Hack Name: Hand of Chaos - 253.4 KB - 235 downloads. Length: 81 exits Author: levelengine - Submitted by: levelengine Description: My second hack that still remains as of 2012. Built in 2009-2010, this vanilla hack hoolds many flaws and imperfections, the biggest of which is an unchanged world. Focus on my levels, since this is a vanilla hack. Story: Mario stumbles into a portal and finds himself in an unknown land of absolute darkness. He escapes as a ghost and Yoshi clerics revive him. Despite all the warnings, Mario still wants to unlock the deep secrets of this alternate universe and learn more about the Hand of Chaos. Side Note: 1. Some secret levels can be very hard. Dark plateau secret, Albino Cave 4, Hidden Levels 1-3 and Judgment Day have only 1 exit. The red dot on those levels is incorrect. Here are the following goals you may take on. -Beat the game normally (This Is It!) -Go for 81 exits -Complete Glitch Land -Complete Alioth Castle -Find Yellow Yoshi and Red Yoshi -Find other miscellaneous secrets (Red Yoshi in Jaded Realm 2, yellow Yoshi in Jaded Realm 6, Secret Area in Castle of Spikes, etc.) Favorite and enjoy this hack, and leave feedback!
I good start overall, but this hack needs a bit more polishing up before it can be accepted;


This room was way too simalar to the scrooling layer 3 smash room in the original first castle.

Don't remember why I took this

Horrible Yoshi coin gfx

This bullet came out of no where. There is a patch that you can add that adds the sound to the stand alone bullets before they enter the screen.

cutoff pipe

Cutoff around the turnblock below

Kind of a bad example since you can see land now, but when I first came across this, it looked like a blind jump

"to get"

I came out of this pipe to the right of the screen, causing the pipe to look cut off...

Which in turn creates this block void of nothingness a bit further down.

The title screen in general kinda looks ugly. :/

A bit off of cutoff at the bottom of the goal poles, just move it over 1 tile.
I had more photos, but photobucket was being a being stupid with me.
Once again, a great start, but I suggest reading the HSG in my signature for more infomation on how to get your hack accepted....not that it matters, you've been inactive for over a month...>_>
Layout by LDA during C3.