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The Classic Creative Reassembly [team hack]


Hey Camo, the graphics aren't that bad, thx. In the ReadME Volke mentions to give credit, so i think it's for public use.

Anyway I start working if it's approved that I can work on this level.
Originally posted by Oh Hell No
I made the final adjustments to the level, replaced some sprites and objects to make the level smoother to play.I also made a sublevel with the keyhole and key.

Here's the IPS patch!

TCCR Level F

Ok, now that's sent, can I have a Map16 Page and a Sublevel for my next level?
It's going to be a swamp level with Forest BG and the original lvl 105 FG, but with a different palet, modified BG and Map16. I hope it's reassembled enough ;D, otherwise, if you have some ideas to make it more reassembled, I'd love to hear them.

EDIT: Ok, I've tested my level from this IPS and it came out well, I only forgot something, the time. The time is about 100 too low, so don't be scared if you hear the time running out.

I put this on the next page in case the leaders miss it.
Originally posted by Oh Hell No
I made the final adjustments to the level, replaced some sprites and objects to make the level smoother to play.I also made a sublevel with the keyhole and key.
Here's the IPS patch!
TCCR Level F

You did a great job with this level, I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun in a line guided platform level.

The difficulty is very appropriate for World 6 as well. I found the secret exit pretty challenging to reach and well hidden too.

The only real issue I found was this:

Though it didn’t happened every time, sometimes when I hit the vine block the vine wouldn’t come out. I’m guessing it has something to do with sprite memory. I went ahead and put an already extended vine in its place to avoid the issue.

Your level is now inserted!
Is the name you’re going with “Cheese Bridge Area”?

Originally posted by Oh Hell No

Ok, now that's sent, can I have a Map16 Page and a Sublevel for my next level?
It's going to be a swamp level with Forest BG and the original lvl 105 FG, but with a different palet, modified BG and Map16. I hope it's reassembled enough ;D, otherwise, if you have some ideas to make it more reassembled, I'd love to hear them.


FG Page 16
BG Page 58
Sublevel 1B9

Sounds like a good idea, I’ll probably come up with some “swamp theme” suggestions later.

Originally posted by Shog
Hi I want to claim a level, as you know I finished one already so you count on me as ... "reliable"
5. 114 [Creative Level 12]

Glad to have you back Shog, just noted your newest claim.

Originally posted by Shog

The only thing I need would be appropriate graphics, as I know there isn't such a tileset. Of course I'm trying to approach ithe design first with cement blocks and the graphics can be added later

I should be able to draw some graphics for you, though I haven’t ever really tried to draw fast food so it could be an interesting challenge.

Also a quick note about bounce blocks inserted into base rom:
They’re located at the top of map 16 page 2.

tile 203 uses palette 3
tile 204 uses palette 4
tile 205 uses palette 5
Hey, Thanks for the feedback!
I think I'd be fixed if you removed the horizontal parakoopa. Then you still have a small challenge to reach the vine block.
Did you adjust the time? I forgot about that :P
I don't really have a name yet, you can make one, because I'm really bad with names.
Swamp level is already started, but I don't think I have to use a BG Map16 Page, it's not necessary.
Thanks again, glad you found it good!

EDIT: I forgot something, Can I also have a Secondary Exit?
Originally posted by Oh Hell No
Can I also have a Secondary Exit?

Take: Secondary Exit #1B9

Also Shog I started on food FG graphics:

No BG yet (the one in the screenshot is just for comparison purposes).
That looks great, ur a really good drawer, you know!

It's exactly what I imagined. I try to think of good level ideas, let's see how well it works out combined with your graphix :P
Dat FG.

Seriously that looks pretty funny, It'll be quite nice to see Mario running around on all that food!
Wow, the FG graphics in the last picture posted look really good! Were you inspired by Sonic Colour's Sweet Mountain?

- BlackMageMario
Heh, didn’t really expect that kind of response, thank you everyone for your compliments.

Nope they weren’t inspired by Sonic Colors but they were based on the Kirby Super Star food graphics.
I redrew each one to be 32 x 32 (instead of the original 16 X 16) and added appropriate shading. For the hamburger and fries I just redrew but kept the same size.

I should have a BG to show tomorrow.
Hey Silver, I also drew simple Giant Block Graphics, so they fit your style from the food. I have to know however, is there a ExGFX slot left? The purpose of the blocks are to be like "cement blocks", but colorful.

Edit: Beta variant, eh would this fit?

Including everything (FG and BG) these graphics are made up of 80 16 x 16 tiles which easily fit into 3 ExGFX files which leaves one completely free (BG3 slot). I think I might have a few duplicate tiles in there still though so there may be even more free space. It does currently use 4 palettes though (palettes 0, 2, 3 and 4).

Those graphics you got there look like they could fit in quite well with the set. Do you want me to add any touch ups like fast food images inside the blocks?

I could do something like this:

Actually I tried my self to add these touch up onto the blocks, one time french fries and one time burger^^ But yours look much better. Can I send you the block graphics? Then you can easily add these^^
(And in the grapichs file is much space left, so there could be other "basic" blocks).

Also I'm not sure but something is off in the Background, but I'm not sure what.... and the "pipe"(underneath the bottom burger) looks a little bit strange.
Hey there,

I made some more progress today, I'm sorry, this'll be the last progress for 4 weeks, because I'm going on vacation for 4 weeks in 2 days.
Here are some screenshot's. Please tell me if the palet is alright, I had some doubts about it.

**ABOVE** This is swamp water, you can swim in it, but you won't be able to see anything underwater.

This is not the whole level, just Screen 1-C.
After this is a cave part and then a small part here again.

Oh Hell No
Apologies for the delay in this, but I would like to inform you that I'm dropping out on my lack of inspiration and ideas for it. Sorry.
In the meantime, I may think about creating another. Maybe a classic level. It's been a while since I've done pure vanilla work so it'd be interesting to try that out one day.
Originally posted by Shog

Can I send you the block graphics?

No need I can just take them from the screen shot you posted. Unless some of the graphics aren’t shown in that pic.

Originally posted by Shog

Also I'm not sure but something is off in the Background, but I'm not sure what.... and the "pipe"(underneath the bottom burger) looks a little bit strange.

I rearranged the BG a little:

Look any better?

The “pipe” you’re referring to is actually supposed to be a paper cup (to fit the fast food theme) that acts as a slope. I can take it out of the gfx set if you don’t think you’d have much use for it.

Originally posted by Oh Hell No

Please tell me if the palet is alright, I had some doubts about it.

Though the palette is fine it looks more like a palette for a classic level. Since this is a reassembled level I’d be cool to see something a little more unique. Maybe something like this:

Don’t worry too much about the palette though as I could always help you with it later on.

The level is looking decent so far however it is also looking a little empty at the moment. That’s alright though since you’ve only just started the level. I should have plenty of swamp decoration ideas for you by the time you are able to continue work on the level again.

Originally posted by JDC

Apologies for the delay in this, but I would like to inform you that I'm dropping out on my lack of inspiration and ideas for it.

No problem I’ll just free that level up right now. By all means take a classic level if you feel up to it.
Originally posted by Silver

I rearranged the BG a little:

Look any better?

The “pipe” you’re referring to is actually supposed to be a paper cup (to fit the fast food theme) that acts as a slope. I can take it out of the gfx set if you don’t think you’d have much use for it.

It looks much better now, could you send me the GFX ? And the paper cup looks really, really weird, even my brother as an example thought of a pipe at first sight ;)
Originally posted by SilverSwallow

Though the palette is fine it looks more like a palette for a classic level. Since this is a reassembled level I’d be cool to see something a little more unique. Maybe something like this:

Don’t worry too much about the palette though as I could always help you with it later on.

The level is looking decent so far however it is also looking a little empty at the moment. That’s alright though since you’ve only just started the level. I should have plenty of swamp decoration ideas for you by the time you are able to continue work on the level again.

Yay, last post before my vacation ;D
Thanks for the feedback!
I'd really like it if you'd help me with the palette and maybe you can draw some ExGFX to decorate it some more. I think the Level plays very smooth until now and as it's for World 1, the difficulty'll be very low.

Oh, and I may post something while I'm on vacation, but I can't show any progress unfortunately.

Oh Hell No
Originally posted by Shog

It looks much better now, could you send me the GFX ?

I should have the graphics ready to send by tomorrow night. I just need to make those touch ups to your blocks then they’ll be ready.

Originally posted by Oh Hell No

maybe you can draw some ExGFX to decorate it some more.

I assume by this you mean find graphics used in the original SMW and put them in an ExGFX file to help with decoration (Since of course reassembled levels have to be vanilla!). If so I can do that; it’s actually what I was planning on doing (to help) anyway.

If you can, keep an eye on this thread since I might post some vanilla swamp ideas and screen shots for you to look at.
Update on my level progress:

The idea here is that the grassland has sunken down into and under water cave.
