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Mario in the dark world


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I made a hack of smw with a health meater
rpg overworld
custom music
I posted a demo on here if you want to play it.Let me know of any problems.
I know of the folowing mario's house isn't on the map.
the switch palace is yellow but it says "white" and is unchanged. the bush on the intro has a off color berry part. I forgot to take that out the rest should work o.k.

I am Matter
I am Anti matter
I can see your past
I can see your future
I consume time
And I will consume you!
when will you people lern post screenshots
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Please provide some screenshots, or I'll have to close this.
Please spell correctly too. It's meter not "meater".

I am Matter
I am Anti matter
I can see your past
I can see your future
I consume time
And I will consume you!
that was the title screen (mario unable to enjoy a swim) here is
magic mario

I am Matter
I am Anti matter
I can see your past
I can see your future
I consume time
And I will consume you!
You can't directly link from your computer. Sorry. D: You have to host your pics on a website.

May I suggest using It works for me. :)
<Adam> I feel like smwc is a prostitute now, because we put up a porn ad for money
ok let try again

I am Matter
I am Anti matter
I can see your past
I can see your future
I consume time
And I will consume you!
That vertical log is not very pretty. :x
fuck yeah meowingtons
The Eggs of Saear | #extreme | Spade's Gallery of Visual Arts | PM me | My YouTube channel | xkcd | Dinosaur Comics
Yeah, at least make some extra peices with map16 to make that actually yellow (dont paste over the normal tiles, the vertical pipes will appear green then)
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Originally posted by Mod God

I know of the folowing mario's house isn't on the map.
the switch palace is yellow but it says "white" and is unchanged. the bush on the intro has a off color berry part. I forgot to take that out the rest should work o.k.


I am trying not to flame you, but there is no "improvising" or "ignore it" in smw hacking.
If you do not do your best effort to make it perfect then don't submit it in the first place.

We do not judge by comparing it to featured hacks, but we judge it by how much love was put into your hack.
If you truly want to become a great smw hacker, you will need a passion for design and to strive to learn new things.

Since you did invest so much time into it though, I may cut you some slack and welcome you to the world of smw hacking rather then saying "This sucks!"

Keep in mind that we will point out each and every mistake made because the community wants to push you to your fullest potential.

You have a lot to learn, but even an idiot like me became a semi-great *cough* *cough* member.

You just need to try and learn how to fix mistakes ;)
Experimentation is a must.Especially if you want to learn how to make Exgfx,Map16, and custom palletes.They aren't magically made.Meaning even YOU can make them!
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I liked it better, before I saw the pictures...
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Originally posted by TeRRoR_ByTe
I liked it better, before I saw the pictures...

What ever happened to not responding to spam?
CP_foothills has been canned. Therefore, this space is once again blank.
Originally posted by Remnic the Hedgehog
Originally posted by TeRRoR_ByTe
I liked it better, before I saw the pictures...

What ever happened to not responding to spam?

Actually I wasn't responding to spam. I was serious. That post was about the hack.
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Oh. Sry.
CP_foothills has been canned. Therefore, this space is once again blank.
Despite all the new stuff in it this is still my first hack I'll work on those things and then reupload it hope that will help :(

I am Matter
I am Anti matter
I can see your past
I can see your future
I consume time
And I will consume you!
Keep in mind that you shouldn't rush to submit a "first hack"
I may of made a "first level" but I never finished a hack before.Ever!(However I do have a pwn one in progress)

It can take up to a year or more to finish a smw hack.

Remember:Quality over quickness and quantity.
I've been working on level 1 for a looooooooong time!

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Problem is despite being so good at this stuff I'm not as good at the game as some people so the dificulty's not going to be anything like dwtlc or tsrp2 not even close to Kaiso world.(thank god) btw It dosen't have much quanity but I fixed all the listed problems but one as of now BTW there's one I found but can't fix When the palace is finished it crumbles but later is rebuiled What did I do wrong? (sry if this isn't the right place)

I am Matter
I am Anti matter
I can see your past
I can see your future
I consume time
And I will consume you!
Originally posted by Mod God
Problem is despite being so good at this stuff I'm not as good at the game as some people so the dificulty's not going to be anything like dwtlc or tsrp2 not even close to Kaiso world.(thank god)

Difficulty doesn't make a game.If it did, I wouldn't play Touhou 08 Imperishable Night(Which is a manic shooter that actually has a great learning curve)

Just make levels fun and graphically awesome to look at.
Implement a lot of gimmicks or level themes(But make sure the level themes don't go out of place with the OW I.E. lava level in ice world)

By fun, we want levels with a lot of multiple paths and decent difficulty with a shape were you are never running at full speed straight.

Be creative.Get idea's from other video games to influence you as well.But don't do remakes.
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