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Darey's Nightmare Demo - Dman

Hack Name: Darey's Nightmare Demo - 185.6 KB - 40 downloads.
Length: 1 level
Author: Dman - Submitted by: Dman
Description: Just a demo with one level i will be making a full hack tho that level wont be in it.

Enjoy please give feed back and blah blah blah pretend i said something interesting.

Reasons for removal:
Before I even get to the photos, if its only going to be a 1 level hack, then only allow access to only THAT level. Also make a message somewhere at the end that this point is the end of the demo.
Because of you allowing me to access the other levels, I was able to get yoshi and glitch a few things up

This is why Yoshi is not allowed in Castle levels

A bit of cut-off here with the moving stair case, it doesn't look right. Also a bit of cutoffness with the bottom right corner of the BB launcher.

Even without Yoshi, there is massive slowdown around this area.

1. Traps like this are NOT fun and there are a few of them in this hack. Do away with them because if this is how the hack is gonna be, no one is gonna want to play it.
2. Keep the swearing down to a minimum. There really isn't any real reason for it, and it doesn't make your hack any cooler with that in there. And the fact that you say "arse" instead of "ass", but actually say the word "shit" makes no sense what-so-ever.
3. Not sure why you enabled the side exit sprite here....
Layout by LDA during C3.