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SMW 2012:Master Hand's Doomsday

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Originally posted by carbonMessiah
Welp, that was surely pretty cool to say the least.

Although I'll admit there were faults, such as Balrog's occasional (actually more than occasional) jumping through the walls (although I guess that's not your fault, as it is Sonikku's sprite, isn't it? If his jumping through the walls is the result of catching the wall (in a similar way TASers could make Mario wall jump, then wouldn't applying this patch make it so Balrog no longer walked through walls?)).

And then their were the awkward vanilla cave sections interrupting Kirby styled places and everything (which had little to no purpose, but do derail the original theme, and the random castle segments in normal grassland levels. I'd suggest either taking the castle ideas you had for those things and just formatting them into full levels, so you have levels with a steady theme instead of captain all-over-the-place.

Also I guess the format of the game was kind of annoying to me. Like it's sole purpose was to just exist. There wasn't any outdoor music happening at Peach's Castle which was awkward, I never had to use the shop once the whole time with the excess of items (oh and the vanilla blank level which you could enter the shop was kind of lazy, in my opinion)

Also I understand you were trying to create a brutal mario-type game with the graphics all over the place, but usually you'd like to keep a certain style. Some people can pull it off, but unfortunately for you that wasn't the case (although that might be because none of the levels flowed with each other, so it didn't feel like a solid experience.)

so the format reminded me kind of like the cheap demo or whatever, from carol, where it was a dozen or so levels that were each unique to themselves and introduced some new gimmick. However with what you're using, all your resources in terms of sprites and general gimmicks were created by other users and are free to use here, so they are no longer 'uniquee'. Plus a few of your levels had secret exits that just led you backwards.

I guess my suggestion would be that if you ever intended to do something else with this or whatever, to maybe establish a more base-type game (themed worlds to a degree, instead of everything crammed into one smaller submap)

Anyway that's what I think. I hope that was good enough constructive criticism.;

It was constructive criticism PERIOD. Constructive criticism doesn't necessarily need to be "good", it just doesn't need to be mean.

Anyways, since this hack seems to be like Brutal Mario, which I loved, I guess I try this out!

- BlackMageMario

EDIT: Well, I got around to playing some levels of the hack, and I have to say, it's pretty good! So far, what I have played has had no game breaking glitches, which is good, and the level design, while linear, is great! Some of the bosses are kinda easy, but that is a minor complaint, considering the original SMW bosses were super easy as well.

All I think that needs to be added now is some more coins in the levels. That would make the levels seem less empty, I think.

Anyways, when I've played more, I'll make another edit!
Why is your hack removed?
Layout by x-treme
Chargin Chuck and Roberto: read this.
I'll work in the new version!!
I gotta recommend you something: when you download a cool sprite from somewhere that is not SMWC (because out of here sprites could not be moderated), think before using it, and don't use it for the sake of using it. No, it is not a fault, it's just that you get dragged by the enthusiasm of using one cool sprite (like Balrog, SMB3 level end or a Megaman boss sprite), or a cool BG with SMW ground (seriously, i thought the same thing although i didn't care that much not being a moderator).
So, if you think it is OK to use a sprite, use it, otherwise, check any flaw it might have and value any chance of using it. If a sprite just doesn't work for some reason, even if it is super-cook (like Kuribo's shoe), don't use it. The hack is still enjoyable without those.

About the overworld, i don't see the problem with the path (a long world and a short one), even if Raibys does see it. It might be a choice and not a bug.

And... only because Carol wanted to clash with his hack, don't do exactely the same: remember that at the time, Carol was very inexperienced.
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You should also add a link to your hack from your File Bin, so people will be able to continue to download it, even if it does get turned down. Also the third video will probably not be done for a couple of days, I am spending some time with family.




Added new decorations in the submaps,except the final submap

1)Float Islands is now Ripple Ocean and boss Ma Pignon
2)The Boss from SMWCP1,thanks for Ersanio,that give the boss(and his permission) in the IRC
3)In Old Factory,Wart Boss is replaced for Boom Boom Boss

I put that message,advicing about the boss,okay Raibys said the boss is glitch,but changed the things like the bullet bill GFX is a hand!!


-All goal roulettes is replaced for goal posts
-Music changes in Ripple Ocean,Sunset Paradise and Crystal Piranha
-In SM64 Bowser 2 the bowser battle is no left scroll
-Corrected star,when press down,stuck you
-In SM64 Bowser 3,new message
-Removed homing bullet bills
-Correct grammar

To Raibys:

I can't change the OW events and stages (too many stages in submap and four stages in another submap).It's because these stages are divided in Adventure and Bonus(Puzzle),and if I do, will became a big mess.

To Camoslash:

Delete the videos and start a new one.
Well I am not exactly going to delete the videos, but I will start recording from where I was with the new version, and will go over new changes. Also The newer 1st OW is looking better, not great, but better.

I like the screenshots a lot but I think the Overworlds are a little bit too simple D:
They need more details.
osu! | Super Mario World Nyaa :3

Formerly known as MetalJo
I was pretty satisfied with the new version of this hack. However, there are some issues that I want to address:

1.) The 3rd Barlog fight is too easy.

2.) The Wart Boss from the old version is no longer there, & is replaced with a ridiculously easy Boom Boom boss. I would rather perfer to fight Wart over Boom Boom, because he's more fun & challenging to fight.

3.) The Lololo & Lalala bosses are no longer there, & were replaced with a boss that I can easily beat with Cape Mario, by trapping it into a corner & spin jumping him repeatedly, with no chance for him to recover. I would prefer to keep Lololo & Lalala for the same reasons as #2.

4.) The auto-scroll for the 2nd Bowser fight is missing. IMO, the auto-scroll made the battle really entertaining. In the new version, with no auto-scroll, the battle could be finished much quicker than it should.

Overall, I'm happy with everything else.
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Originally posted by EddyCartoon

2.) The Wart Boss from the old version is no longer there, & is replaced with a ridiculously easy Boom Boom boss. I would rather perfer to fight Wart over Boom Boom, because he's more fun & challenging to fight.

3.) The Lololo & Lalala bosses are no longer there, & were replaced with a boss that I can easily beat with Cape Mario, by trapping it into a corner & spin jumping him repeatedly, with no chance for him to recover. I would prefer to keep Lololo & Lalala for the same reasons as #2.

He removed the bosses because the hack was rejected by the staff, as 2.) was considered too hard and 3.) was quite broken. I don't know if
Zampari knows ASM, but he probably doesn't, hence why he removed the bosses, cause he couldn't fix them.

- BlackMageMario
Those bosses aren't too difficult if you know what you're doing. The moderator of this hack probably didn't know what he or she was doing against those bosses & decided to whine & complain about it as a result.
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Finally i finished this hack.

So i'm writing a little review without ranking.
The hack itself is not a masterpiece, since, especially due of credits, you are going to see the entire SMW cast. I actually know there was a way to disable the ending enemy cast sequence, but i don't remember it. but the ending sequence could be better and even custom made, if you want. About the levels, while it is not a bad thing to use different graphics, you'd better to not clash sometimes: i mean a cartoony ground with a Sonic BG. But it doesn't matter that much.

The bosses, sometimes, were unfair, but this is not your fault: give the fault to who made them.
Overall, if you want to play something in your spare time, this is a very good choice.

Now, with an unanswered question: Where did you get some sprites? Some come from Super Mario Yeah, and they are pretty cool.
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Originally posted by EddyCartoon
Those bosses aren't too difficult if you know what you're doing. The moderator of this hack probably didn't know what he or she was doing against those bosses & decided to whine & complain about it as a result.

Well, the Lololo and Lalala boss actually had glitches. But I will admit, even though I haven't played the original verson of this hack, the Wart boss looked fair. (I'm guessing the moderator never played SMB2).

- BlackMageMario
Originally posted by EddyCartoon
The moderator of this hack probably didn't know what he or she was doing against those bosses & decided to whine & complain about it as a result.

(Well actually, I did not say the Wart boss was too hard. I have played the original SMB2 before, and I knew exactly what I was doing, it's just that it was rather tedious; it was so easy to miss his mouth (especially since there was such little time to hit it), and when you did miss you had to just...sit there doing nothing for like 5 seconds before another vegetable would appear and you'd have another shot.)

...but anyway, that's besides the point. After Roberto fixed many of the big issues and glitches with this hack, I have played the new version and it was good enough to approve. It can now be found in the hacks section, or on the front page under "Recent Hacks."

It's a pretty fun hack overall, too, so feel free to give it a try. :)
Originally posted by Raibys
Originally posted by EddyCartoon
The moderator of this hack probably didn't know what he or she was doing against those bosses & decided to whine & complain about it as a result.

(Well actually, I did not say the Wart boss was too hard. I have played the original SMB2 before, and I knew exactly what I was doing, it's just that it was rather tedious; it was so easy to miss his mouth (especially since there was such little time to hit it), and when you did miss you had to just...sit there doing nothing for like 5 seconds before another vegetable would appear and you'd have another shot.)

...but anyway, that's besides the point. After Roberto fixed many of the big issues and glitches with this hack, I have played the new version and it was good enough to approve. It can now be found in the hacks section, or on the front page under "Recent Hacks."

It's a pretty fun hack overall, too, so feel free to give it a try. :)

Well, I've already completed the new version yesterday. It's much easier than the old version. I'd recommend the new version for beginners & the old version for experts. The old version is a bit more challenging. I usually like to play tough SMW Hacks. I like a challenge. The final boss is awesome to say the least. It's the perfect final boss for any SMW Hack.
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É muito legal ver uma hack bem feita (bah, esse backgrounds são incríveis) e por um brasileiro. Queria poder fazer um let's play dela, mas to sem microfone.
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Sorry to bump the thread, but I played this hack to completion, and I gotta say, it's a damned good first attempt at a hack. The graphics, music, and level design are of excellent quality. I do have a couple major gripes, unfortunately:

1. I didn't really understand the plot. Is Mario trying to stop a doomsday on 12/21/12? Is it caused by Master Hand? Is master hand trying to initiate the apocalypse? I know English may not be your native language, Zampari, but I couldn't get much perspective and information out of what message boxes there were. From what I understand, this hack is styled after Super Smash Bros, a game from my childhood that I still enjoy today, complete with Target Smash, Classic Mode, and the final fight with Master Hand. It's a really affectionate homage that elicits feelings of deep nostalgia.

2. When you found a really cool sprite, you tended to overuse it a little. The Cave Story bosses got quite annoying after the second encounter. This problem of overuse doesn't extend to graphics or music, though, as it does in many other hacks I've played.

Those gripes aside, your hack is pretty awesome. Unlike so many other good projects with potential, yours actually saw completion, which is becoming increasingly rarer with chocolate hacks. Bravo.
Mmm, this hack was mediocre at best to be honest. It seemed to start off fairly nice (I really did enjoy the "Break the Targets" level, and even the first few levels in the main level spiral), but beyond that, many of the levels were extremely uninspired and merely flat stretches of land with the odd sprite. Your switch palaces, with the exception of the red one, were absolutely atrocious and contained some of the worst cases of item babysitting I've ever seen (the blue one literally had you going all the way left, all the way right, back to the left, back to the right, etc. about 10 times). That is not good level design.

..and in fact, this hack was littered with fairly iffy and repetitive design choices in general. Supertails recently mentioned that each level felt like sprite test rooms, and I agree. It was especially jarring to see you use the exact same set-up of Hammer/Fire/Boomerang/etc. Bros about 8 different times in the hack. It got old quickly. On a somewhat related note, the bosses felt so random. No, I don't mean the bosses themselves felt random - this is SMW hacking, so I've grown to expect rips from every single game under the sun. Rather, the fact that you can go two levels without a boss, and then have four levels with bosses in a row felt really random and senseless. Furthermore, in some cases you actually put more content after tougher bosses, which I imagined was designed to be a giant slap in the player's face in case they died there. What's the point? Where is the fun in spending 5 minutes beating a tricky boss only to get killed by a lone Fire Bro in front of the goal?

Oh, and you used the Thwomp boss. Twice. Can we just nuke that boss from our database already? It's the worst thing ever conceived.

Aesthetics-wise, you actually did a fairly good job of making sure FGs corresponded to their appropriate BGs. Aside from one or two levels, I can't recall a time where I saw any major clashes, which was great. The music was generally well handled as well with the exception of a few ports. I don't really have much to say on this.

Overall, you've got a lot of work to do. Focus on your spritework a bit more, and make sure you're actually spending more time making your levels fun to play instead of just a game of "which random sprite pack will pop up on this flat stretch of land next"?

Good luck on your future projects.
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