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Collection - Progress + A Short Level Sampler!

Hey there.

So, I've been making a new hack for quite a while now, showing off a level here and there...but now that I have a few good levels completed, how's about a little showcasing?

I give you...


The Beginning (decisively the first level of the hack)


Empty Fortress? (second level I completed, will be in the final world)

This seems normal...

wait what...

To quote Kamek, "OH, MY!"


The Power of Pink (another final world level)

(You're meant to get this dragon coin after finding the Red Switch Palace.)


And now, the newest level finished...

Dusky Desert (likely one of the last levels in the first world)

And I felt like making a silhouette level~

At the ending, it becomes nighttime and the light adjusts back to normal...


This is meant to be a short hack; there will likely be around 12-15 levels in two worlds when it's finished.

And finally, since I have a few levels done, I think it's about time to throw out a little level sampler!

Collection - Level Sampler

And on that note, enjoy.

IMPORTANT: I have been experiencing a few graphical bugs ever since patching the custom Mario palettes patch, most often in The Power of Pink. However, I haven't experienced anything game-breaking, so the level sampler should still be playable.
Layout by Mirann <3

I'm probably retired tbh
Wow, that is amazing !
Love The Power of Pink :'D
What's the music ?
osu! | Super Mario World Nyaa :3

Formerly known as MetalJo
GvS ~ u:11380
ZMann that is looking stunning! The levels are amazingly designed, the graphics fit well together, and I'm gonna play that level sampler right now. This is looking FANTASTIC! :D
One of my all-time favorite hackers strikes again, this time with some really neat-looking levels filled to the brim with atmosphere and all-around lovelyness.

Empty Fortress? looks amazing as well, and captures the feeling of an evil counterpart to the normal world with a skill I can only dream of acquiring! Just... whoa.
aran - Graces of Heaven
Man, your graphical style is pretty nice, nothing seems to clash! I love the gimmicks in "Empty Fortress?" and "Dusky Desert" (which looks amazing, by the way). Gonna download and play the Level Sample now!