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Er - by Tubmuffin

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[download zip]

Just...what the heck. #smw{@_@}

Do NOT submit joke/garbage hacks!

And do the followings before submitting a hack again:
- Read the Hack Submission Guidelines
- Watch this video
- Read other hack submission logs
- Read AxemJinx's level design guide
I thought the game was very good. You only played the first two levels.
Originally posted by Tubmuffin
I thought the game was very good.

Why did you make things act weirdly? #smw{o_O?}
Like being able to stand on munchers,
climbing on purple triangles,
and swimming on builet bill shooters. #smw{@_@}
Formerly known as nick 139
My YouTube channel
Originally posted by Tubmuffin
I thought the game was very good. You only played the first two levels.

I played ~4 levels of it and I can tell there is something wrong with it. Trickery map16 (tiles that aren't what they seem - that's TERRIBLE, trust me), blatant editing (always hit CTRL+DEL before starting a level) floating munchers, cutoffs and bad palettes are the main problems I've found in it.

So yeah... Not good. :/
Errmm... is Mario swimming in Bullet Bill Cannons in the second screen? Yeah, just WTF? #smw{o_O?}
I played 4 and a half levels of this and unfortunately, it wasn't good. I quit after cutting the midway berry in Castle because I was forced to reset everything (midway entrance is over a hole and there's no way out). To sum this up, just NO. Start from scratch.

By the way, how long was the entire hack?
Originally posted by Tubmuffin
I thought the game was very good. You only played the first two levels.

Seriously? Then you're a really shitty judge of quality. Were you trying your hand at making another "creepy" hack or do you just really, REALLY suck at this? You don't even need to play more than two of the levels of this hack to tell it's complete fucking garbage.
shirt status: not on
Originally posted by Rextep
Seriously? Then you're a really shitty judge of quality. Were you trying your hand at making another "creepy" hack or do you just really, REALLY suck at this? You don't even need to play more than two of the levels of this hack to tell it's complete fucking garbage.

And exactly why do you think treating him like a piece of garbage will help him at all? What's wrong with you? If you just throw shit at him do you think he'll improve? He's a newbie, we all were at some point, and we all thought our first level was really cool despite all the obvious mistakes, let him be. Seriously, don't be a freaking asshole because he's new.
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to hear birds and see none.
Originally posted by MaxodeX
And exactly why do you think treating him like a piece of garbage will help him at all? What's wrong with you? If you just throw shit at him do you think he'll improve? He's a newbie, we all were at some point, and we all thought our first level was really cool despite all the obvious mistakes, let him be. Seriously, don't be a freaking asshole because he's new.

Same as the other time. Person makes diarrhea-in-a-can hack. Person defends it with stupid arguments. We go ballistic. If people can't accept the nice stuff then we'll tell it like it is.

Let's see, item babysitting, Map16 crap, invisible ground, crappy pallets, no sprites, 2nd level is Kaizo/nigh impossible and it's generally not fun. So yep.
Originally posted by MaxodeX
And exactly why do you think treating him like a piece of garbage will help him at all? What's wrong with you? If you just throw shit at him do you think he'll improve? He's a newbie, we all were at some point, and we all thought our first level was really cool despite all the obvious mistakes, let him be. Seriously, don't be a freaking asshole because he's new.

I have to say I actually doubt this guy is "new" so to say. He seems pretty familiar with a lot of the things new people tend to have trouble with (tile map 16 edits, custom music, ect), and if you play the hack you'll notice it doesn't give of the same feel as your average noob/youtube hack, and since the last hack he uploaded was this, and the fact that this hack as well as that one lack any real substance other than vague message boxes and "eerily" empty levels, I'm going to assume he was trying to pull a M A R I O. I honestly think this guy knows exactly what he's doing and just doesn't realize that the novelty of it pretty much wears off after the first time. Really, I should have elaborated that a tad more to begin with, but whatever.
shirt status: not on
Maxodex is right though, even if I don't really agree with the way he said it. The point of removal logs is not to insult hackers but to help them to fix their hacks. Just because someone's hack is bad it doesn't give anyone the right attack the author, especially if you're not going to say anything helpful.

First off Rex, you have no right to talk to another user like that. You are lucky I don't give you a temp ban

Second tubmuffin, we are not fond of users making duplicate accounts, especially to submit jokes hack like these that waste our time. That can also result in a ban. Don't do it again.

Layout by LDA during C3.
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