is just plain bad.

Not sure what you did to the blue koopas sliding frame, but fix it.

Before you continue on, take a look at some of the hacks in the featured section. The hack doesnt have to have exgfx for it to be good, but maybe you can get an idea or two for level design.
Layout by LDA during C3.
NAME: Outrageous Mario World [Demo 2.2]
AUTHOR: AnybodyAgrees
DESCRIPTION: This is demo 2.2 of my hack, Outrageous Mario World. All the cutoffness and ExGFX oddities have been fixed, but most of the levels remain the same.


You've placed the goal bar one tile too high creating cutoffness.

While this gimmick was kinda clever, we don't accept sprites that (partly) disappear! Fix the sprite memory and build around it.

You should fix the glitched note block animation graphics. They're not compatible with the castle tileset!

More glitched graphics.

This part is level-design-wise kind of boring.

Apart from the fact that this moon is not very hard to find and reach, one can get it multiple times as you have placed the moon from direct Map 16. Use the moon from Extended Objects.

This 1-up is also fairly easy to get.

No screenshot, but furthermore, the second room in the castle was an obvious level edit. Though it was somewhat of a unique one, I'm not too sure what others think of it.
Check out my twitch (currently only hosting Pokemon runs, inactive)

Exits done: >50, Overworld: 99.8%
Play through Taomb Demo 3
Taomb is almost finished. It will definitely be relased in 2025 after 17 years of work!

Hack Name: Outrageous Mario World [Demo 4.4] Demo - 164.2 KB - 30 downloads.
Length: 11 exits
Author: AnybodyAgrees - Submitted by: AnybodyAgrees
Description: I have a confession to make. There were 2 demo 2s. This is really demo 4. This is Demo 2.3 with the following added:
Custom Music
New title screen
1 new level
Changed palettes in some levels
A new custom sprite

Works best on ZSNES.

Reason for removal:

I suppose its just my opinion, but it seems to be a bad palette choice.

Yu really should ex-animate these blocks to actually turn into coins when the p-switch is hit.

Cut-off near the back of the pipe on the walls

Once again, bad palette choice

Its impossible to see where your going because the screen does not scroll up. With a hex editor go to 07A78 and change it from D0 to 80 to activate free vertical scrolling. This will bypass the routine that checks whether Mario is standing on solid ground or not (RAM address $72) and sets the scrolling flag accordingly. The camera follows Mario instead of waiting for him to land on something.

Move your level tiles over to the left a bit, it looks ugly next to the screen boarder like that.

MARIO! Your......FLYING! (also, at least put a "end of demo message in here somewhere.)And, its a red level tile, but only one 1 exit...

Overall, its kinda getting better. The level in the last screenshot is almost impossible without a cape and you should never assume the player has one.
Also, I'm not sure whats up with the music selection you have, but its hurting my ears. You need to fix what ever issue is going on with it.
Layout by LDA during C3.