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War is happening. But I have yet to see what is REALLY goin on.
Team Uno:
Chester the Caring Chief
Team Two:
Systrm the Screwy Scrouge
And then there's neutral.
The neutrals shall win over all!!!!!
Ah, just like real life...

returning home (or internet) just to see you're enlisted to war...

Well, nevermind, Ghost of the Basement, Teff007 reporting to duty!
Hello There
HAHA! Go new banner!
Finally returning to this awesome hobby!
Yeah, I like the new banner a lot better haha.

I heard System's mom is an obese glutius maximus. (Fatass, for those with an IQ lower than 50)
Kid Icarus: Uprising.
6 users online: o imamelia, o o FPzero, o bebn legg, o Nameless, o Major Flare, o o Scrydan - Guests: 69 - Bots: 160Users: 69,666 (9,999 active)
Latest: Year 2020
Sadly I am off to work on other things. This lack of action is driving me insane. Not to mention the lack of reaction from someone else...a shame. Back to work on my portal. It is much more powerful than anything that has been done so far.

If I don't appear in 30 or so more days, I'm stuck in an alternate dimension.

Besides, System isn't even online
EDIT: Nevermind, i just saw it
Chester, why you are general, aren't you supposed to be commander?

Nah just kidding, I am on your side.
Originally posted by papermariorulez1
I heard System's mom is an obese glutius maximus. (Fatass, for those with an IQ lower than 50)

Don''t you mean System?
...where do you think System gets it from???
Why are people even thinking about choosing System's side?
Originally posted by SuperWeirdo
Why are people even thinking about choosing System's side?

I think it's because they got picked to be on System's side.
6 users online: o imamelia, o o FPzero, o bebn legg, o Nameless, o Major Flare, o o Scrydan - Guests: 69 - Bots: 160Users: 69,666 (9,999 active)
Latest: Year 2020
So it begins.

Don't choke now people. IT IS SHOW TIME!

Although sadly I am not exactly where I want to be with my project, oh dear. Chester, I am sorry.

Don't like war,but if resistance is the only way i will be there,tell me what to do,even if I not often there!
even more,my avatar is nearly all blue,but not the mario in it...
stupid mario!

Sir, reporing for duty! Sir!

So, what can we do to stop this madness?
6 users online: o imamelia, o o FPzero, o bebn legg, o Nameless, o Major Flare, o o Scrydan - Guests: 69 - Bots: 160Users: 69,666 (9,999 active)
Latest: Year 2020
Someone should make backups of both places as I call that they will disappear within the next few days. A week tops.

I'd do it but I'm busy with dragon things right now.

It's been an honor serving with you gentlemen.

Celarix | smlimitless@github | Avatar by Uhrix
I hope we can get to a good resolution now that the war is over, it's been an honor sir