Looks good,Especially the level desing.
One thing thought, the overworld is very good, but some slopes would look good.
Is this meant to be a vanilla hack?If not, try to add some custom grafics.Your layout has been removed.
No, it's not intended to be a vanilla hack. I will add custom ExGFX when I can.
It's been over ONE YEAR since I didn't updated my hack, due to the fact I was busy with other stuff in real life...
BUT NOW!! It's time to heat up my favorite SMW hacking program's engine and go back to work!
Wow, this is pretty awesome! I did notice one error, though.
Mario can walk through the upside-down slope. I would recommend making it act like tile 130.
Thanks! And thanks for posting the error too. I'll fix it.
It's been over ONE YEAR since I didn't updated my hack, due to the fact I was busy with other stuff in real life...
BUT NOW!! It's time to heat up my favorite SMW hacking program's engine and go back to work!
Level design is good, overworld is good but could use improvements, I like this. Keep up the good work.
Alright, I just posted a newer version of my hack. It have:
-New FG;
-New BG;
-Minor bug fixed;
-The time limit is now 400 (it was 300);
-Some minor changes on the level, on the overworld and on the palletes.
-Daytonthegreat and Icegoom for the BG;
-Kaeru for the FG;
-FPI for the music;
-xlk for the idea of putting ExGFX;
-Zerio for reporting me about the upside-down slope bug.