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The Classic Creative Reassembly [team hack]


Also I will try to get the final version of classic level 110 this weekend.
Please check out BOWSIE!
waving the white flag, sending my love back, move on
Just dropping by to say it's incredible how this is still a thing.
Originally posted by Frost
Just dropping by to say it's incredible how this is still a thing.

Same lol
Attempting to make a better title screen, wasn't really satisfied with the one I made before.

My work in progress:


Are there still slots left in the Classic category?

EDIT: To clarify, time shouldn't be an issue as I am fast at making levels. I might make it a tad too hard. Also, I see that there is something left for "underwater, haunted, cave". I don't really like being forced to work with a certain topic, but I'll try to think up something neat.
Guy that was making level 9 disappeared and I don't think he completed the level. Still, would be nice if SS updated the level list on the OP.
I will finish my level this month or tomorrow, I promise. Did you ever get to reviewing my level update tho? Or was it inserted?
Please check out BOWSIE!
waving the white flag, sending my love back, move on
Level 09

I tried to make it Nintendo-like, but I was trying enough to make this level relatively easy.
Heh, really feels like something that would fit SMW in a way. You probably want to remove that debug door tho.
Please check out BOWSIE!
waving the white flag, sending my love back, move on
Originally posted by Erik557
Heh, really feels like something that would fit SMW in a way. You probably want to remove that debug door tho.

It activates when you finish the level so that you don't need to do the first half again. Otherwise it would be the classic "secret exit and normal exit at the end of the level"

I will try to make that point more clear somehow, or move the secret exit.
Hello CCR! Just want to let you all know I'm still here and aware of the level I owe you. Sorry it's been so long but I'll submit something very soon. promise.
Super Mario Bros. 3: The New Journey.
Feel free to check out my SMB3 project. Finished and ready for you to play! :)

Cinnamon Hills- SMW Hack
AJ Blaster Master V1.1- Blaster Master Hack
Metroid: Dark Alliance- Blaster Master Hack (Level Design)

Originally posted by Erik557
Did you ever get to reviewing my level update tho? Or was it inserted?

Yep I got it, it hasn't been inserted yet thought.

Thanks for your level I'll check it out in just a little bit.

Good to hear, look forward to seeing what you'll make.
Originally posted by ft029
Level 09

I tried to make it Nintendo-like, but I was trying enough to make this level relatively easy.

I gave the level a go and really liked it. My only complaint would be this part:

I feel it's a little too hectic and could be made a tad easier.
Level 09, version 1.1 Changes: New route for secret exit, some minor things, the end of the level is different

Kind of final, although there may be some super minor changes. It would be great to have a video or something of a blind playthrough, but text feedback is also appreciated.
One month without a post. What's going on?
With silverswallow inactive and the two other guys only coming for VLDCs and C3, it's pretty much to expect it's going slow.
Please check out BOWSIE!
waving the white flag, sending my love back, move on
Thanks for the update I'll have a look at it soon.

Yeah sorry about lack of updates it's mainly due to trouble with my own computer. It's been making it hard for me to make much progress on anything.
