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Mario and Luigi: Deep Journey Demo 1

Details for Mario and Luigi: Deep Journey Demo 1/ Version 0.0
Hack Name: Mario and Luigi: Deep Journey Demo 1/ Version 0.0  - 33.6 kB - 21 downloads.
Length: 3 levels
Author: TheSuperRotom - Submitted by: TheSuperRotom
Description:  Well since my first hack I put up here (Super Mario World: Season Mix-up), I've learned a lot. I learned how to use addmusic, make gfx, and use exgfx. Please not this IS vanilla, so I only used Lunar Magic 1.82/1.92 and Addmusic 407. I did use Map16, so no entirely new graphics. If you want those, I'm making a hack called Released. And no it doesn't have to do with Sonic Unleashed :D! It is chocolate, with a new soundtrack, redrawn gfx, and useage of exgfx. It'll start when MarioStarLuigi answers my request. Problly on Christmas Break. Story: "One day, while
Mario and Luigi were having fun on Dinosaur Land, they found something cool."This is a short demo and is VERY incomplete. I plan to start off Demo 2/Version 0.1.0, I'll
1. Fix some text
2. Fix World 2's Map (it's the end of the game.)
and 3. Change the end level as off now.

Gonna have to give a red light.

Removal reasons:

Horrid palettes, cutoff at edge and you don't need a '?'.

Have the pipes come out of the ground, not through the ground.

More cutoff and that water/lava doesn't look good.

I suggest you create your own submap to prevent you from having to do this.

At least you made your own here but the grassy bits clash together with the rocky bits. The pathway isn't revealed yet I can walk on it and lastly the island lacks shape.

Grey water can't substitute lava. The ledges also have dirt cutoff.

Those blue blocks are a Yoshi Coin? Whaaa?

Tons of cutoff.

MORE cutoff.

I can fly up and over the wall and end up here.

You forgot to use sprite E6 (Background Candles).

Door three leads you to this.

The path exit is broken and keeps bringing you back here.

My advice is to scrap this and try again. There were a lot more errors within this hack that I didn't show here.

- Read the Hack Submission Guidelines. - Watch this video. - Read other hack removal logs. - Read AxemJinx's Level Design Tutorial

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Description: Well since my first hack I put up here (Super Mario World: Season Mix-up), I've learned a lot. I learned how to use addmusic, make gfx, and use exgfx. Please note this IS vanilla, so I only used Lunar Magic 1.82/1.92. Unlike other hacks I've seen, I changed (almost) everything that cyphermur9t said that should be changed. Here's a log of changes:

Changes from version 0.0/Demo 1:
1. Intro palettes changed to be more fitting
2. No scrolling enabled from the Intro Level
3. Made edges between the ground and the pipes in Level 1
4. Lava/Water tile changed
5. Got rid of dirt cutoff next to Lava in Level
6. No longer are Yoshi Coins Blue Blocks.
7. Changed the way to get to Level 2's submap and the submap itself, removing the cutoff.
8. Level 2's submap is now a normal underground area, removed cutoff.
9. Can't fly over the pipe with the exit to Level 2 because you can't get capes anymore (explained later) and if hacked, still can't.
10. Added candles to Castle #1
11. Removed candles in underwater parts.
12. Continued the ground forward in door 3/the exit in Castle #1 due too cutoff.
13. No longer do you go to world 2 when beating Castles #1 or moving up above Yoshi's House (explaining #9).

Anyways, if you want a semi chocolate hack of this, coming soon is "Mario and Luigi Deep Journey: Releashed", including custom music (by our "Soundtrack Producer", MarioStarLuigi when he's not busy with requests) and redrawn gfx (If you want to become our Graphic Designer, tell us in the forum post), and the ablity to choose 3 different stories (Mario, Luigi, Sonic, or Somari) and different styles of gameplay.

Hope you enjoy!!!

I'm sorry to say but there are still a lot of errors that need to be fixed. You fixed some of the problems cypher mentioned but you still have to work with it. Let's see...

Weird menu text color.

1) Unedited Yoshi's House message.
2) Pipe + ground = cutoff.

More pipe and ground cutoff.

This room looked like a 'testing' room (random object all over the place). Why include this? Also, almost all of the objects look pretty weird...For instance, this block gave me a 3UP.

The outlines of the note block aren't that good as well.

Why does the "Yoshi coin" look like this?

Also, if I enter a pipe...

...I should come out of a pipe. This happened a lot of times in your hack.

And why does the door look like this?

Again, weird colors for note blocks (if you really want to change them, change the colors of the note block sprite as well).

The lava cutoff hasn't been fixed here.

What's the purpose of the green switch blocks if I can simply jump over them?

This doesn't look like a proper message here...

The layer 2 events after beating this level are quite messed up, unfortunately.

Again, why does the (on the top of that, gray) lava look like this? It's completely misleading.

Minor grammar mistake: *There are two ways

The "killer" bridge tiles don't look that great with these colors...

Sprite memory errors. Use the No More Sprite Tile Limitations patch (from the Patches section) or try another sprite memory value (Lakitu head in Lunar Magic).

Minor, but the corner tile down there isn't the correct one.

The lava palette looks just weirder in the underwater variation of this level.

After beating the castle level and entering the pipe on the overworld, I get to this place and I can't go anywhere, except...

...entering the level Mario was standing on and finding myself in level 0.


So, as you can see, there are a lot of stuff to fix. Please go through every level and fix everything I and cyphermur mentioned.
Furthermore, do these things before submitting a hack again:

- Read the Hack Submission Guidelines
- Watch this video.
- Read other hack removal logs.
Description: Take 3!

Alright here is MALDJ Ep. 1: Above Ground with (I hope) all the bugs fixed. I'll add them to the log.

Orginal Description:
Well since my first hack I put up here (Super Mario World: Season Mix-up), I've learned a lot. I learned how to use addmusic, make gfx, and use exgfx. Please note this IS vanilla, so I only used Lunar Magic 1.82/1.92. ere's a log of changes:

Changes from version 0.0/Demo 1:
1. Intro palettes changed to be more fitting
2. No scrolling enabled from the Intro Level
3. Made edges between the ground and the pipes in Level 1
4. Lava/Water tile changed
5. Got rid of dirt cutoff next to Lava in Level
6. No longer are Yoshi Coins Blue Blocks.
7. Changed the way to get to Level 2's submap and the submap itself, removing the cutoff.
8. Level 2's submap is now a normal underground area, removed cutoff.
9. Can't fly over the pipe with the exit to Level 2 because you can't get capes anymore (explained later) and if hacked, still can't.
10. Added candles to Castle #1
11. Removed candles in underwater parts.
12. Continued the ground forward in door 3/the exit in Castle #1 due too cutoff.
13. No longer do you go to world 2 when beating Castles #1 or moving up above Yoshi's House (explaining #9).

Changes from Version 0.1/Demo 2:
1. Added "Episode 1" to the title screen
2. Fixed the palette for the text on the Title Screen
3. Pipe from Yoshi's House removed
4. Edited Yoshi's House message
5. Note blocks turned normal
6. Changed the type of platform in the Sub Area of Level 1 and let the lava spread around it.
7. Can't take a leap of faith and now need the green switch to get the yellow switch
8. Removed lava at the start of Level 2
9. Yoshi Coins are back to normal
10. Spelling error in "Mixed Castle" changed
11. Fixed Sprite Memory issues
12. Removed dirt cutoff in the Half way sign in "Mixed Castle"
13. "Killer" Bridge's palette changed.
14. Pipe no longer glitches and sends you to the right place.
15. Can't skip all of the levels in World 2.
16. Added pipe at the exit of the Levels

Anyways, if you want a semi chocolate hack of this, coming soon is "Mario and Luigi Deep Journey: Releashed", including custom music (by our "Soundtrack Producer", MarioStarLuigi when he's not busy with requests) and redrawn gfx (If you want to become our Graphic Designer, tell us in the forum post), and the ablity to choose 3 different stories (Mario, Luigi, Sonic, or Somari) and different styles of gameplay.

Also, I give credit to cyphermur9t and Hadron for telling me some things to change.

Enjoy the Demo!

Tip: you don't have to list every single change you made in the description. It just makes the description unnecessarily long. You can still log your changes in the readme.txt or something.

Well, I see you fixed some stuff but unfortunately a lot else remained unfixed. Maybe you didn't follow the last removal log enough carefully...

The layer 2 event is still messed up.

When I go into a pipe...

...I should come out of a pipe.

The only problem with this is that the "killer" bridge tiles aren't gray anymore, so it's a bit misleading (and the palette is still pretty...weird).

The lava colors are still just as bad as before.

Ugh, this looks rather bad, and why is there a big chunk of water in the middle of ground anyway?

The third door led me here...not sure what should I think or do.

The ROM just simply stopped working at this point. The game froze and I couldn't do anything. Not sure what caused this, but I think porting the old stuff to a new ROM would solve the problem.

I also noticed that your levels were pretty short and rather flat. Try to put more enemies, obstacles in the way, and make your levels a lot longer.

And as always...

- Read the Hack Submission Guidelines
- Watch this video
- Read other hack submission logs