I'm looking for a playtester for my Pit hack (for those who don't know what Pit hacks are: they are pixel-perfect frame-perfect harder-than-Kaizo hacks pushing the game to the very limits of playability) with plenty of skill with Frame Advance (you'll need that, unless you are a god with slowdown). Please send me a PM/email if you are interested.
Also there's no need for a lot of glitch knowledge or skill at puzzle solving, I'll gladly share the intended solutions. Pit experience, however, is highly recommended.
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.
Oooh look at my userbar!
Sadistic Designer - testing Pit without tools.
Also there's no need for a lot of glitch knowledge or skill at puzzle solving, I'll gladly share the intended solutions. Pit experience, however, is highly recommended.
Of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire.
Oooh look at my userbar!
Sadistic Designer - testing Pit without tools.