Originally posted by MaxodeXAnd exactly why do you think treating him like a piece of garbage will help him at all? What's wrong with you? If you just throw shit at him do you think he'll improve? He's a newbie, we all were at some point, and we all thought our first level was really cool despite all the obvious mistakes, let him be. Seriously, don't be a freaking asshole because he's new.
I have to say I actually doubt this guy is "new" so to say. He seems pretty familiar with a lot of the things new people tend to have trouble with (tile map 16 edits, custom music, ect), and if you play the hack you'll notice it doesn't give of the same feel as your average noob/youtube hack, and since the last hack he uploaded was
this, and the fact that this hack as well as that one lack any real substance other than vague message boxes and "eerily" empty levels, I'm going to assume he was trying to pull a M A R I O. I honestly think this guy knows exactly what he's doing and just doesn't realize that the novelty of it pretty much wears off after the first time. Really, I should have elaborated that a tad more to begin with, but whatever.
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