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Old Dark Side of The Kingdom Thread - Mods please close

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sorry about that here is a fix.
RMG Productions
I would like to claim another level, but before I do, I want to know if Divine Acropolis is good to go and if I need to get the newest base ROM. would also like to figure out how to reach W6, W7 and W8 on the overworld map, just in case I build a level there.

After I get a response, I'll let you know what levels ans sublevels will be claimed.
Here is the Green Switch Palace This is a short mini game level
you can call it.What do you think.
Originally posted by levelengine
I would like to claim another level, but before I do, I want to know if Divine Acropolis is good to go and if I need to get the newest base ROM. would also like to figure out how to reach W6, W7 and W8 on the overworld map, just in case I build a level there.

After I get a response, I'll let you know what levels ans sublevels will be claimed.

1. I'd officially call Acropolis finished.

2. W6 is right below W5, W7 and W8 should be findable just by clicking View-->Level #.
@Moose: Expect my comments on your latest piece tomorrow. Also fun fact because I had almost started writting something for this submap. Ugh, that was close.

@levelengine: Any other possible changes shall be done by leaders if felt necessary. But aside from that, I think your level is fine and accepted.

Originally posted by levelengine
would also like to figure out how to reach W6, W7 and W8 on the overworld map, just in case I build a level there.

The Base has debug features.

> Press Start+Select to beat a level via regular exit.
> Press Start+B+Select to beat the level via secret exit (don't do this on 1-exit levels or it may screw up the paths/events on OW).

@Buried Alive: I'll playtest your level and give comments tomorrow, as well.



Originally posted by Egadd
Also, you only have to give us the ips of the level.

Yep. But in case of using external resources, then you should zip everything including the level IPS file.


Playtested Shoryuken's level.

Very well made. I'm still impressed with the palettes' quality and the background. Plus, your design style is pretty peculiar to mine (not saying it's a bad thing - I appreciate it a lot). Just one little problem I've found aside from the cutoff tiles stated by Egadd:

> It is not really evident in a static screenie, but the beehive kind of floats here because of the corner tile.

In this case, you could rearrange this section or use a custom block. I can code the block for you if you don't want to edit the level.

As for the cutoffs, I've just noticed it's a Map16 issue. There are duplicated tiles of the walkthrough edge without the fill in Page 8. Guess that the fault is mine when I've submitted my last Base update.

This means that the tile needs to be reassembled. I will make it easier for MrDeppel and send him the updated Map16 page.

Almost forgot, too. The Falling Spike sprite needs to be tweaked so it can't be killed by sliding. And its death animation should be set to disappear in puff of smoke. That is because it shows a weird frame when killed, be it by sliding or by star.


And for people complaining about the music crashing in levels: Cave Drums song, due to AM4.05's usage, doesn't work on a real SNES. I'm remembering that, and I want to say that it's not a real problem because in the future we may have custom compositions there, so, don't worry, guys.
I'd just like to let you guys know that I am still working on the castle theme. I'm not dead or anything, I've just been busy with other things. Now that I have some spare time, I should be able to hopefully finish by tomorrow or Wednesday.
soundcloud / bandcamp / twitter / youtube / vgm album
@Moose: Your Forest thing SPC is cool, but I don't know... it does fit something (maybe the Bonus submap), but for the forest, I expect a tune with little to no percussion and with a more calm feel. Not eerie like Forest of Illusion, but eh, something like that, I guess.


Playtested Buried Alive's Green Switch Palace level. My thoughts:

I didn't really enjoy it. I do think it's okay to make something based on POW coins and the like, but the design is a bit bland.

The main problem I had with it was the fact that there isn't really much of an indication of where you need to fall to be teleported to the Switch room. And the second odd thing about it is that we enter the next sublevel via a horizontal pipe. It'd make more sense if the player fell down the screen in that room.

And maybe it may be just me, but I didn't like the usage of Castle Blocks in the level. But hey - I've just remembered that the Switch Palace tileset is not very... "complete" - I mean, it lacks of corner tiles, slopes, corners and such. But luckily there's an extension on the Graphics section that we could make use, plus, I have some ideas of decoration that I will talk about in the future.

Switch Palace FG Extension

There's a variety of extensions in the Graphics section, but this one is smaller and has less 8x8s, at the same time it has all the necessary things with no exaggerations.

Now, the leaders decide what to do with the level.
Yeah, about the switch palace level...
I don't like it to, for the reasons Q-Bee said. And the thing is, Switch Palaces are special levels which are supposed to have a gimmicky leveldesign or a gimmicky minigame. And, sorry Buried Alive, your switch palace was very boring and not interesting at all. Egadd, what's your opinion? Take the level and improve it or just start from scratch? I think we should redo it completely sry.
People, I'm worried.

I know we don't have a Base update as of now, but honestly, the lists could have been updated more often, to avoid future confusion if users want to join and they don't have any idea of what's been claimed so far.

I've just reread the entire thread and checked out the lists. So here's the compillation of updates they need:


Claims and Drops (Level and OW):

> ShadowPhoenix claimed Level 004. < er, conflicts there...
> Buried Alive claimed Level 005.
> MrComedyLP claimed Level 107.
> RealMarioGamer claimed Cheep-Cheep River (W2) submap.

Claims and Drops (Compositions):

> Q-bee dropped Spirit's Lair Fortress composition.
> Egadd claimed the Grass/Dirt Cave composition.
> Q-bee claimed Heaven/Clouds Theme composition.
> Moose claimed Spirit's Lair Fortress composition.

Levels/Maps/Compositions Accepted (a.k.a. [COMPLETE]):

> Level 004, by RealMarioGamer (Still depends on ShadowPhoenix)
> Level 007, by Lunar Mario 17
> Level 01E, by Shoryuken
> Level 10D, by levelengine
> Mushroom Kingdom Submap composition, by Q-bee
> Cheep-Cheep River Submap composition, by Q-bee
> Spirit's Lair Cave composition, by Egadd

Looks like we already had some confusion there. RealMarioGamer took Level 004 in place of ShadowPhoenix. I sent ShadowPhoenix a PM to warn him about the situation, and with that said, the fate of RealMarioGamer's level is on his hands now.

And hopefully I didn't overlook anything.


The domain calls our name...

Or whatever, I do already think on the possibility of retaking leadership on this project. Already said that a while ago, but firstly I'll finish my occupations (playtesting LunchBreak, finishing the Heaven Level song, porting a song for ShadowAlexandre as well as some other SMW experiments). Once I'm done with those, I want to lead this again as well.
Originally posted by Q-bee
> Level 004, by RealMarioGamer (Still depends on ShadowPhoenix)


Looks like we already had some confusion there. RealMarioGamer took Level 004 in place of ShadowPhoenix. I sent ShadowPhoenix a PM to warn him about the situation, and with that said, the fate of RealMarioGamer's level is on his hands now.

Meeeeh, I can Claim another level, that's all ok. #smw{:TUP:}
But Anyway I answered the PM...
Yeah, I agree. Scrap GSP and maybe put it back up for grabs? I think Buried should maybe do a normal level. I'd put my usual screens up, but the real bad thing about the level is it's just reeeeeeeeally boring. Of course, it's sort of Buried's choice whether he drops it or not.

For Level 004, I saw that earlier, but I was conflicting over mentioning it because of the complexity of the situation.

>ShadowPhoenix says he's claiming it AFTER Buried's level is done.
>Mrdeppel never adds his name to the list.
>RealMarioGamer claims it a while later.
>004 is finished.

Who screwed up?
ShadowPhoenix got all weird about waiting until after Buried and then didn't call the conflict out when RMG claimed 004.
Mrdeppel never changed the list.
RMG didn't bother reading through the thread (though I can't blame him).

I believe Mrdeppel is at fault. This hack is not being updated as it should. I will claim all of the level lists and the like if necessary. I'd rather not do baserom updates. We need both lists and baserom updated as often as possible to keep mistakes like this (or even worse, Map16 screwups) from happening. Back when Q-bee led, we were having baserom and list updates at least once every two days. I think that either Mrdeppel needs to get his act together or someone else take some of the load off.
I will dorp the GSP and work claim level level 01B.
Quick fix note:

Both of these have discolorations in the status bar, bad item box for the first and bad name for the second.
So I was watching the videos linked in the first post and I have a couple of things to point out:

Smash Mountain 8 - Needs more coins. It feels empty and coins are a great way to prevent this.

Mushroom Kingdom 1 - Has too many coins; there were a few parts with large blocks of coins and it's a bit too much. Also the time limit needs to be raised.
Originally posted by Egadd

Both of these have discolorations in the status bar, bad item box for the first and bad name for the second.

For the first screenie, SMW King 2000 still didn't finish his level, though this was his progress showoff a while ago. I think that this image isn't really fitting for the first post as it's still not done, thus still not accepted.

As for the second, it's an outdated one (you can see by looking at the honey in the ground which has been redrawn by default). I've just checked the current available Base and everything is fine there.

Originally posted by Egadd
Map16 screwups

Map16 is not really much of a problem. For example, if two people did a level each, and coincidentally used the same Direct Map16 tiles they've customized their own way, once we port levels to the main Base ROM, we can move the tiles used by one to another free place, and use the tile remapping function on LM to fix most of the tiles in level. When I was leading, this kind of situation happened with Sockbat Replica's Level 008. The page that he used by default already was edited in the Base. But I could remap the entire level easily and quickly.

Same thing with Secondary Entrances. It's possible to reconfigure all of them. However, this takes much more time than just the Map16 fixing, because you may need to replay more than one level to see if everything is pointed right.

Originally posted by K3fka
Smash Mountain 8 - Needs more coins. It feels empty and coins are a great way to prevent this.

Mushroom Kingdom 1 - Has too many coins; there were a few parts with large blocks of coins and it's a bit too much. Also the time limit needs to be raised.

That's something that I've already noticed, as well, but didn't bother much about it because in the final version, things like that are very subject to change.


Map16 Page 8 fix. Fixes not only Shoryuken's level, but also my Cheep-Cheep River 6 level. Some grass 8x8 had swapped places. Now that's fixed, as well.
You can retile levels made out of Map16 easily? Good Lord, where have I been?

Aside from the coin comment on SM8, I'm thinking I might need to add an extension. I believe it's hard enough as it is (which was one of the concerns of the SS&V thread) but it needs more length. I'll probably tag a couple of screens on in Lvl 33 if I have the time.
And I'd like to suggest placing the extended section of your level before the Midway Point, because I felt the first section was pretty short. When I've reached the first pipe, I was, like: "Midway already?"

Originally posted by Level Signups - 12/12/12
(W1) Mushroom Kingdom | Map Designer: Oh Hell No [COMPLETE]

Level Number: World Number/Theme: Level Designer:
001 W1 (Regular/Grass) Buried Alive [COMPLETE]
002** W1 (Regular/Grass) Buried Alive [COMPLETE]
003 W1 (Regular/Grass) mrdeppelman [WIP]
004 W1 (Regular/Grass) -unclaimed-
005 W1 (Green Switch Palace) -unclaimed-

006 W1 (Cave) -unclaimed-
007 W1 (Regular/Grass) Lunar Mario 17 [WIP]
008 W1 (Regular/Grass) Sockbat Replica [COMPLETE]
009 W1 (Castle) SMW King 2000 [WIP] (boss by ???)

Without wanting to complain, but the oudated list is causing trouble to us, I'll claim the level 006 (if isn't claimed) and You guys know the sublevel that I'll claim, 034.

Please deppel, update the list... waiting for Buried Alive for no more trouble in this thread...
According to all the info I had compilled, and again, another checkup on the entire thread, level 006 is free indeed.

ShadowPhoenix, 006 is yours, then.

These types of confusion won't end without a list update, so... I'm gonna make my own lists now and then edit this post with them.


Level and OW Signups
Thank You, Q-bee

Also, just to be sure, You guys can pass for me the link of the updated BaseROM? I guess the link in the first post of the thread is a bit oudated, and also, in the new list...

Originally posted by New List
005 W1 (Green Switch Palace) -unclaimed-



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