My replies in bold.
-Happy Hills: I don't know who still thinks that spamming the level with abstract architecture is a good idea. I thought everyone established ages ago that it does nothing but break the flow of things and ruin an otherwise decent-to-good level.
I will have to disagree with this one. Yes, there is a rather 'abstract' formation to the land structure. However, I do feel it doesn't hinder the design itself. It fits rather nicely, and doesn't go too overboard. Might be just me though.
-Treetop Temple: Did it not occur to anyone that the midway in this level is about 5 screens in, and then you have another 20 to go PLUS a boss (which, for the record, takes way too many hits for world 1, and as such is too hard)? This level as a whole is kind of a mess - cramped, difficulty swings WITHIN the level itself, and the previously mentioned midpoint issue all add up to certain annoyance.
Agreed. The level was actually rather last minute actually, and I can't really blame the guy for getting it done - there was a deadline. However, you do have a point. There are a few precision jumps in this level, which may be too hard for W1... I'll have a look at this one.
As for the boss, I included more health as it's generally 'easier' to hit. I probably did go overboard, mind.
-Cotton Candy Clouds: Including green switch blocks in a one-exit level BEFORE the green switch palace is completely pointless. This level also needs to lay off on the Munchers a bit as well (actually, that statement applies to a lot of levels so far).
In my defence, it was the second level inserted, and so we haven't designed the switch palaces then. Still, I agree the switch blocks (green) should be removed. I was trying to eliminate those, but I think I left a few blindspots.
-Solar Sector: This level suffers from ADD. It's all over the place in terms of its theme (or lack thereof). The beginning is a clusterfuck of unnecessary vision-inhibiting decorations which aren't actually incorporated into the design, but rather included for the sake of decorating the level.
Again, I would rather have decoration into a level rather than have a bland lifeless level. Still, level design is the most important. I feel the first half of this level is a lot better than the second half, though.
-Line Guide Ride: Using foregrounds objects in the background with no difference in their palette = generally a bad idea. Otherwise, good level.
No foreground objects were reused, nor do they share the same palette. The BG palette is a bit similar though. I guess I will change this.
-The second boss .. why would you bother making it take six hits to kill without changing the attack pattern after three? It makes the last half of the fight tedious and tacked on.
I'll change its HP to 4 instead.
In general:
-The hack suffers from going overboard on aesthetics (surprise - it's a problem most hacks still tend to face). It's clear in some levels that so much time was spent on making the level look "pretty" that the design suffered. That's not to say all of the levels are like this though - in fact, the ones I enjoyed the most were the ones which put design over graphics (Line Guide Ride is a decent example of this).
In some cases, the decoration was a little too much. However, I feel for the most part, the decoration is just enough to sustain a nice looking level. For example - Line guide ride uses decoration but still plays out fine.
-Also, 80% of the music choices in this hack sound weak. Both castle themes in particular come to mind as songs that sound poorly composed and therefore ruin the immersion of the level, mostly because of the instrument choice.
Not something I can fix sadly. :/
-Bosses aren't bad so far, but throwing in the need to make several extra hit ruins things.
I'm at the start of world 3 right now, and I'll probably write a full detailed review on the hack page itself when I'm done. As of now though, there isn't too much here that stands out. I recognize it's vanilla, but when each level feels like a giant amalgamation of every theme possible for no good reason, it's an issue.
Looking forward to your review!
Thank you for your feedback so far, SNN. I'll take these things into consideration when we start designing a (potential) sequel.