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Lost ECHO's SMW (Is now officially dead! :( )


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My name is Lost ECHO and this is my first hack. check this post often for updates on my OW and submaps.

Current OW Progress

Last Update: Started working on doing something with the great amount of unused space on the OW (Mainly the water at the bottom) So i'll be Updating the OW often till I come up with something good.

The cave sub-map is now axed completely. I've decided the 2 sub-maps, the forest and the final area (based of the Valley of Bowser) to be enough work as it is with an estimated level total not passing 35 levels (maybe).
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
I'd recommend you check out the plentiful resources available in their respective sections on the site. We have some really cool stuff available here. You should also show screenshots and videos of your hack off to others so you can get feedback.

Speaking of screenshots, however, it's a rule that you have to have them in to start a thread here. If not, a mod will probably close the thread. It'd really suck to have your very first thread closed.

Also, welcome to SMWC. I hope you enjoy the site. Feel free to ask questions and such, as this is a really great and helpful community.
Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to add more as I progress.
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
I personally cannot see any perspective errors, which is good. The OW is not too blocky, and it is decorated just right. The only thing I dislike about it are the palettes, as they are kind of ugly.

Actually, the only ugly palette is the desert palette. I'd say make the sand darker, and make the rocks and hills lighter. That might make it look a lot better.
Just back here to browse a bit.
You say you need inspiration.. Could you be more specific? Maybe if you told us something in particular you were stuck on we could give you better advice.
My Youtube Channel
My Soundcloud
I agree about the palettes and as far as inspiration... Right at the particular moment I need more ideas for my sub-maps. things like palettes, how many levels should be on each map, interesting event ideas. I am fairly new to hacking in general so while I looking to show my best i'm still a total noob to this.
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
I just noticed this but are you having mario start out on a ghost house? That's cool. Is it an actual level or is the ghost house just gonna be a "Yoshi's House" kinda level and that two exit one is gonna be the actaul first level?
My Youtube Channel
My Soundcloud
The ghost house that Mario starts is more like Yoshi's house. It is currently a save room. I'm using a Ghost House to force the save prompt to open when the level is exited. but I hope to figure out how to add the shop blocks and call the level "Shop n' Save". Yes the first actual level is the two exit level below it.
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
Your over world is looking pretty good so far; defiantly well decorated but yeah I do agree with what Chanagaburu said about the desert palettes.

As for the "how many levels should be on each map" question; well it many levels did you plan on having in the entire hack? (An estimated guess)
My Youtube Channel for Hacking and Gaming.
Right of the top of my head...well...I was kinda wanting to do a complete overhaul of every level, but that is starting to look like too many levels for my current OW so... assuming I make only 5 levels for my sub-maps around 33 levels.
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
Just so you know, you don't have to do a ghost house to force a save prompt. Just open the level tile settings and check the bottom-most checkbox.
I actually tried to do that. It doesn't bring up the prompt for some reason. So for now i'm using the ghost house.
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
Hopefully I can get some more support for my hack

I've been working on the opening levels:
Shop n' Save

Unnamed Level 1

There is more but they are all a work in progress.
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
I think it would be a good idea to show off the shop without a message covering a big portion of it.

From what I can see from the screen shots, I can already say that the palettes could use some working on. Red does not work very well for Ghost Houses, the cement blocks aren't very well colored, and the bottom two sets of pictures have a big contrast between the lightest and darkest shades on the land. If you don't want to use the vanilla palettes, then you could go to Level> Custom Palettes, and switch that on. Then, you could play with the palettes to see what fits the level. It's helpful to know that right-clicking on two different colors while holding 'Alt' will give you the gradient between the two colors.

Other Submissions of mine!
OK, I've been Playing with the palettes for these levels:

Shop n' Save

Level 1

Also I'm trying to get the BG to look like detailed versions of the desert hills on the OW
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
The palette for Level 1 is eye searing. It would be nice if you changed it so that the colours are darker.

- BlackMageMario
It could look like this:

My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
Ok, Removing the Black dots with something else:

Now its kinda starting to burn my eyes.
My Current Hacking Project: "Static E"
Mario's Kool-Aid Acid Trip (maybe?)
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