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(Do you want a) Hertz Donut?


Hurts Don't it?

An easier Kaizo hack I made focusing more on quality than trying to be as hard as possible. Featuring custom music, custom sprites, a few custom blocks, and a difficulty curve ranging from soft Kaizo to C|C difficulty. There is a trio of secret levels if you can beat the secret of Brooklyn Rage.
Let's take a look:

Can't beat my, can't beat my, no you can't beat my Brooklyn Rage. I don't wanna be a furry.

I managed to make my own custom block train path.

Inspired by 9-1 from Luigi's Adventure.

From a compact, slow paced underwater level with so, so many hazards. May contain a puzzle that plays with secondary entrance settings. Either that or some kind of autoscroll segment.

This segment is a directional coin with an eating block following it, so it's sort of a makeshift block train.

Autoscroll. IN SPACE!

This part is nearly impossible. Might be kinda hard to see, but there is a spike directly above the turn block.

More screenshots.
Legacy custom music
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SMW hacking channel

I like the palette edits.
Originally posted by pixie
I like the palette edits.

I agree. And I really like the OW.
I thought it was spelled "hurtz donut", not hertz like the company.

But anyway, lol, epic, I'm almost looking forward to this.

I say "almost" because you mentioned "Super Mario FML" and that makes me shudder. Goddamn that was hard...

Hoping for someone to Let's Play my rom hack, Hell On A Stick. Current version 0.4.3.

Hoping for willing betatesters and/or LPers. PM if interested. (I wanna know where you're uploading your vids if at all, so I can watch the pain.)
I don't know, looks like I'm seeing it spelled either way. And 3bular will prolly be the penultimate and a semi sequel to that one FML level.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

meh, all this hack reminds me of is like cool or cruel and world of pain :/
This -->Click!!<-- This
At least those two hacks have vertical wall shell jumping and P-switch jumping used at all.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

How did you make your own block trail? I thought you could only customize the eating trail (as seen in C|C - Gloomy). Still, this hack looks plain awesome. Hurry up and finish it please!
I just used the custom sprite version of the creating/eating block and modified the text file. I have 5 of the first 6 levels either finished, almost finished, or well on their way but not quite almost finished. I know I said I wasn't gonna release a demo, but I might anyway because it seems almost wrong to go much farther without releasing anything. Also half of the second submap seems like a good place to end a demo (the level called Brooklyn Rage is just too awesome not to include).
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Originally posted by LaularuKyrumo
I thought it was spelled "hurtz donut", not hertz like the company.

Eh, according to Google it's "hertz", even though I can see people thinking it's "hurtz" because the joke "hurtz". (shot)
Good fucking bye.
Originally posted by GoldenSonic15
Originally posted by LaularuKyrumo
I thought it was spelled "hurtz donut", not hertz like the company.

Eh, according to Google it's "hertz", even though I can see people thinking it's "hurtz" because the joke "hurtz". (shot)

What does "hertz" even mean?

Originally posted by Botcrazy
What does "hertz" even mean?

Its a measure of frequency. Its also a rental car company.

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
Due to the branching of the overworld, there will be at least two, maybe three, end of demo levels.
Progress on the levels (rough estimation):
-level 1: 100%
-level 2: probably 100%
-level 3: about 50%
-level 4: 70 to 80%
-level 5: about 95% (decided to switch levels 4 and 5 to smooth out the difficulty curve)
-level 6: about 70%
I've also added another screenshot.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

This hack is looking nice on.
I also liked the OW.

Nevermind. This hack is looking awesome.
Those preview videos where stinking awesome. The only thing I could possibly complain about is the music. Frankly, I just feel that the hack could use more "fitting" music (except for the Sand Bird, I really liked that).
When you see or play the fifth level (the one that's an auto-scroll with the space background), see if you still think the music is unfitting. I felt that Salamander Starfield would be perfect for such a level.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Originally posted by Kaizokoban
When you see or play the fifth level (the one that's an auto-scroll with the space background), see if you still think the music is unfitting. I felt that Salamander Starfield would be perfect for such a level.

Actually, it's only the title screen, and intro level (heavy on the intro level) that I don't like. I just had to watch the video some more times, and I actually quite like the song in the second level!
Originally posted by Kaizokoban
And 3bular will prolly be the penultimate and a semi sequel to that one FML level.

Well fuck. That One Level, indeed.

Hoping for someone to Let's Play my rom hack, Hell On A Stick. Current version 0.4.3.

Hoping for willing betatesters and/or LPers. PM if interested. (I wanna know where you're uploading your vids if at all, so I can watch the pain.)
Cool hack. I can't wait for it!

Also, I think the last screen (the castle one) count as shell jump.
I am kinda taking a little break, but the room with that jump involving the shell, I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to construct it. It involves a creative use of the level ender sprite (the walking variant) and I want there to be only one spot where it's possible to clear all sprites onscreen and not 'goal walk' into a pit, lava, or a pipe leading into a pit. I've made it into a puzzle. I think I might have the basic process down, tho. This might even become a suitable substitute for boss fights.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel
