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Strawberry “Short and Sweet” Level Design Contest [Results HERE now with Judge Files]

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I'm done!

I've totally been wanting to enter the last few official contests but never had time, so I decided to enter this unofficial contest!

My Level:

Mansion of Teases

I hope this contest sees a lot of last minute entries.
Hurry Up!

Here is my entree for the contest.
Originally posted by SilverSwallow
The idea of this contest is to see how well people can design a short level with some new kind of restrictions.

This submission period will last from today Monday, September 26th, 2011


Thursday, October 27th, 2011 at 11:59 p.m

Oh, I just found this, and I was thinking of joining, but I'm not sure if I have enough time. I haven't really though of anything yet, but just wondering, it says Thurs. at 11:59 P.M., but in what time zone? I live in Iowa so that is Central Time Zone.

Also, what do you mean by the File Bin? Can we just upload it to the "My Files" section?
That's exactly what the My Files section is.
I'm with Lespna1 on this, what time zone do you mean? I'm in Nova Scotia, and the time that I made this post was 7:43.
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what is food

"Glucid Fields"
I don't think this will win whatsoever but yeah, here it comes.
Originally posted by Lespna1

...but just wondering, it says Thurs. at 11:59 P.M., but in what time zone? I live in Iowa so that is Central Time Zone.

It'll go by my time zone which is Central Time Zone same as yours.

Originally posted by Lespna1

Also, what do you mean by the File Bin? Can we just upload it to the "My Files" section?

Yeah File bin = My Files, that is what I meant. Don't worry too much about time, remember I'm looking for short levels. Also note it doesn’t have to be 10 screens long it can be less.

Originally posted by MarioStarLuigi
I'm with Lespna1 on this, what time zone do you mean? I'm in Nova Scotia, and the time that I made this post was 7:43.

Central Time Zone, when you posted that it was 5:43 here. So it would be 1:59 A.M October 28th for you.
However don't worry too much about the exact time; I’ll probably be lenient to entries submitted right around 11:59 P.M (central) since I didn’t specify the time zone in the first place.
Would that be 28th October 4:59AM in the UK?
Central Time Zone = GMT -5?
Hmm, well check this clock is that your current time? If so that is 6 hours ahead of my current time.

So the deadline would be 5:59 A.M October 28th for the U.K.
After fiddling around with the "Wings" I ended up with the following Short & Sweet entry.

I feel like it is completed yet, eventhough it's only 10 screens, but time's about up for me:
Flightway to Bowser

-edit: I accidently had Yoshi's House accessible at the start, which broke one rule. So I removed it from the map.

-edit2: If possible I'd like to donate any earnings to
Peach's Garden

Okay, I expanded the file before creating the patch, so hopefully it will work this time. I'm glad you guys are kind enough to let me know when it doesn't work. I just don't understand why it would work for me and not for anyone else.
My Files
it was working fine until I entered your level I was moving around and then the emulator closed itself so there still must be a bug in your rom
Home on the Hill
I'll warn you right now, the difficulty here is somewhat high.
Edit: I just tested the IPS, and there is one bug that wasn't there before it was patched. When you get to the part with the cart on the clouds, if you see it falling down, it's unintentional.
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I was just wondering- it said it was chocolate water or something, and I am using EXGFX, but I don't know how to design them myself. I found this game that has backgrounds and musics in the ROM from different games so is it all right if I use it? I can't get the message to work in Yoshi's house to give them credit, but I have a Readme file that says who made it, and they say we can use it as long as we give them credit so I think that should be okay. I would just have to put it in a ZIP file w/the IPS file.

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but I always think I have a good level, but them someone comes up w/something really good, and then I keep dying in my own level so I have to use a savestate to test it. It's not like Let's Play Kamek's Revenge or whatever, if you know what I mean, but it feels like it's like medium difficuly. Also, like you said I'm trying to make two levels and to make it short.

Also, would it be all right if we ask someone else to test the level before we submit it?

It took me a long time, but I think I have a good level. I am not sure what to call it so I'm just calling it Lespna1's Original Castle level if that's ok. I put the IPS patch in ZIP file with the Readme.txt file so I hope that is okay, and so that you know I tested it in SNES9x v1.51.

Here is the hyperlink with the ZIP file:

Lespna1's Original Castle Level
Dark Night Maze
My entry for the contest. Maybe you'll get some Slowdowns and things like the key won't spawn. Please go in the RIGHT LEVEL, for my Beta check Yoshis House.
Has anyone played my game yet? I just wanted to make sure the patch worked fine, and I wanted to see what people thought of my level.
It's probably some level you stole from the hack you were talking about, or yet another SMWCP level, so I don't see the point in testing it.
Your layout has been removed.
I played through it, obviously the patch works. It doesn't look like an SMWCP level to me. I'd call it a good level.
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