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Testers for hire!

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I'll take up play-testing. I tend to have a good idea of what a hack player would want to see in a hack.

I could also see what fellow posters developed, and see how they work things.

Sign me up as a play tester.

@Sagittaire: You have been added.
My play testing progress:The Second Reality Project 2 - Zycloboo's Challenge:only 70% complete?!?im basicly stuck going back and forth from mario's castle(the place where you start) and the place were Zycloboo have's you go through the pipe to go back to the start,i completed *behined the castle* level,trust me if you are looking for a long & hard level,then find the first castle's secret,because im surpised that the fact that i completed that level! so yeah,thats my progress for that hack... edit:i updated post.
- ignore the watermarks, working on a fix for those
Originally posted by M.W.C.
My play testing progress:The Second Reality Project 2 - Zycloboo's Challenge:only 67% complete?!?im basicly stuck going back and forth from mario's castle(the place where you start) and the place were Zycloboo have's you go through the pipe to go back to the start,i completed *behined the castle* level,trust me if you are looking for a long & hard level,then find the first castle's secret,because im surpised that the fact that i completed that level! so yeah,thats my progress for that hack...
i couldn't complet that level,for one,its too long and it gets harder,and harder,so i gave up and died,then got as far as chesse building 1#.

thanks to pieguy1372 for layout,my city backround,(actuly its Mute City).
well thats not bad,i got to *power suply* level.and of course there's the pipe right after it and leads you back to the begining...
- ignore the watermarks, working on a fix for those
Where is Proton Jon?
I havn't seen him in ages....
Originally posted by Whiter
Where is Proton Jon?
I havn't seen him in ages....

He's on youtube.

He hasn't posted anything here, but he has some new videos in his profile, so he's definitively back.
k thanks
I can be a "Play Tester", and i can also be a bug Tester.
Your layout has been removed. This was most likely because it was to 1337 for anyone else to comprehend.
The Metal Information Center

Posting basically because I also wish to be a Bug Tester, cause I do look somewhat for glitches and graphical errors...
Thanks to Wraith for the layout.
Will be glad to test hacks. PM me hack information and download links.

Voted for Sticky
The Metal Information Center

We definitely need some way to get some more people to try us out. So, I also vote that this thread gets stickied.

Also, you don't really need to change it, since I also use that, but my username has been changed to MetalKirby.

...I'll give you guys some work pretty soon. ;)
Thanks to Wraith for the layout.
Will be glad to test hacks. PM me hack information and download links.

The Second Reality Project 2 - Zycloboo's Challenge:
Overall, this is a good hack. Most of the levels are designed well, but some levels are unfair.

Level design-9
So, most of the levels are designed well, the length is a nice touch. However, there are a few levels that are so packed with death traps, it's impossible to get through without savestates. On the other hand, there are some wonderful levels, and the puzzle levels are awesome.

Overworld design-9
It's a bit blocky, but still good. Problem is, some secret goals lead in a loop, and that gets annoying.

Very long. The length is a nice touch.

I'll give this 8 because it uses custom blocks with Block Tool and ExGFX, which many hacks have. (I'd rate it for sprites, but if I did, you'd lose a point due to difficulty.)

Fun factor-9
As I said, most of the levels are fun, but some levels are unfair.

A great hack. Well done...
there you go,thats my review for The Second Reality Project 2 - Zycloboo's Challenge...
- ignore the watermarks, working on a fix for those

@M.W.C.: Who did you test for?
what do you mean by that?
- ignore the watermarks, working on a fix for those
Um... MWC, this thread is for testing hacks that haven't been released yet, not for reviewing already-released hacks you are not associated with.
Can I ask at this thread for someone to test my hack as I test it? I have played through it once fixing bugs, but I'm sure I haven't gotten them all, and I keep hearing people say: Your Beta testers are Morons if they did not catch these bugs!

I never hired Beta Testers, so this is the 1st time and I was wondering if I could Hire them at this thread.
Your layout has been removed.
I'll be glad to beta test for you, just give me the adress for the download via PM!
The Metal Information Center

Sure, some people will also accept requests here in this thread. Just send a PM with a download link to those wanting to test your hack.

That means you owe me a PM. ;)

BTW, nice icon video. Been a long time since I watched that show.
Thanks to Wraith for the layout.
Will be glad to test hacks. PM me hack information and download links.


Edit: I will start the 2nd Test! Now! Hope my beta testers do too.
Your layout has been removed.
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