This is a message I find in the Mausoleum Suite.Who could this voice
shirt status: not on
I am makeing a new theard.
Your layout has been removed. for the message sorry
about that.
i foun dawseome secrt grafic in s.nn's usrname! who wrote it?Check out my music!
Noo... I got another Game Over cuz I missed that point...
It's not a secret, it's just Gravemind speaking, telling how he's made mistakes and he's paying the price for them, but nothing else as far as I know, Gravemind wasn't completely destroyed in the blast when High Charity was destroyed, and even when Instalation 00 was destroyed, he's still out there somewhere.
Aside from that you guys probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
- ignore the watermarks, working on a fix for those