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Let's play some our earliest hacks...

Oh god, i downloaded my own hack from my file section and lol, how lame it was! But i have some nostalgia of it... (grrr if it wasn't for arbe rrrrrrr)
And so i make this thread in order to re-discover our old hacks and, especially, how much we are improved with Lunar Magic!

So my earliest hack was...
Luigi and Dinomar: Grisba's attack!

And here some Screenshots:

And, lol, i still have Roy's review of it:

Originally posted by Roy
Hmm, why did you release this demo so quickly? It needs a lot of work, even though I like some of the screenshots.

*downloads hack*

Yoshi looks sketchy, but he's actually pretty well designed.
Intro screen... lol, good.
Your grammar is bad but I can forgive you for that because you said your English isn't that good, so no downpoint.
Layer 2 first path graphic is missing.
You can fall through the SMB3 blocks. It's wrong.
Also, 5 Dragon coins in a row are wrong, really, especially when you're forced to get them.
3UP moon is too easy to get.
You need a feather to pass the level. No!
Ehm... goal tape going over the goal point?

Level 2 : Your charging chuck is stuck.
Dinomar egg graphics? Wtf?
Score that comes out of a coin block is glitched.
Pipe has some air pixels, in a place where it should have water pixels.
Overall, it looks a bit like a 106 edit (the pipes, berries and setup of two Koopas).
How the hell can you pass this level? That P-switch can't be reached without having feather power and being small stacked.

Review on scanning your hack through Lunar Magic:

You don't seem to use Forest of Illusion, Valley of Bowser and Vanilla Dome yet... okay. Your main map is okay, even though I don't like the abrupt palette change in the middle. The starting map is... meh.
The island to the southwestern (the starting map undersized) looks very unprofessional and glitchy! Also, the main map has no cliffs or whatsoever. You should add them.
Also, don't edit Level 104 like that. Take a different level.

Level 3 (103) pwns all.
The graphics in the BG aren't really rounded off, but for the rest... cool.
Is that a dustbin to the left? O_o Epic win.

Level 4 (102).
Don't use normal BG in vertical levels.

Castle #1.
Part 1. Mmkay then. Part 2. OMG. I give you credit for that!
I assume Iggy is just Iggy, like normal.

I think you released this demo too early, too.
You mix disappointing with surprisingly professional ExGFX. Try to get it to the latter side.

Pros :
Some parts had cool ExGFX.
You're not one of those people that show the best at the beginning and then end up getting worse level. It's opposite, in my opinion.

Cons :
Unfortunately, speaking of world 1, level design failures were present.
World 1 had a good amount of graphical disappointments.

(I'm gonna make a standard for my own from now of on):

Fun Factor / Replay Value: Because of some failures... not too high, 6/10
Graphics : 6/10 (you showed the worst graphics in your hack in the beginning...what you see in the 2nd part of the castle is epic win compared to the graphics in level 1 and 2)
Level Design : 6/10 (fails at some points, I can't complete level 2? Maybe others can, seeing the below comments... but I can't)
OW : 5/10 (you need a big fix on the main map one...)
ASM : None, so I'll take your average (5.8)

That makes you get 5.8 out of 10, so let's say a 6. Fix the mistakes, do it. This hack is not ready for a demo yet.

And i remember when Spade was teasing me for the big girl face submap (She's Sara, the character kidnapped by Grisba) in the screenshots, but i don't have a quote of it. haha!
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Watch, i made a Super Mario 64 level
Originally posted by Dinomar
And i remember when Spade was teasing me for the big girl face submap (She's Sara, the character kidnapped by Grisba) in the screenshots, but i don't have a quote of it. haha!

Something about the Switch Palace resembling a strange, non-cancerous facial growth, I believe.
Originally posted by mathelete
Oh god...if by earliest, you mean out first hacks???

I don't know if I should really do this, but:
The main reason for my 2 1/3 year ban

Seems like disproportionate retribution to be banned for that long just from one hack, unless maybe you couldn't be bothered to learn how to make IPS patches and uploaded a ROM repeatedly.
Anyway, I still have my first hack in my filebin. It is a Kaizo hack. It has many breaks, mainly because I did not know how to patch ASM that would have fixed glitches that led to breaks, and also I was not as clever with map16. My newer levels have less breaks and are more creative. This is also my only multi-level hack without custom music (did not know how to insert custom music, and also people didn't care quite as much about custom music back then).
Playlist because I'm too lazy to take screenshots.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Originally posted by Sokobansolver
Originally posted by mathelete
Oh god...if by earliest, you mean out first hacks???

I don't know if I should really do this, but:
The main reason for my 2 1/3 year ban

Seems like disproportionate retribution to be banned for that long just from one hack, unless maybe you couldn't be bothered to learn how to make IPS patches and uploaded a ROM repeatedly.
Anyway, I still have my first hack in my filebin. It is a Kaizo hack. It has many breaks, mainly because I did not know how to patch ASM that would have fixed glitches that led to breaks, and also I was not as clever with map16. My newer levels have less breaks and are more creative. This is also my only multi-level hack without custom music (did not know how to insert custom music, and also people didn't care quite as much about custom music back then).
Playlist because I'm too lazy to take screenshots.

Actually, the reason for my ban is that I kept creating new threads in the forums even after they were closed. When I got banned from the hack discussion forum, I started to post it in other forums, including the data repository. In other words, I did not bother to fix the stuff that people asked me to fix, all I did was continue to post it, and create some pointless threads.
don't click this link...
Originally posted by MaxodeX
First, and also my current.

why won't people review it ;-;

Whoa, this looks pretty darn good. I should actually give it a whirl sometime in the future.

As far as the topic goes... I haven't had the chance to release any of my hacks, sadly, so don't expect any download links from me. However, I do have some old screenshots of what I believe to be my very first hack (since, well, all I did before that with Lunar Magic was insignificantly edit some levels), so assuming I won't get much away from the point of the thread just because I have no download links, despite having screens, here they go:

Not trying to sound narcissistic, but I really don't see my first hack as the generic lame attempt at striking into the SMW hacking scenario; it was actually pretty decent, and I had loads of fun working on it. Level design wasn't too shabby, either. It had a very simple storyline and some generic world and level ideas, but at least progress on it was faster than most of the hacks I tried to develop afterwards.

Also, the background depicted in the second screenshot was my first custom BG (even if it uses those clouds from Yoshi's Island). I believe my graphical skills have substantially improved since then, heh. And so has my grammar, thank god (for reference, see screenshot #08).

Oh, and Dinomar, I remember when that one hack of ours came out. I recall finding the screenshots kind of weird in many aspects, yet I could definitely see some potential in your graphics. It was sort of an awkward reaction, if I do say so myself.
Originally posted by Broozer
Originally posted by MaxodeX
First, and also my current.

why won't people review it ;-;

Whoa, this looks pretty darn good. I should actually give it a whirl sometime in the future.

Thanks... but unfortunately the levels are not that good. I didn't use my full potential in most of them. Don't really expect it to be that good.

Also, YOUR hack seems cooler than mine. #w{O.O}
LINKS Twitter | YouTube | SoundCloud | Fortaleza Reznor
to hear birds and see none.
well, this was my first hack ever. Obviously sucked. 99% of the levels are unedited :<

Also, i think advertising is wrong, but since it's related, i'm remaking it.

I think both Broozer's and Maxodex's first hacks actually look very cool.
i just lurk sometimes
This is my first ever hack that I released on SMWC. It's a demo. I'm not sure if I'll ever continue it though. I haven't had any motivation to do it.
No one seems to have reviewed it.
If you first hack wasn't bad, you don't know shit about smw hacking.
My first completed SMW hack is from 2006-2007 (actually my first completed hack was a SMB1 hack). So this hack was called Ruper Maso World. It's not a terrible game, just a very bad game with today standards. With some graphical glitches of courses.
The OW is slightly modified and there is no exit in the forest of illusion, you need to use a pipe to complete the special world to go to bowser castle. And there is a password system that is very annoying.
Here is some quality screenshots:

I can post a link, but who would want to play it?

I think I replayed this game some times ago because I've found a savefile for it. And since I know how bad my game is, I don't want to replay it now. Maybe I will play it again in 2 years when I will completely forgot about it.
But now I want to play my old SMB1 hack, it's been a very long time since I've played it.

Bonus: Some levels (the only good ones) were used in one of my other hack, Super Mario Ocean, the first game I submitted on smwcentral.
Super Mario Expedition

It's not bad, but it's probably the easiest hack ever.
Mario's Vanilla Journey

Progress: 22/72 levels complete
Speaking of which, the first demo of Hi Mario World that I put out was the easiest hack ever. It was more of a video than a hack.
don't click this link...
First hack I worked on was fatty gone walkabout, which was a game I was making in conjunction with my brother about a character he created. I still want to go back and finish it some day, but the motivation went away when I looked at the code I wrote and had a seizure.

First hack I finished was Karoshi Mario, which is like the game "Karoshi" except you are Mario.

All in all, I don't think I've done too bad in the hacking department.
First hack? I guess for me it would be this YI hack called 27LPH that was canceled after the intro and one level (which is level 2 since the intro level was level 1 for some reason). I think it's actually pretty good for a first level, though it's rather short (and it contains a few item memory glitches like most first YI levels, even though I already knew about item memory glitches at the time). (Also I'm not quite sure what I was thinking regarding giving the hack that abstract title-- what is it, 27 levels per hour or something?)

I also created this insane YI level (spoiler warning: this is YIKR2 Extra 3) a few months later when trying to fix glitches in Kamek's Revenge, that tried to imitate the Kamek's Revenge level design style. Again, that level turned out pretty well.

Regarding SMW hacking (since most of the people reading this thread are probably wondering about that), this is the first serious (sort of) SMW hack level I created, four months after my first YI level. Unlike the YI levels, I think the SMW level is rather empty and not that interesting. (I decided to reuse various concepts from that level in Alyssa's Unlikely Trap 1-2, but in a more interesting manner.)

Advynia: a Yoshi's Island editor - Alyssa's Unlikely Trap demo 3
Ooh, I'd like to participate in this too!

I can't necessarily say this is my first hack, but I worked on it after I decided to quit on the very first Crater, which was my very first attempt at SMW hacking. It is my original Hunter's Revenge 1, before I decided to get into complex plot and what not.

Original HR1

This is actually not a pretty good hack, but I thought the level design in the BEGINNING of the game is pretty good since it is some of my most original ideas to begin with about 3 or 2 years ago when I first entered the community.

Right now, there is a much better version called "TD4C #4: Hunter's Revenge Recharged" in a state of bug fixing, so don't expect that to be as horrible as this IPS is, especially near the end (Gets chaotic crazy there). The only reason I am doing this is because I wanted to participate, it seemed like fun and brings nostalgia back, to me at least.
Your layout has been removed.
I don't really have this hack because it was made somewhere in 2006 and I lost it. It was pretty noob-ish with unorginal level design and a bunch of cutoff. Trust me, nothing special.
Super Mario Starlight Remix 2.1

This isn't my first hack, but is the earliest one to be hosted here. I created it back in 2006 after learning ExGFX. I also used a couple earlier sprite editors which would eventually be deprecated by Tweaker. While this hack may have been acceptable by 2006 standards, it would most likely be rejected if I submitted it now.
Quintesson Judge: Silence, or you will be held in contempt of this court!
Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)