Sorta makes me think of
this. Shame we can't track ZSNES usage the same way.
Going with the IE6 analogy, I think it's time to keep in mind what happened to people who refused to upgrade. At first, people kept backwards-compatibility. Conditional comments and CSS hacks were used to attempt to salvage the IE6 population. IE7 maintained a quirks mode to help render pages designed for IE6 properly.
Then, web developers just sort of... gave up. People realized that if users refused to upgrade their browsers, it was no longer the developers' problem to provide support for complex JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 interaction. There are three primary strategies modern developers use to handle users with outdated browsers:
- Degrade Gracefully – Basically, this is a policy to let web pages still work in older browsers, though they may lose some more complex animations, styles, and interactions when viewed in them.
- Alternative Content – Through a system of conditional comments, CSS hacks, and other methods, developers serve slightly different CSS, HTML, or JavaScript content to older browsers. This makes maintenance more difficult, but it allows outdated clients to still receive a usable experience while letting new users reap the full benefits of new technologies.
- Abandon and Move On – This is the simplest and least graceful method. Simply put, these developers will either block access to or display warnings on their websites to upgrade users' browsers, or they might just silently crash and burn. The lowest maintenance method, this leaves the responsibility of upgrading to the user.
Let's face it, we can think of similarities for ZSNES. Obviously, some things can degrade gracefully in ZSNES, like less accurate music, fewer effects, and simple inaccurate emulation. However, due to the error-prone nature of such a limitation, it's hard to write complex code that will both take advantage of accuracy and still allow emulation on ZSNES.
While providing two different ROMs is always a possibility, this could easily become a real pain for hack developers, since the current state of SMW hacking is really only designed for a one-ROM per hack basis.
The question is, do we go with the final option? Can we move on, or is the ZSNES user base large enough to maintain.
The bottom line is that, well, ZSNES is
not a problem when it's just a users' choice. If someone doesn't need perfect emulation, that person can make that decision. But when the users' choice of an outdated emulator starts inhibiting modern technology development, we have a problem. Should we design anything to run on just ZSNES or just bsnes just because we want to spite the emulators? No, but at some point, maintaining compatibility is no longer an easy task.
Sorry if this is a bit inflammatory, but I felt the need to post it. I'm done now.