Inspired by watching the above Youtube video, I realised exactly how much I'm fascinated by people with amazing singing voices. I think that the voice is a more beautiful instrument than that of anything I can think of. Closely followed, for me, would be the violin and the piano, which explains why I've subscribed to all three of the women in the above video. Also for the fact that they cover video game music too (and Gangnam style, which improved it simply for being played on a piano), which is a plus. :D
I personally can't sing because of my monotonous voice. I do, however, know of a number of vocalists at my school, in my year level, who can captivate an entire assembly simply by singing a mesmerising song. The Maori's from New Zealand who attend my school all have amazing gospel-tier voices and it's simply entertaining sitting next to them why they sing to themselves.
I wish I learnt the piano when I was younger. If I had known I could've excelled in it to the point that Lara, the blonde in the video, has, who covers video game music on piano simply by listening to the song in her earphones while playing every key perfectly, I would've done so in a heartbeat. I wasn't such a music enthusiast when I was as young, unfortunately, as I am now.
So, can anyone here play an instrument? Does a particular sort of instrument or musical tool fascinate you the most, or are you a gifted vocalist?
Mainstream discussion is welcome too but ... eh.
also hi everyone
I've always enjoyed listening to my sister play her Violin when i was younger; enough to the point that when i was in fourth grade i decided to play a string instrument also, i wanted to play the Bass, but the thing would of towered over me, so I chose the Cello instead, and I played it up to the beginning of High school. I enjoyed it simply for fun, i liked hearing the music we played and some times i got to play along with my sister, which i really enjoyed. I stopped at high school because at that point, every student and the teacher took it so seriously, I was a bit discouraged about their obsessiveness for perfection.
I used to have an absolutely terrible singing voice but now that I work night crew with like 4 other people, for the hell of it, I practice singing when certain songs come on, we have a bunch of our own music set up for night shifts instead of the stupid company music.
As for instruments, I play quite a few of them but I only excelled at about 6 of them. More notably the 4 main Saxophones, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone. Others I played include Flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone and French Horn. I tried getting into percussion but to no avail. Same with strings, I absolutely fail at playing violins, cellos, etc but I really love the sounds the produce.I think a post layout goes here somewhere...
Originally posted by Blumiere
I wish I learnt the piano when I was younger. If I had known I could've excelled in it to the point that Lara, the blonde in the video, has, who covers video game music on piano simply by listening to the song in her earphones while playing every key perfectly, I would've done so in a heartbeat. I wasn't such a music enthusiast when I was as young, unfortunately, as I am now.
What's stopping you from learning the piano now? I mean if you really wanna learn to play the piano then just go for it. How old are you? Myself I didn't first pick up an instrument until I was 18 (I play guitar and bass). As far as singing goes I'm a terrible singer, my sister is a fantastic vocalist as is my mother.
Now for what instruments do I enjoy the most I dunno I like many instruments now. I mean when I was a teenager I didn't have much appreciation for anything outside of the electric guitar as I was mostly only listening to metal. Now that I'm older and my musical tastes have broadened I now enjoy the sounds of many instruments.
I think if I had to choose a favorite non-guitar instrument it would be mallet instruments like the vibraphone or the marimba. I think it was the marimba solo in Bellerin' Plain by Captain Beefheart that first made me love the marimba. My favorite wind instrument is the clarinet especially the bass clarinet. I like how dark and spooky the clarinet can make a song. I also like a lot of weird instruments like the theremin.My Youtube Channel My Soundcloud
Originally posted by Sockbat Replica
What's stopping you from learning the piano now? I mean if you really wanna learn to play the piano then just go for it. How old are you? Myself I didn't first pick up an instrument until I was 18 (I play guitar and bass).
I'm 17, but it's extremely inconvenient for me to learn and instrument right now. I have exams in a few weeks and my final year of school is next year and I'm doing pretty hard subjects so I can't afford to be too distracted (I already have gym and social activities taking away enough of my time). I will, however, learn an instrument as soon as I can. I just want to be able to produce beautiful music.
I tried using Fruity Loops a year or two ago back when I started to aspire to compose, but I couldn't grasp the program. I may pick it up again, but I also want to refine my drawing skills.
I have too many hobbies, if you haven't noticed. :P
In 4th and 5th grade, I was in the chorus and I played the trumpet. Though throughut the years, my singing has decayed a bit as a result of my voice deepening at the end of Grade Nine and not having a lot of practice.I no longer have interest in SMW Hacking as I did when I first started several years ago.
I'm rather good at playing the Drums, though I've been taking Piano longer. 8 years for piano and 4 or 5 for drums. I've been playing Bass over the last week, and I've already picked up some simple songs. As for vocalization, I'm decent, though my voice is rather deep, and can be somewhat unappealing. I'm in a musical family, so all of us play multiple instruments, which is a pretty good thing. I highly suggest learning an instrument.
Well, I learned how to play Saxophone Baritone and the Piano although I don't practice/play it anymore but I do have some experience with music.
I just need to practice again to regain my "skill".
I can... sort of play the drums. Other than that, nothin'. As for what I just enjoy in general, I'd have to say just acapella as a whole. If it's done right, the results can be pretty damn graceful.
Singing: I can hum to video game music, but I don't like singing much.
Instruments: I am pretty good at piano- I learnt it from about 7 or 8 years old. Also, I am currently learning recorder, not because I want to, but due to Music Class.USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST
I used to play the piano when I was 11, but I left it a few years after that and never touched it again. I have considered starting again recently, but university takes out my time.
I used to play a recorder back when I was in 2nd grade. I haven't played an instrument since then.
I cannot sing much, nor have I ever played an instrument. However, I have been scatting to music (not actual jazz scatting, but it's more than simple humming). I can even imitate percussion by blowing air either through my tongue and teeth, or between my teeth and out of my cheek, so I can essentially sing on two different 'channels,' if you will. Aside from that, I have no real experience with music.
I can sort of sing, as I've been taking Choir since 6th Grade.
Seeing as my voice is naturally low, I'm currently trying to increase my singing range, although some of those high notes are ludicrously difficult to reach.
I can sing, assuming what people tell me are correct. I did join a talent show last year and won third place for singing We Are Young by Fun.. Though, I was so bummed since there was no prize money for third, and the only reason I joined was for the money =P
I want to learn how to play the guitar, since it's so ubiquitous and is really useful as background music. I also want to learn how to play the piano, for the reason of playing SMW's Castle BGM in a church or something.
I've played guitar mainly for couple years now. I personally like it as an instrument. There's nice variety for the tones, it can get really high for melody and it has some bass-ish tones too. It feels like it's great for composing, since you can play the same note from 5 different octave and I think this basic tuning for 0 frets EADGBE is awesome setup as you can take the same chords from 3 different places and as well play around with octaves. Plus there are bunch of other techniques and different guitars which have different features. I like both acoustic and electric guitar, sometimes it's nice to play a sad melody, and sometimes I want to just rock the world and hit the fifths with amp volume on max and distortion.
Other than guitar my favorite instrument is flute. Not like I could play it, never tried anything else than guitar and piano (can play piano a little but won't get the logic to play with both hands) and celesta at school (yeah, lol). I just love the sound of flute. Like very high pitch but softer than violin, as it's sharpnes won't get me too happy after a while.
In quite a few years while in mid and high school, I played the trombone. Even had a year or two of marching band. I sang in a choir as well for one or two years. I'd like to play the trombone or start singing again eventually but it has been so long I would have a lot of catching up to do again. Where I am found.
I'm learning how to play the Piano right now. One of the songs I'm playing right now is the Entertainer, which is awesome.