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The Classic Creative Reassembly [team hack]


Is it okay if I claim Wormer21's level? I'll try making an icy sky level.

Why are you looking down here?
It’s yours negativestar54, good luck!

I just started working on this for a new level:

A sewer tile set based off the one from Yoshi’s Island. It has turned out pretty good; I may add moving water if I have enough tile space at the end.

Also I thought I’d announce that this hack is now approximately at 30% completion!
Sorry, but I might have to drop my level. I'm too busy at moment with real life stuff (and other collabs, hacks, and more stuff) to finish my level. Maybe later when I have more time I'll try designing other level... But now I really can't.
I'm really sorry :(
Alright then, I just need an IPS file for the entire hack so far to put my level in.

Why are you looking down here?
Originally posted by negativestar54
Alright then, I just need an IPS file for the entire hack so far to put my level in.

That's what the base rom is (a zip file with an ips and all current blocks and sprites used), note that it's always located at the bottom of the intro post.

For convenience I’ll post it here too (click below):

latest update 5.03.2012
Oh shit, sorry...

I totally forgot about this, I'm going to work on my level right now.

EDIT: Level'd Up...
I opened it in Lunar Magic, what type of level (Classic, Creative, Reassembled) was Wormer21 working on, and what was the level number?

Why are you looking down here?

Oh so you still are interested in the level? I just dropped your level due to inactivity, but you can have it back if you still want to make the level.

Just post again with your current idea and then I’ll get you set up with some map 16 pages.


It’s a reassembled level, open up level 102 in lunar magic and you can start making your level there.

I expect you’ll need some Map 16 pages so you can use FG page 16 and BG page 52 for your tiles.

Let me know if you need other resources for your level and make sure to review the intro post as it can answer a lot of questions you may have.

@Mario's Hat

That's okay, you can always rejoin us later if you get the time.
I wanted to make a reassembled desert level, with 2 MAP16 Pages (1FG & 1BG) and some custom music I'd compose myself.
Okay Torchkas take:

FG Page 17 and BG Page 53
i have a few map 16 items in my level. Do i need to claim a page it its useing the orignal graphics?

Yep, you just ask for whatever you need (for your level) here and we'll tell you what to use, go ahead and take:

FG Page 18 and BG Page 54
I'm sorry, but I have to drop my level. I'm getting the error that happens when you try to open a locked hack in Lunar Magic.

Why are you looking down here?
Originally posted by negativestar54
I'm sorry, but I have to drop my level. I'm getting the error that happens when you try to open a locked hack in Lunar Magic.

I remeber there was a way to unlock a locked level but its difficult if you ask around on the fourms pepole may be able to help you if your intrested you could try that to see if it solves anything
Oh wait, do I still have my level slot?? I haven't been active here at all after claiming it... if it still hasn't been claimed I will finish it up for you guys.


I have no idea how you are getting that error, are you using the appropriate version of lunar magic? We’re using Lunar Magic version 1.90 for this team hack. I assure you the TCCR base rom remains unlocked.

@ camoslash

Originally posted by camoslash
Oops! Sorry I completely forgot about this... Thanks for the message! I will finish it up, and send it in.

Somebody is a little forgetful. Yeah by posting that you let us know you were still working on the level. So of course your level slot is still reserved.

To clarify just the people who haven’t said anything at all since SilverSwallow posted the warning message lost their reserved level due to inactivity.
You posted a good update a while back too so we’d give you more slack anyway. So just work on that level when you can and send it in!

Update on my sewer level:

Added nice looking animated water.

In parts of the level you can see future sublevels and items.

The sewer even goes under other levels in the hack! Seen above Mario is located right under the first level in TCCR “Creamed Plains” by SilverSwallow.
Originally posted by Snifit
Lunar Magic version 1.90
I'm pretty sure I'm using either version 1.91 or 1.82.

Why are you looking down here?
Haha get this. The level was already all done! The only thing missing is coin placement and power-ups. I have a question, do I place Yoshi Coins?? If so how many? Or are there none in this hack?

Glad to hear the level's almost done! As far as yoshi coins go:

Originally posted by SilverSwallow
Each level should have exactly 5 Yoshi coins they are to look like they did in the original SMW so be careful if you edit palette 6 in lunar magic!

So yeah place 5 yoshi coins throughout the level.
Alright, time to test it out =)

Here is the IPS

Tell me all flaws, wanna get this beeeuuutiiiful.
