The enemy will not live to see the dawn with you leading us on onward General.AnimeList | MangaList
In order to increase our chances of winning, sir, I suggest that we employ the staff members that are allied with us and use them to their full potential. This is not going to be easy with SNN on their side. there anything that has to do with purple? My name is purple, and there are some System sympathizers whose names are purple, and I don't wanna be a System sympathizer!
My YouTube username is DTE225.
Blue, pink or purple don't have anything related with the war.
I think blue and pink can be useful approximations of the Blue and Red teams. Purple can be neutral.
I'm not neutral, and I like my name in purple. So I hope you guys don't mind.Unfortunately, I'm not very active on the site anymore like I was before; I'm mainly on Discord now. Thanks for understanding.
Not sure if I should take all this seriously or just laugh at everything...
Anyway... I think this is going pretty far... And moreover, Why we only see Anti-Chester Banners on the site? This means the System men see anti System banners???