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3rd Annual Kaizo Level Design Contest

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I Hate Masks.
Level name: I Hate Masks (should be obvious, since it's the only level)
Category: Difficulty
Collab: Sure
I don't know who will need more luck, me, or whoever plays this level #w{xD}
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Originally posted by Thomas
But what if my instincts are telling me to quit? D:

I don't trust your instincts, since you can tolerate Jewston.

Five days and three hours until submissions are due. An announcement might be in order, eh Ulti? A formal one, I mean - not just editing like list time B)

Warning: Opinions expressed by Lexie or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Lexie himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.

Yoshi's Island Disassembly C3 Thread
SPASM - LevelASM for Yoshi's Island!
Yoshi's Island Disassembly Data Dump Wiki
Originally posted by Alexander
Originally posted by Thomas
But what if my instincts are telling me to quit? D:

I don't trust your instincts, since you can tolerate Jewston.

i think you should be more impressed he can tolerate you. and why does he need your approval to let him quit?
This -->Click!!<-- This
Originally posted by SoulJester726
Originally posted by Alexander
Originally posted by Thomas
But what if my instincts are telling me to quit? D:

I don't trust your instincts, since you can tolerate Jewston.

i think you should be more impressed he can tolerate you. and why does he need your approval to let him quit?

Not my approval. OGS changed his mind about dropping out, and I want to make sure that Thomas' decision will be his final one. I don't want to have to put his name back into all of the slots if he decides to rejoin one day after dropping out; it's needless effort.

Warning: Opinions expressed by Lexie or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Lexie himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.

Yoshi's Island Disassembly C3 Thread
SPASM - LevelASM for Yoshi's Island!
Yoshi's Island Disassembly Data Dump Wiki
Originally posted by Botcrazy
Originally posted by Maruhai
Originally posted by Thomas
Its not that I hate you, its just that my overall interest in SMW has dropped.


Is that your answer to everything? Although, I gues you're right...

hey I just try to keep as many people as possible.
Originally posted by Maruhai
Originally posted by Botcrazy
Originally posted by Maruhai
Originally posted by Thomas
Its not that I hate you, its just that my overall interest in SMW has dropped.


Is that your answer to everything? Although, I gues you're right...

hey I just try to keep as many people as possible.

Yeah, we do want people. However, telling Thomas to follow his instincts to quit, wasn't exactly helpful |-O
Originally posted by Botcrazy
Originally posted by Maruhai
Originally posted by Botcrazy
Originally posted by Maruhai
Originally posted by Thomas
Its not that I hate you, its just that my overall interest in SMW has dropped.


Is that your answer to everything? Although, I gues you're right...

hey I just try to keep as many people as possible.

Yeah, we do want people. However, telling Thomas to follow his instincts to quit, wasn't exactly helpful |-O

I couldn't find a video with the Never Give Up part only.
Originally posted by OGS93
(As I requested on skype) Could I please have a week extension on the deadline to work on my level?

I am caked with deadlines of college and it's half-term next week so I can get it done alot quicker and to a higher quality over then.

I feel my post was over-shadowed.
Originally posted by OGS93
Originally posted by OGS93
(As I requested on skype) Could I please have a week extension on the deadline to work on my level?

I am caked with deadlines of college and it's half-term next week so I can get it done alot quicker and to a higher quality over then.

I feel my post was over-shadowed.

That's because it was :D
You've got your extension, OGS. I expect my mind to be blown because of this extra time.

June 6 at 23:59.59 Eastern Standard Time is the latest that I'll allow - exactly one week from the initial deadline. I suggest you use this time wisely.

Warning: Opinions expressed by Lexie or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Lexie himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.

Yoshi's Island Disassembly C3 Thread
SPASM - LevelASM for Yoshi's Island!
Yoshi's Island Disassembly Data Dump Wiki
Originally posted by Alexander
You've got your extension, OGS. I expect my mind to be blown because of this extra time.

June 6 at 23:59.59 Eastern Standard Time is the latest that I'll allow - exactly one week from the initial deadline. I suggest you use this time wisely.

Uh... I can't rate my own level but I will try my best :P
(Thanks :3 )
Originally posted by Botcrazy

One's with song header's I think?

I use Carol's and Romi's so I have no idea personally...
Originally posted by OGS93
Originally posted by Botcrazy

One's with song header's I think?

I use Carol's and Romi's so I have no idea personally...

Same here. Nothing works on this *************** emulator.
Entries post, original post updated.

Botcrazy, what song are you using? Could you paste it in What addmusic are you using?

World Community Grid: Thread | Team
I use the second to newest Romi's Addmusic, and I'm using this song, and this song. I don't know about the second one, but I know the first one get's all screwy with me.
Originally posted by Botcrazy
I use the second to newest Romi's Addmusic, and I'm using this song, and this song. I don't know about the second one, but I know the first one get's all screwy with me.

I tested the first song with romi's addmusic, and then HFD's addmusic. I found that it wouldn't work at all with the first, but with HFD's, it worked completely fine, even in bsnes. All you have to do is insert it with HFD's addmusic (make sure that it has the ";-- HEADER AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED --" stuff at the top, if it doesn't, then redownload it) and use the -se command.

World Community Grid: Thread | Team
Submission: HERE

Category: Difficulty

Entry into collab: Yes

Hoping for someone to Let's Play my rom hack, Hell On A Stick. Current version 0.4.3.

Hoping for willing betatesters and/or LPers. PM if interested. (I wanna know where you're uploading your vids if at all, so I can watch the pain.)
Updated.. does your level have an actual name?

World Community Grid: Thread | Team


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